
IMDb member since September 2000
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A Year in Provence with Carol Drinkwater

A delightful series!
A delightful series hosted by actress Carol Drinkwater, author of the series of best-selling memoirs about her experiences on her olive farm in Provence. This documentary series explores the beauty of Provence and is a blend of local Provencal flavours and her life on her olive farm, Appassionata. In a year when travel has been limited, this little gem of a series offers escapism, from the azure waters to fields of luxurious lavender. .

Letters to Juliet

Wooden and Trite
This film is such an American factory-made movie product. It does not feel like endearing to me at all. I cared nothing for the main character or her passions, which were lukewarm. She had no drive or gusto herself, thus letting her boyfriend walk all over her. As a main character, Sophie is flat and lifeless, very 1 dimensional with no growth what so ever.

That being said, perhaps it's the acting or the poor writing, or a combination thereof, but the film came across as a trite product a studio group came up with to make money. Want a good love story about Italy with strong female character,I suggest you rent Under the Tuscan Sun and save yourself the trouble of this poorly executed idea.

However, I did enjoy V. Redgrave and the beautiful imagery.

Hey, Happy!

So bad.. so very, very bad....
I have no idea what to make of this movie. Should I think of it intellectually as a modern, messed fairytale, or some weird allegory for a degradation in society that fears losing all that it holds dear... No, I think this is just poor cinema, with no sets... little plot that makes any sense, and characters that you can't even remotely care about! This is one of the top 10 worst films I have ever seen! And it's a disgrace to quality Canadian cinema. The only saving grace is Spanky - a twisted Male version of the Wicked witch of the West. But sadly, even his over-the-top performance can't save this film.


Interesting ... but
An interesting show with pulp fiction roots many a science fiction would recognize, but it is a tad uncomfortable at times to watch due to the poor english, and perhaps too overwhelming western feel. It is a show the viewer must give several episodes before a judgment call can be made, as with many science fiction shows. However, do to the distinct "Old West" imagery and feel the shows gives off, I think this is especially true of this series.

Toransufômâ: Kârobotto

Worst Version Ever
This has to be one of the worst versions of Transformers ever put out on the market. It's so badly written, that I'd be embarrassed if I was one of the voice actors. The Predacon Characters are ridiculously stupid in name, look and in the way they are portrayed, as well. If there hadn't been such quality shows as "Beast Wars" & "Beast Machines" in the past few years, this piece of drivel may have cut the mustard. Maybe the original Japanese Version is better, but this translated show seems to be lacking in plot & character development.

However, if young kids are watching this show for the First Time and have no concepts of Transformers, they may enjoy it, as it has a very "Digimon" & "Pokemon" feel. Perhaps that's why Fox Kids puts it on so early.

Boys in Love

Worth it for the second segment alone
A collage of four independent stories, these diverse fragments of film include "Death in Venice, CA." A study of a middle-aged man, his closeted homosexuality, and his developing interest for his landlady's son. "Achilles" is a wonderful treat thrown into the mix. Done in "clay-mation", this second segment portrays the lives of Achilles and his friend and would-be lover, Petroclus, as they do battle with the enemies of Troy and the demons inside. Extremely well done piece. Which leads to segment three, "My Polish Waiter. A bland tale of one man's love for a silent waiter. And then on to segment four, "Miguel, Ma Belle." Longer then it's predecessors, this quirky and lovable piece follows the adventures of a Gay Latino as he teaches commands to his new canine friend and learns more about himself in the process.

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