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Summer with the Guys

Very Well Done Indie!
Really well-executed idea that flips the roles in the film of what usually would be the other way around. Good music, fun performances and just really well done overall. And although I know nothing about dancing, I can recognize it was top notch! Another important note is that I totally bought the guys as friends - which isn't always the case in a movie like this. Well done.

Overall this also had some genuinely laugh out loud moments. Very rare for an indie film. This goes well with how polished the film is and the timing and pacing of the story and editing works very well. This would be a recommend for me!


What a great film. B. J. Novak pulls triple duty and crushes it in every category. His writing and directing are top notch here, but he also turns in a wonderfully layered performance. Vengeance part crime thriller, part mystery, part revenge tale, but also laugh out loud funny - all while putting society, our perceptions and prejudices under the microscope.

Novak brings heart to so many scenes in the film, something underscored by the oft repeated line, "heart sees heart". You will also be surprised by the performance of Ashton Kutcher in his best role to date. He is understated and focused, and I hope this will lead to a new direction in his career.

Highly recommend this. Original and a film studios aren't making much anymore.


Really Good Indie Thriller
A really nice indie thriller set during the pandemic that slowly builds the suspense and doesn't let up. Very atmospheric. The slow burn suspense is definitely enhanced by the cinematography and music. Both are extremely well done. And the interesting way video chats and on screen texts are displayed, truly elevates this from the usual low budget fare.

Admittedly, I'm a sucker for "contained" and isolation films and so may of them fall short and are just plain boring. But this one works really well on all levels. The story, the music, camerawork and direction... recommend this one. It won't disappoint!

Dead Again

An incredibly well done stylish thriller. Performances, direction, script, etc., were all fantastic. Contains one of the best jump scares ever and it is entirely created by the score and Emma Thompson's reaction to something Kenneth Branagh says. Such a great film.

Death Link

Fun Throwback Movie
Fun popcorn movie and a throwback to 80's slasher films, but with a social media / influencer slant. Has some great funny moments and the cast is easy on the eyes!

The Misadventures of Mistress Maneater

Fun Indie!
Nice performances and a good story with a nice blend of comedy throughout. I am a sucker for a cool title and this film turned out to be a fun indie surprise. Check out Mistress Maneater!

Kin Dread

Well Paced
A slow burner, but well paced mystery-thriller. Kept me guessing, enjoyed the overall story and thought it was well written. Good indie film!


Well Crafted Indie Drama
A really strong cast, which is something you don't always see in an indie film. The story holds up throughout and there are several touching moments. This is a "throwback" of sorts to romantic dramas of the past, framed by tragedy and characters having to overcome. Well done by the cast and filmmakers - check it out!


Worth It
The title might imply this is going to be a bloodfest or old school slasher movie, but it's a well done indie horror-thriller that has some strong dramatic scenes and some solid mystery elements. But don't be fooled by the "indie film" description - this is a very well done low budget movie and the performances are very good throughout.

Chicago Rot

Surprising Indie Film
This is a crazy blend of horror, fantasy and sci-fi, and if you like some gore and cool makeup and effects, you will not be disappointed. A surprising accomplishment for an indie film! The music and performances are just icing on the cake and make this a really fun and interesting film.

The Midas Touch

Over-the-Top in a good way. A really fun watch and perfect for fans of crazy "out there" comedy.

Back to Berlin

A Unique Journey
I love documentaries and this one is a unique journey and oftentimes moving film. In discussing the past, and addressing some terrible events, this doc sheds new light on a repeatedly discussed subject. A beautiful one to watch and definitely recommend.


Not Many Good Things About This One
Performances were - even with some of these great actors - pretty poor. The action was not directed well and the story and motivations continued to go downhill after the first scene. Skip this one.


Quirky Fun
What an interesting, quirky, science fiction trip. Visually amazing, especially for an indie film. Love the art design for the production! The performances are fun and the movie has a lot to say about so many current issues that are going on in our world in 2020.


Film Within a Film
I'm a big fan of the film "You're Next", so I was drawn to this by Nicholas Tucci. But I also love the film within a film conceit and "Myth" does a great job with it. I liked the mix of comedy and thriller/drama, and it takes you on a fun journey.

Key Lime Voodoo

Great Soundtrack and Atmosphere
The majority of indie films of this nature have no soundtrack to speak of, but Key Lim Voodoo has a really great soundtrack! Really great music throughout. And while this might have been a low budget movie, they really make use of a ton of interesting locations. Love the atmosphere - and I am guessing the set dressing was mostly already at each location. Great use of that! I enjoyed the story and characters and the editing and jump cut style works for the most part. Give this indie a try!

The Stalker

A Horror Throwback
A nice throwback to 80's horror. It's got some great chilling moments and really dug the pacing. Well done overall.

The Berlin Bride

Unique film that sticks with you
Really original film. Very unique in the way it is told and one that sticks with you for a while after you watch it. Many of the shots are artistic and almost like paintings. The performances are strong even though there is little dialogue. Actually hard to find a movie to compare this one to! But it's incredibly well done and definitely worth a watch!


Feel Good Film
Light hearted and feel good film. The story centered around a group of misfits banding together is something the world really needs right now. Good performances all around, but especially from Paul Guilfoyle who never disappoints. And the score completes the package. Recommend this film!

Sweet Sunshine

Feel Good Movie
A heartwarming movie that has good performances and music to go along with it. A nice easy watch!

Making Time

Good Indie Time Travel Flick
I'm a sucker for time travel movies and this one caught my eye because of the similar title it shares with "About Time". It's low budget, but a well made movie. It's funny and charming, and a very "Back to the Future" plot to it, so fans of those movies will really dig it!

Into the Void

Perfect for a Pandemic
This movie really hits home, given the state of the world right now as we face off against a pandemic. Right off the bat, you see some characters wearing face masks, which helps in setting it apart from many zombie films.

It's well shot and the love story is interesting. Some really nice thriller moments as well. It breezes by and there is never a dull moment.


Slow and Steady Horror
This one starts slow and simple, then doesn't let up on the tension. Minimal in sets and cast, which works perfect for this story, HEX is a great entry in the recent resurgence of "art horror". The camerawork and score are also top notch here and really enhance the story!

A Slice of Life on Barcelona

Edgy Indie
Simply put: a fun indie drama with some sex, drugs and rock & roll. Some good performances in this and lots going on (and a few bad decisions). Well told, as the director didn't let the low budget put constraints on the story.

The Evil Down the Street

Spooky Indie
Stumbled onto this because an actor in it had directed another indie I enjoyed and when I saw it was inspired by actual events, I had to give it a watch. I wasn't expecting big special effects and such that you see in big budget films, and I'm glad they didn't attempt that stuff. The filmmakers built the tension nicely throughout and the performances added to it. It's easy for "overacting" in one of these paranormal horror indies, but the director and cast really kept things in check and at the same time didn't try to go too over the top with the drama. Good scares and the story played out well. Definitely check it out!

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