
IMDb member since June 2000
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Scandal: Sin in the City

Interested in a Woman's POV? This has something for everyone. How 'bout a side of beef with your cheesecake?
It was nice to see some eye-candy for us girls for a change. Usually the guys in these movies look like buffed up nerds, or the hairy guys you used to avoid making eye contact with in the high school cafeteria. I know the guys will disagree, but Jarod Carey is actually the main character and carries almost all the action. (Thankfully). Never fear, there are plenty of babes for the guys.

In a risky move, we see him as an anti-hero. This is not only refreshing, but to my somewhat limited memory, it's the first time I've seen this in this genre.

The plot is a little choppy; like they started out with one story, then changed to another and added some new scenes. However, it moves quickly and keeps you interested. There is an unreasonable amount of sex, but this is, after all, what these movies are all about and watching Jarod Carey is a pleasure. He is a bit stiff (no pun intended) most of the time, but every now a then you see actual acting talent. When it's "working for him", he has a comfortable & casual manner and completely carries the scene. I suspect these are the scenes they started with, and the ones where he appears to be just trying to get through the scene, are the ones they added later. Still, it's not so painful that he looses you, and I find myself looking for other films he has appeared in. Beware; this is one of his most recent and after seeing some of the others I can tell you he is a self-taught actor and has improved greatly with experience.

All things considered, If you're looking for one of these types of movies, this is the only one I would suggest above any of the others, therefore I have to give it an "A" overall.

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