
IMDb member since August 2000
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Mission: Impossible III

Very nice
It was a very nice. Always a pleasure to see Tom - he's got the clout to draw the big dollar investors - and uses it (look at the screen!). Its just that, I really liked MI2 - much more stylish, much grittier, too. This wasn't exactly what I was hoping for - but all-in-all, I DON'T feel like I wasted 2 1/2 of my life. Now, if he would just do something to show that he is an ACTOR, as well as a Stuntman - that would be GREAT - because HE can do it (remember Born on The Fourth of July???) The Supporting Cast was okay - but Ving Rhames role seems to be getting to be - I dunno: technical? phoned in? And Jonathan Rhys Myers - come on: he was Elvis Presley for crying out loud - but I guess everyone just needs a paycheck once in a while. So: Summation: Tom, ya done good - real good. Be proud of MI-III; people can do (and have done) a LOT worse!


NIce to see Sam again
Nice to see Sam again. Much as I like watching his movies, I really hope this doesn't become just another series - maybe an infrequent series -like two or three a year. Its pretty obvious that there is a lot of background in this - and in order to keep up the production values, it needs to be treated like the Special Event that Sam is. It was just nice to see him looking like a regular person. But he still has that incredible voice (he's the voice of IBM and the Beef Council, too). There was lot of thought that went into this - lots of pre-production was very evident - it was well made - and worth the wait!!


Very true to original story.
Excellent. Very true to the original story. Sam Elliott is the quintessential "cowboy" actor. Louis L'Amour took a great deal of time researching his characters: from central characters to "extras" - this piece rings authentic with the way the Old West sounded,looked,and the way the people dressed and behaved. Its also quite romantic - a fact enhanced by the scenes between Elliott and his real-life wife and costar, Katherine Ross.


Wonderful- not pretentious
Most Christmas movies are oriented toward "miracles"- this one is more grounded in reality, and is therefore not restricted in being effective only during the Christmas season. It is about having a clearer understanding of another person, but the usual breakthroughs are much more subtle, and therefore much more realistic.

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