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Takes your breath away
I read a plot summary before seeing this movie and I had my doubts of how it would work out. It sounded like the deaths of Wash and Book were unnecessary, but when I saw the movie, I was relieved to notice that it had been carried out well and they did have a meaning.

When watching Firefly, I often considered Wash a "lesser" character, rather annoying with his jokes, but mostly they were on Jayne and Jayne somewhat deserves to be picked on. Wash carried out his duty, bringing the ship down safely when it was uncertain if they would make it. Also his death marks a sort of a point of no return: even if the ship was in flying condition, the others might not be skilled enough to fly it out of there. Also on the DVD comment track it was said that his sudden death made the whole movie theater burst in laughter. One of the good things about Joss Whedon's productions is that he can make serious things funny (like the torture scene in Firefly). I feel sad for Zoë, though – she wanted to have a baby with Wash and unless he donated to a sperm bank in the past, that dream is now never going to come true. The dialog in the end where it sounds like they're talking about Serenity, it's in fact about Zoë and that's very touching. I wish she would find a moment for mourning and somebody to comfort her.

It's unfortunately impossible to have a movie with 9 main characters, even more if counting the Operative and Mr. Universe, so some of the primary characters from Firefly (mainly Inara) had to stay in the shadows to give room for plot advancement. There simply wasn't enough room for all the things that were considered important in Firefly. They couldn't use Inara's status as a Companion to their advantage because they seemed to be chased by the whole Alliance so diplomatics wouldn't have helped. Also there wasn't much room for romance due to the exhausting pace of the film, but at least Kaylee and Simon got each other in the end (I laughed at River spying on them from the ceiling!) and it is hinted that Inara might also stay.

There was quite a lot of combat and I'm not sure if it was quite necessary, but it was tolerable. I'm glad they didn't show River fighting the Reavers because that would've spoiled a lot. You could imagine that she sacrificed herself, and when the door opens for a moment you wonder if it's the Reavers coming (how did she manage to open the door anyway, didn't Kaylee rig it so that once it is closed, it cannot be opened anymore?) but then we see River standing there and before we can even sigh with relief, the wall behind her crashes to reveal the Alliance soldiers. That's just a priceless moment. I don't care how she did it; I'm ready to believe she's a superhero. Mal fighting the Operative took a bit too long but it ended well.

I don't think that Mal threatened to kill any of his crew; he just said that it's the end of the line for anyone who doesn't want to come along to Reaver territory. Staying behind in a slaughtered town doesn't seem like a very nice option but you could still survive. The Reaver territories must be too wide for circumventing and it seemed like there was no time to waste. It wouldn't be much of a movie if it featured the heroes taking weeks or months to sail through empty space to get somewhere.

I'm not sure how Mal knew the Alliance was waiting behind the ion cloud but a lot of the movie is about intuition. He could've gotten away without alarming the Reavers if he had wanted to, but he shot one of their ships just to catch their attention and have them chasing him to provide a distraction. It's another priceless moment when the ships emerge from the clouds because you would realize what's going to happen right before it happens so you could laugh at the Alliance for thinking Serenity was all alone and vulnerable.

I didn't like the character Mr Universe. He's more like someone from The Matrix or like Eyes Only from Dark Angel; not someone space cowboys would befriend. It was clear that they needed some way for the Miranda information to be broadcast but I just started thinking, wouldn't it have been way cooler if they had infiltrated a major Alliance TV station and sent the message from there? But then we might not have the big fight between the Reavers and the Alliance, and it would be a totally different movie.

Cold Case: Willkommen
Episode 18, Season 3

A touching story
I haven't watched this series before, at least not an whole episode, but after seeing the beginning of this episode I felt like "I must watch this all the way".

As briefly told by the introduction here, the episode starts with a youngish cab driver coming to an audition for the musical Cabaret. He's very nervous, never been on the stage before and almost ready to give up when his voice fails him. But he's encouraged to try again and they end up taking him in for the show. Soon after, right before the first performance, he's found behind the theater, lying in a pool of blood. Now this is what touched me. A young man finally having the chance of a lifetime, and then losing it right on the last possible moment.

The case is reopened as the murder weapon is found, four years after. After the beginning, things advance pretty traditionally, interviewing subjects and finding more and more secrets and lies. Turns out almost everyone in the theater is fierce tempered and a possible subject. This I found a bit ridiculous, leaning on the cliché of the flaming spirits of actors and directors. The characters are very much caricatures, but I suppose it can't be avoided in a series like this.

