
IMDb member since May 2000
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I'm a Dirty Filthy Cocksucking Cunt!

Hey diddly dee, an Actors life for me!!?!
I really must admit that just the name made me want to rush out and buy a copy of this Movie. It is an elegant and highly graceful picture, with the finest Actors and Engineers in the industry trying to get the message across! A tailor-made screenplay with a beautiful dialogue makes this "hidden gem" a timeless classic!!. I understand and the guys that made this understand, that this is just a harmless bit of fun, and no woman is really going to get offended by the subtle name or the content!

I really would like to take some time out and thank the Internet Movie Database deeply for bringing this Motion picture to my attention. I hope the world comes to its senses and realises that films like these are not degrading, and that there is a fully professional cast and crew of about 13 (including some of the biggest influential people in hollywood,) working around the clock to bring you the best in cinema entertainment!!!

I would give this Movie: All it deserves out of 10

Thanks for reading

The Boss

The Making of 'Terminator'

Nice night for a walk aye?
James Cameron is no doubt, one of the finest directors of all time!. In this "making" featurette we get an insight into how he achieved his visionary masterpiece. In my mind he is probably one of the only directors that can reveal Arnies true colours!.

We also get to view fan favourites Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen. Theres an interview with the big man, Mr Schwarzenegger, And oh yeah, lets not forget everybodys favourite:- Bill Paxton.

Fantastic Max

This 16 month old baby (and friends) have adventures in space.
Fantastic Max was awesome! A story about a baby and two friends who go on all types of adventures, including through space. I clearly remember the Max's main catch phrase, which they used through the entire series, it was....."Dirty Diapers". FX (Max's alien friend) was a green alien doll had a pull string on his back, everytime Max pulled, FX would say "Rock and Roll" lights and flashes would appear and Majical stuff would happen. With this majic things could me made real!. Incidentally the voice of FX was played by a so called Mrs Nancy Cartwright. The other friend was A.B.(who is his babysitter) A.B was made out of building blocks and Max had used FX's majical string to bring him to life!.

Far Out Man

What does Soul Man 2 do 4 u?
If you like Chong, Soul man or C Thomas Howell then this is the movie for you. Chong is trying to make us laugh on his own, but realistically is in desperate need of Cheech for this one. I liked it, but have also met people who didn't, maybe Im being bias cause im a C&C fan. Honestly speaking, it doesn't touch classics like "the Corsican Twins" or "Up in Smoke" but something about the film seems to draw me to it. We begin with an old skool hippie (chong) who goes on a road trip in search of his long lost family. He meets up with his son (Paris Chong, Tommy's real-life son), who is pretty straight in real life, but in the movie he's totally the opposite. Together they go off to see America. A majority of Tommys real life family have roles, daughter Rae Dawn and Wife Shelby both have lines. I think in order to make a judgment you should view it first.

Mel Gibson's Video Diary 2: Lethal Weapon 3

Understanding the Process!
This video diary is hilarious! Not only do you get the main actors giving you an in-site into what they were trying to achieve with the characters, but you also get a feel of their on-set experiences!. Of course Mel Gibson is the bomb! But you have to give out respect for Danny Glover, Joe Pesci and Rene Russo whos contribution makes the lethal weapon series probably the greatest cop films of all time!. Keep them coming Richard Donner!.

The Sixth Sense

Totally Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are all fools, we could have worked out the ending if only the director hadn't kept us on the edge of our seat thinking about the script!, three cheers to Shyamalan!!. I've read some bogus reviews by punks who have no taste and do not understand films in a great deal!!. So........ theres a a twist at the end and yes it was cool but there is more to it then that. The story is just amazing.

Read my top 5 reasons why there is more to this film than just a twist!

1/ Once thoroughly thought about, then can you fully understand the tragic of a boy who cannot escape his demons.

2/ Bruce Willis. Great Acting by everyone but Bruce Out shines!(what the hell happened at the OSCARS!)

3/ The director did his best to cover the master ending, totally vintage!.

4/ Osment. For a little kid he does very well!.

5/ When i first watched the film i thought yeah this is ok, then about 5 minutes from the end i realised that it was lagging on until the amazing show down. i talked about it for a week!. I've seen a lot of films and i have to say that this is the best thriller ever!. enjoy bav.

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