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The 48th Annual Grammy Awards

Shame on the Grammy's & it's Director & Producers
It is flat out AWFUL and WRONG what the Grammy's has done this year. They used Mariah Carey's mega-star power to draw in viewers (her millions of fans) for RATINGS and MONEY and then do NOT show or even acknowledge, on the air, her accepting 1 of her 3 Grammy's. They take time to show us/acknowledge old timers, Producer of the year, smaller music industry folk and others who should be – BUT if you do that you NEED and MUST show and respect one the main stars of your show, AND YOUR AUDIENCE, and add one of her award category's into the broadcast event. They go as far to acknowledge Richard Prior? Great comedian and actor but…ah…what? This is a music award show correct? We take time to talk about a non musician and do not acknowledge how inspirational a comeback and what music legend Mariah Carey has done can be? Further: U2 is a great band - but should have NOT won album of the year. It's very sad they won. Mariah Carey's album was a HUGE crossover that sold and was loved by all sexes, all ages, all races...from 12 years old to 50 years old. Mariah was flat out ROBBED and publicly snubbed by the Grammy's. What she did and her comeback, should have been acknowledged - for some reason (Sony's pull & grudge perhaps?) she was not awarded a Grammy on the live event. Many, if not most (news, media, online, the industry, critics, millions of fans, etc) thought Mariah was going to win. It's ridiculous and all CREDIBITY FOR THE GRAMMY'S IS LOST because of this year. I will not give them another try. The judges should be more than just old Caucasian guys that have been doing this for 30 years. This coming from a 38 year old Caucasian man in the entertainment industry. I'm shocked what the Grammy's did. SHAME on all involved in producing the show. Bye bye Grammy's.


Couldn't take my eyes off her
I really enjoyed this film. Mariah did a great job and shows promise. Mariah was very connected and believable which is more than we can say about some other "Diva's" first movies. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Mariah's deep inner life that we hear in her "non-released/commercial" songs shines through on the big screen...intriguing. The story gets a bit slow in the middle...but not by fault of Mariah. If the writing was supposed to be "stereotypically 80's" it missed...it seemed just stereotypical at times...amongst other things. The music was awesome and the club scenes a lot of fun...very alive! The styling and costumes were perfect. The actress playing `young Mariah' was a dreamy little doll. Terrence Dashon Howard was excellent as always in his `bad guy' roles. Da Brat was also surprisingly fun to watch. I'm not so sure about some of the other supporting cast...may have been a missed opportunity or two. All and all a very enjoyable film with a lot of glitter, fierce music and dare I say camp! I look forward to seeing more of Mariah on the big screen.

Six Feet Under

Found a new favorite show
Great cast, excellent writing, awesome directing...an amazing job by everyone on this team. This show taps into our fear, our pain, our love and our hope. Just another HBO masterpiece. Continued success. I'm hooked.

Hit and Runway

Pleasantly Surprised!
I have never commented on the IMDB before but felt compelled to do so when getting home from the theater. I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed this film very much. The writing was clever, the directing excellent and the cast fantastic. I felt the editing may have needed a bit more attention...at a few moments. I don't know the actor Michael Parducci nor have I seen any of his work, but I think he did an amazing job. You really grow to like this "cool Italian guy". I hope to see more of Christopher Livingston's work in the future. Nice job!

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