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The Truth About Lies

I came for Fran Kranz, I stayed for the LIES
Stop giggling about the 'I came' line, get your mind outta the gutter.

Ok, I'm really confused, but I have a hunch, so let me speculate here.

This film was not great. It was OK, but not really memorable or witty. It was an interesting take to be rooting for the cheaters of the story, and not the one they cheated on (even though we are meant to feel this way, I don't think the script did a good enough job convincing me that the wife cheating on her husband was a good idea). But that's not why I'm here. I'm here because the ending of this story was TERRIBLE. You expect me to feel like this is a happy ending because the 2 leads get together after the guy reconciles with his ex and she (the ex) has done nothing wrong? And the wife says she 'messed up' to her husband, and that's it? It's a clean separation, she has no bad karma or anything? WHAT??? I was so confused that the film just ended with Gilby cheating on his ex, now current girlfriend, and while they were getting along so well too. I didn't want him to end up with the wife! If you wanted me to feel this way, why even put the ex back in the picture? It's like you rewarded your character for lying and cheating by not giving him any consequences. Oh well! Guess I'll just go back to my old girlfriend then! She'll have me back! I learn nothing! I'm a big jerk! CLEARLY!

But but but! That's not the best part! The best part is reading all of the ridiculously generic positive reviews for this film, giving it 7 to 9 out of 10 stars for every review! And also this on rotten tomatoes! WHAT?!?!?!? Oh that's rich. That's laughable. The handful of people that saw this film probably all had a really good laugh. The trailer on youtube give all these accolades right at the beginning, for all the film festivals this film has been peddled to, with the palm leaf frame. People like palm leaves, makes things look important, right? But this film is NOT a modern day When Harry Met Sally. All of these reviews were all written in November of last year. Smells like bribes! Might even be all the same person, who knows! I've just never seen anything so manufactured on review pages as I have here. I just had to write something, and I haven't wrote a review in years.

Anyway, I love Fran Kranz. He is the very best thing about this film, and you gave him to me in spades. I thank you for that. As for the rest of it, please look up books by Sidney Lumet and then come back to the world of filmmaking, kaythanksbye.

Life on Mars

Where do we stand?
Why oh why? This is exactly what's wrong with TV and film today. We are living in a post-modern/pastiche time, and yes, I am a pessimist. But with good reason. I understand perfectly why a US network would spend all this time and money trying to remake a fabulous show like the original Life on Mars. I just find it really sad. They recognize a brilliant, quirky idea and if they tried to do something like it, say not a cop but a FBI agent, not the 70s, but the 60s, not a guess, but actually time traveling, everyone would say it's washed up and been done before. This is their way of jumping on a slightly more original bandwagon. Actually, I think they are making it very easy for us. We aren't being duped into watching some other drivel that looks original on the surface. And for those of us who have seen and loved the original, then we don't have to watch this one, and we can recommend to anyone the real series is far better than watching someone try to do it again. All we can do is hope that this doesn't last (it might...sigh) but for the moment, the people in the know can take comfort in knowing that there is something far more original out there.

Utes Ende

Cows Should Not Be Trusted
...Especially in the film industry. This cute little short I came across while watching the short film channel. I don't do that often, but found that this short film spoke loads about the film industry and commented on the politics of acting and actors. Apparently it is all favouritism and serious sucking up. But at least we can laugh at it. I guess its a powerful way to show a commentary on an issue that hits close to home for the people who made this film. A well deserved nod from the golden lion. Hope you don't feel to grossed out when relationships are suggested. I hope the cow didn't have the heeby-jeebies afterwords. Poor thing.

Traffic Warden

Proves you don't need words to speak volumes
A simple plot, words gone, this film proves why short films a still the best and most complete art form. Well, at least it's been a while since I've seen a short film. Tennant and Hunter portray love at first sight wonderfully. The director proves that this simple plot is such a universal, if not dreamy, understanding amongst everyone, no matter who they are. Words then become useless, and any little push the audience needs in the right direction is shown written, on signs along the way. Maybe they were going for a destiny thing, I can only guess. Still, people like twists on old favorites, and that is what makes this film so charming. I myself am a victim of THAT need for love/escapism/happy endings. I'm sure you are too.

The Beatles Revolution

This was great! I've always known the Beatles but I've never truly been a big fan until now. When I watched this documentary, I was so happy. The Beatles Revolution told me (almost) the whole story of the fab four from the beginning to the end. I can't say that I have a favorite Beatle either because they're all my favorites. They're all cute and my movie collection of their works is slowly but surely growing. This comment probably made little to no sense but I don't care because I'm on Christmas break! See you in the new year (or whatever...)

The Princess and the Goblin

There is a power
For anyone who has seen this movie, they know what I'm talking about. This movie is pretty good although there is exaggeration in some parts. Personally, I like the song. It has a nice beat, very medieval and it gives hope. It was made in Hungary and it won a prize. YES! When I first got this movie, people who came to my house always wanted to watch it and I got sick of it. Now I just watched for the first time in 3 years and it was good. Watch it! You'll like it! If you've seen it already, you must really think the goblin cat is the most hilarious thing in the movie.

Random Hearts

This was, in a word, BORING! as many people have said the same for this movie. Harrison, what were you thinking? Well, my mom is on your side anyway. She thinks you should have made another Star Wars film instead. Actually, Harrison Ford was the only good thing about this movie. Weren't to hard on the eyes if you know what I mean. Before I even watched this movie, there was something about the cover that turned me off. I guess I was right, but my mom really wanted to see it so I watched it with her. I should stick to my intuition more often. Someone get me out of here!