Ignoring the average middle part, I must say that the ending was very touching. After the murderer (I won't say who it was) has been caught, there's a fade out sequence showing how the latest discoveries touched the remaining cast members, this accompanied by the song Maybe This Time from the musical they were supposed to play. I don't know, maybe it's because I love musicals and was pretty tired at the time of watching, this scene made me cry a bit. If you like crying over made up things, maybe this is something worth watching.

The People Under the Stairs

I liked it
Many people dislike this movie but it's good enough for watching, if maybe not several times then at least once. "Don't damage the face", says Mother and leaves Father to punish Alice for being a bad girl. That's it, I'm hooked to the screen. First time I saw this movie I missed the beginning but it works well without it. Actually you can skip the background story with the financial problems and society issues and stick to the horror - and it's comical side. I specially liked the kid called Roach, who had his tongue cut out for bad words. Alice was also great, a shy little girl that tries to be nice for Mommy and not soil her pretty dress, though she feeds the basement people and guides Fool around when the time comes. When you watch a doll being pulled away from you on a string, you must follow it... Find a candle in the darkness. You know you must get out but the door is locked. The only way out is upwards.

There is a lot of nice visual stuff like the old bathroom or running inside the walls and the light drifting in from bullet holes. Mother and Father live in a fantasy where children are supposed to be pretty and behave. Now a few decades ago that was reality, but they are pulling it over the edge by mutilating their children and locking them in the basement if they're naughty. I recall that the kids weren't really theirs but kidnapped from around the area. Many people writing down the plot have misunderstood it somehow. It is quite poor but in this case it's not supposed to be a main attraction. I bet the writer came up with the idea of a sick mother and burglary in order to get money for medical treatment only after inventing the main idea about the house and the brother and sister living together as a couple, herding a bunch of insane children. Well they must have some reason to get Fool into the house, so why not...

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain

The French are weird but funny
From the first moment I knew Amélie wasn't part of the mass. The short description of her childhood in the beginning reminded me of Matilda, but the rest of the movie shows the main character Amélie if not quite mentally adult, at least grown up. She decides to start doing good things to people, inspired by princess Diana, though her means may be a bit strange. There are many side threads but in the latter half of the movie a relationship starts developing between Amélie and a man who collects thrown-away passport photos. There are many funny scenes you just have to see, though towards the end the film turned a bit boring. There were some surprises but mainly the end was predictable. The introduction of characters is what I liked the most. It's definitely done better in any film I've seen before. Backgrounds of Amélie and her parents have been told in lively fashion which makes them feel like real people.

SPOILER alert: Do not read the next sentence if you haven't seen the movie yet since I'd hate to spoil the surprise.

The best moment (weirdly) was when Amélie's mother was killed by a suicidal tourist dropping on her from the top of a cathedral, where they had been praying for God to give Amélie a little brother.


So this is Britain?
For some reason, Canal+ Film2 channel is showing on my boyfriend's TV. This movie was on this morning. I didn't even know it's name, I just searched with the name of a character since I felt I should comment on this. AKA is most likely a movie not many people have seen, since it deals quite heavily with things that are often swept under the carpet, such as homosexuals and drugs.

This is not a bad movie. I can't see why so many people seem to have rated it 1/10. I gave it 7 since it's not excellent, but still worth viewing. The main thing is the tension between British middle class and aristocrats. Do you remember the episode of Faking it where a sales girl was taught to be a lady? Well this is the same thing but with a boy and no one to teach him. The main character Dean Page is a mama's boy who must leave home and soon finds himself in Paris, pretending to be Lord Alexander Gryffoyn. David and his lover boy Benjamin take Dean/Alex under their wings, unaware of who he really is. Upper class proves to be mostly a bunch of arrogant cocaine sniffers that treat outsiders like s***. Notice when Dean returns home there is a pile of dog poop on the road. The ending is quite predictable, but what's said about David is quite funny.

Le nouveau Jean-Claude

Modern Surrealism
I watched this film last night. The story is about a pizza delivery guy who sometimes paints himself white and goes to the park to pretend he's a statue, plus he starts crying every time someone else does. No wonder his girlfriend dumps him. Jean-Claude reminds me of some Adam Sandler characters. Indeed this movie is somehow similar to Punch-Drunk Love, but much better. There is a whole bunch of interesting side characters, such as Bob, J-C:s friend from job who quite often eats the pizzas he should deliver. Then there's a taxi driver who likes to freak people out and a porno dealer, who has his own secrets. They are strange, but so is J-C, so who could be better company to help him finding a girl. Although the movie deals a lot with sex, most of the characters are very innocent in a way. Worth watching, 9/10.

