
IMDb member since August 2000
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    23 years



i died trying...
i'm with cbenavidez. this movie made me sick. what was i thinking when i rented it? frank whaley was the reason. secretly i'm mad at him, but publicly he's a little cutie. i got through at least a half hour, but i got in trouble from my landlord because i was using obscene language at 2 in the morning at the top of my lungs. end result: i didn't finish the film. who was the mute? he looked familiar.

Manny & Lo

we like to urinate on lawns?
very agressive. very endearing. the story of two girls and a whole lot of trouble. these chicks rock. i find myself watching this film over and over again. fresh and unhiply hip. lock combinations and bathroom equations. fun. overall, this is extremely fun.

True Romance

a terrible comment, from a terrible person
did somebody say badlands? i am torn. on one hand this is a magnificent piece of work. on the other, tony scott. he blows. quentin is good, though. dialogue. very good dialogue. great small performances by sam jackson and gary oldman, dennis hopper and christopher walken. even brad pitt surprised me. rumor has it tarantino had a magnificent elmore leonard style screenplay that was out of sequence. scott took it and reordered it in a linear format. wonder how it might have been.

i used to watch this every day during breakfast when i was 20. i think it's about time to watch it again. i suck at this. til the future.

Rubin and Ed

random acts of madness
i can't go a week without watching this film. crispin glover is total psycho-crazy. he's psycho-crazy and froot loops and shoes my sister once wore. the dude from head of the class i could take or leave, but crispin... i think it's love. so many memorable lines. such a good story. i can't quite think of anything that compares, but a distant relative to this type of film might be roadside prophets. i can't say anything about this film. you must see this at once. holy sweet kittens. it's time to pop it in again. see you in the future.


drunks on drunks
truly a masterpiece. barfly is like reading a charles bukowski book, only you're seeing it as well. definitely a scotch and water evening, alone in nothing but a t-shirt and boxers. bukowski wrote it. the director misses all marks with everything else ever done, but this is a film to be cherished.

drunks and more drunks. chances of stardom thwarted for a quick drink and some tail. was it really a comeback for faye? rourke nails the character of chinaski. i love bukowski. he even wrote a book about the making of this flick called hollywood. definitely worth checking out.

many great actors have small scenes in this. pruit taylor vince, & the detective from drugstore cowboy (forgive me but i've been deep into the hooch for the past few hours and i can't for the life of me remember his name). also, bukowski has a cameo as a drunkard in the neighbor bar. genious dialouge. laughing and feeling sad all at the same time. this is not a film to be missed. especially on a tuesday evening after your girl leaves you for a man more charming and manly, and who knows a lot about baseball.

over and out.

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