Eye of the Beholder

Yay! Ewan Rocks!
Sorry, but I have this crazy thing for Mr. McGregor and that is the only reason I liked this movie. Yeah, yeah plot line was good acting was good blah blah blah and then there was Ewan. Two thumbs up, and toes and feet and head and hands and ....

Sleepy Hollow

Just be glad you're not a chicken
That was the best movie I've seen in a long time. I loved it. For Christmas I received the book sleepy hollow that was written from the movie and then the real story by Washington Irving afterwards. It was so good because it made you want to read it all the time until the end and I finished the book in 3 days. (not constantly reading of course, I'm not that slow of a reader) It described the gory details so vividly that I thought the movie was going to be really gross and disgusting with blood. And then I found out it was. Well, not really. My imagination made the book good. But I absolutely fell in love with the movie. I think everyone loved Johnny Depp's portrayal of Icabod Crane. I know I did. (tee hee) His acting was so good because of his facial expressions and the fact that Icabod is so timid and meek that he faints every time something graphic happens. And hats off to Mr. Burton. He rocks at making scary movies. My favorite is The Nightmare Before Christmas. Keep on rollin'.

The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo

It's a mystery
This is one of those shows that make you think. It's cute in a way because of the story and how everything is solved at the end. I'm upset though that I only get to see it in the afternoon if I'm not in school. The acting is okay although the plot does seem a bit unrealistic at times. But I like mysteries and that makes it all worth while.

Double Jeopardy

Can you murder some one twice?
This was a really good action movie. I liked it, it was what an audience is looking for in a movie. It's got thrills, suspence, action, drama and even some humor. Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones gave fine performances. I feel though that Mr. Jones wasn't in all that much of the movie to be a lead character. He was more like a secondary character, but as my film teacher said, women always have to be backed up by a man or the movie is an art flick. Other than that, it was a great movie and had a few fresh ideas.

The Peanut Butter Solution

Wow! Hair!
The peanut butter solution is a good story for young and old alike. I was watching it on showtime and my mom came in from work and started watching it too. The movie was so cute that she giggled all the way through it. That was good because I love to hear my mother laugh. So I guess you could say that this film is good to watch if you want to relax your nerves, and relieve stress. It's so healthy and comical because of the little things that make up the whole story. But then again, to me, it wasn't the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life. If you want to find out what that is you'll have to track my comments down. It was a little slow at the start of the movie but it got better as the film went on. The main character was the funniest because his hair looked so crazy. And I also learned that peanut butter sticks to bald heads......

Star Trek

Gasous Ball of Fire Mission
Well,that's what STAR TREK means, doesn't it? A gasous Ball of fire is a star isn't it? And a trek is a mission isn't it? Anyway, I thought I'd be correct but star trek just rolls off your tongue doesn't it? Personally, I can't really identify with this series and it sort of turns me off because of the tacky props and costumes. And I know what all the trekies are thinking of me right now when I say this, but I grew up watching STTNG and it had better graphics and I'm sure it was great in the '60's but I was born in a high-tech world and that's what I'm used to. I recently saw the episode where these people come on to the Enterprise and want to get to the planet called Eden. I'm sorry, but those were the cheesiest (and most revealing) outfits I have ever seen. Crazy man. Who would have thought people of the 23rd century could look so much like hippies?

American Beauty

Beautiful American Lifestyles
It's another one of those "oh, so that''s what it's really like!" movies. All I can say is Wow! The acting was superbly done, the setting and colour usage were fantastic. I know that's how the story was supposed to go but it was so raw to me it was almost scary. I guess that's what made it good, because of it's 'realism'. But I don't think it should have won best picture at the Oscars. I don't know maybe I'm wrong to some people. My favorite character I would have to say was Lester because of his humor. I can sort of relate to the story too and I think that's why people liked it so much. Good Job Mr. Meades!

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

This Is My Final Answer
So, you want to be a millionaire? Have you got what it takes? I have to say that some of the questions before the 1000 dollar level are very easy. But I can imagine that the pressure is unbearable when you get into that hot seat. Regis with his wicked smile, the audience and all that staring. It's enough to drive a person bonkers. Overall, the show is addictive. You watch it at home so you can feel smarter than the contestant especially when they don't know the answer. It's thrilling and it looks like Regis has his hands full for a while.

Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Canadian and American Humour Combined
I like the fact that Whose Line is on the air. I have seen almost every show, British and American, because I get the comedy network and abc. Oh baby I have to tell you... when I see that show I'm giddy, light-headed and I hurt all over. And that's just from laughing too much. I tell you, this show is really hazardous to your health. (kidding) It really brightens me up when I'm in a sour mood, it's my happy juice. My favorite comedian is Colin because, you guessed it, he's Canadian. But all the comics on that show act superb. Wayne, Ryan, Brad and Drew are all great and it looks like they're just having fun with their job. It's one of my most favorite shows on tv and I hope it doesn't go away too soon.

Growing Up Brady

The Naked Truth
If you LOVED the Brady Bunch then maybe you don't want to see this movie. What everyone thinks the Brady Bunch was like wasn't like that at all in real life. Barry Williams shows you what it's really like to grow up a "Brady". Overall, it was a good movie and made you say at the end: "So that's what really happened after the camera's stopped rolling!"

Planet of the Apes

an excellent movie you'll go ape over
Wow! That's a starting word for this incredible movie that makes you think about the future before you. If you like people dressed up like monkeys you have to see this movie. I myself own it on video and watch whenever possible. (well, maybe not that often!) The acting was superb! (especially by Roddy McDowell, Kim Hunter and Maurice Evens) The only thing that I don't like was the confusion in some parts of the story. Other than that, Franklin Schaffner knew what he was doing. Thank goodness for the media.

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