Serial Lover

I saw this movie on TV some years ago and I'm still waiting for a rerun. I missed the beginning, but what I saw was hilarious. You must have a twisted sense of humor to understand, but if you do, this film is very much worth watching. Like being said, it's about a woman who accidentally kills four men in her birthday party and then tries to hide what she has done. Picture this, a corpse sitting in an armchair, a woolly hat in his head to hide the murder weapon, and everybody thinks he's just watching TV. There is also a scene where some people pee down from balcony on people below and they think it's just raining. And just when you think it's all over... No, I won't spoil the fun. Get ready for a big laugh.

Il fantasma dell'opera

The book was better
This is not the worst movie I've seen but let's admit it, it's quite clumsy. In some parts it was able to capture the feeling in the book, but mostly things went on too fast, everything was easily predicted and the outcome was rude.

There was simply too much blood and slaying. I kept saying all the time "Now he/she will die" and they always did. The violence and such was unrealistic, for example that guy Alfred was pierced by a sharp stone and when he was found (that must have been days after) the blood was still bright red and not black. The corpses also looked very healthy, not pale at all.

I felt a bit embarrassed when watching all the nude scenes when my parents were in the same room. Obviously someone didn't know that everything doesn't have to be showed. Women's breasts could been seen trough the clothes but I guess they didn't use bras back then so it would be realistic.

Christine was as lovely as in the book and I enjoyed hearing her sing for real. Perhaps that made the film worth watching. All the music actually.

American Beauty

(Spoiler alert!) At first I thought this movie was just an ordinary dull problem family drama, but then it started doing parody of that kind of stuff. No wonder American Beauty is so popular, Lester Burnham does about everything an ordinary fellow dreams about doing some day but is just too scared to try. Seemed like everyone was ready to kill him and it was only about who was going to do it first. I guessed the right person, probably because I missed a few minutes from the beginning on the first time watching and didn't get affected by the scene where his daughter hires the boy next door to kill him. But then it was the Colonel after all. Never believed the wife could actually shoot Leslie, all though she was mad, and at least not when he was staring the family photos. That would have been too thick. A great ending anyway, for some reason the main character getting shot is always a good selection.

The Sixth Sense

Best Ending Ever
Wonderful! I had to watch this movie twice to fully understand it, but it was clear that the plot is well constructed. Good thing with the characters is that they are realistic, not clearly "good guys" and "bad guys", and sometimes people are not like the way they seem to be. Music was used well, it highlighted the excitement without being consuming. The ending was really something new - I only wish I would have been the one to invent it! Lucky writer...


Straight to the top of my favorites list
This movie is perfect! Sure, the plot reminds basically the ones of many others (a weak boy must become someone else to make his dreams come true) but the story is still something very different from any other, very touching, especially in the end. And the way it's told: The details aren't being underlined like in so many other films, and they really don't even need to be highlighted.

Best thing about the characters is that none of them is a real "bad guy", which usually seems to be essential in almost every movie. People - although they are stiff, uniform-dressed and faceless - are like real people with their hopes and dreams. Even the investigators are just doing their jobs, not trying to ruin Vincent's life.

And we mustn't forget the use of colors and shapes - this movie is a real piece of art.

Dungeons & Dragons

Worst movie ever!
I'm sorry I ever bought this video. It was a total disappointment. First of all, they tried to make it funny but there was only one good joke. They could have made a parody, or then use completely different characters and plot but no... Make-up then, the ladies had visible lipstick, not such a good fantasy element. And then there was this guy with blue lipstick, what was the point, to kill everyone with laughter?! One good thing there was: the backgrounds in the dragon fight scene, the sky looked just like one in some fantasy paintings. But the makers of this movie should have remembered that a film is more than a painting, it needs a good plot and interesting characters.

Single White Female

Dark side...
Things happening in this movie are easy to foresee, but that doesn't make it less scary. The most frightening thing is that this could happen to anybody. You can never know for sure wether a person is nice or just pretending. And when you know for sure you're living with a maniac and there's no escape, what can you do?

*Next Opinion Includes A Spoiler:*

It's terrible that only way to defeat a killer is to become one. You must release your inner beast and become a hunter. I felt delight mixed with bloodthirst when, in the end, Allie managed to trick Hedra and jumped from the roof to attack.


Only good thing here is the music
I felt I had to see this because everyone else knows this movie. Unfortunately it was a big disappointment and my life would probably be better if I had slept the time I spent watching this. In the beginning of the movie I wondered where the excitement was, isn't this the part of the movie where they make spectators nervous? Then I turned on the sounds (I was first trying not to disturb my mother) and realized that the music was supposed to do the thing. The movie is NOTHING without the sounds! It's full of cliche. In the end I almost laughed when I started thinking about Scary Movie. That's a lot better movie than this!

Pay It Forward

It took time to understand the messages
Things I realized after watching Pay it Forward (for people who have seen this already; Others wouldn't understand what I'm talking about plus they might keep this as a SPOILER):

First I tought the ending was bad (No need in making Trevor new Jesus Christ!), but then I realized why Trevor really had to defend Adam: Because he realized that if he didn't do it, he would be one of those people he just had called cowards.

Two important messages the movie is trying to say:

1 - Children who see violent role models can only solve problems with violence. Trevor was often watching wrestling from TV and playing boxing with his action figures, plus his father beat his mother. Result: When he saw bullies beating Adam he couldn't tell them to stop or squeal to teachers, only thing he could think about was attacking. Unwise thing to do when you're alone against three guys bigger than you and one of then is holding a knife. Still I never tought he would die, the wound seemed so small...

2 - School violence is real and something should be done about it. Trevor mentioned Adam when he talked with Mr Simonet but that didn't change anything. No one squealed about guys smuggling knife past metal detectors.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

No movie's perfect
Everyone is just saying the movie just like the book, but I say they are very different. There are lot of things missing in spite of the length. They have had to quicken things to show everything essential (and to get time for the end scenario). Because of this the characters seem somewhat hollow and someone who hasn't read the book will not get familiar with them just by watching this movie.

Makers have invested on creating a beautiful world and it shows. Movie is like an art gallery. It just that I didn't go to movies just to watch art, but to experience a great story. Well, it was a great story but different than I expected. The book is more than just sword fights and escaping black riders. I hope the next episodes will lighten up the relationships between the characters.

Dead Poets Society

First time teacher MADE us watch this in school and I wasn't so excited first - the title isn't the best to make young people interested... It took time to notice that this is a good movie, there are jokes and sad scenes. Also this is one of those movies that give me the strange energic feeling, strength to climb up the walls... When the boys climb on their desks saying "o captain, my captain", I feel like doing the same! And then the end. I feel I can understand Neal, strongly hate his father who ruins his dream. I know they are only characters but- Second time watching this I started crying BEFORE you-know-what-if-you've-seen-this.

On the Beach

"On the beach" is a wonderful movie. I knew something about the plot beforehand but I wasn't expecting much from a movie this old. The beginning seemed a bit boring, but it starts "going up" very soon. They tell us what has happened and what is going to happen very fine way, no need to say everything straight. This movie trusts that the person watching is intelligent enough to understand the hints. Good movie can be made without stunning special effects: sometimes silence can be amazingly powerful effect. Music is also used well in this movie, all though it could have been multifaceted.


Good movie, bad ending
In a way I liked this, but I was shocked at the end: It's different than in the comic version and my opinion is they ruined it. (Hard to tell you what I'm thinking without turning this into a spoiler.) Too much playing with violence, it's entertaining for a while but not when it hides the plot (if there is one underneath... - OK, there is!). The first half is wonderful and the way the music is used, rules. But due to ending I only rate this 7/10. If only they had used the ending from the comics, I would have given this 9, but what are you going to do about it?

2001: A Space Odyssey

Nearing horrible
Sorry, but I really didn't like this movie. It's hard to understand and the image of "future" seems quite stupid. You can call it artistic but the end gave me migraine! (Still, rated this 4/10, maybe I was too young to understand this when I watched this.)

Empire of the Sun

Empire of the Sun is a wonderful movie, I've seen it a couple of times and read the book too (though found this movie version more interesting). Well, the thing I like the most in this movie is the music, praise the one who selected it! Wonder if I can ever get through this film with my eyes dry

Tonari no Totoro

I love Totoro
I have seen this movie many times, and maybe I'm childish by I really love it. Can't understand why my friends are not so interested about it. All the characters are very cute and the backgrounds are cool. Like Japanese movies usually do, this tells only a slice of person's life, in this case the great change in Satsuke's life when she must move to a new house, meet new friends... The girls are worried about their mother and Totoro makes them feel better.

It was so funny to watch the scene where Satsuke finds Totoro. I love Totoro's whiskers and his facial expressions!

I wish I had more words to describe what makes this movie so great but my vocabulary sucks...


Why it was beautiful...
Although the movie seemed chaotic at first, it's realistic. Things that happened after the experiment could happen for real. Don't you think that sins will be compensated behind the line? The end was very beautiful and you know what, I cried. All the characters did what they had to do.

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