
IMDb member since November 2000
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The Parlor

not 'brilliant', but certainly amusing!
I wouldn't call it brilliant or genius, but The Parlor is certainly an amusing piece... and definitely worth a watch.

** possible spoilers **

I knew what it was about after about a minute or two, probably because I spend a fair amount of time online and know about the stereotypes that are associated with 'chat rooms', and it was rather realistic in that regard... Whether or not it's a true and accurate representation of chat rooms in general is a different story... Might be, might not be. Either way, it was witty and very well made. However, I do think I've seen a comic strip or something with the same theme in the past though, so it didn't strike me as overly brilliant or original. Thumbs up nonetheless.

Xích lô

2 thumbs up
great film... bought and watched it while i was staying in Saigon recently, and it certainly gave me a greater appreciation of my surroundings... especially after having ridden numerous cyclos during my stay there... a stunning film... gets an 8/10 from me...

The Green Mile

I cannot believe people liked this so much!
This has got to be one of the most overrated movies of all time. It didn't suck really bad, IMO, but was just plain average - and on the boring side of that. I didn't find it very emotionally moving, and I thought it was quite "cheesy". I didn't get really involved and enveloped into the movie as one would when watching a truly great film, and I even say this in a nice big theatre too. This movie just didn't turn my crank, it was very predictable, was not very thought provoking, and I'm very surprised there aren't more mixed reviews at least from the users of this site...

The Green Mile is NOWHERE CLOSE to The Shawshank Redemption, and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as an emotionally powerful masterpiece such as that. Granted that neither film is meant to appeal to your intellectual side, but more to your emotions - this film even fails at that, in my opinion. Perhaps I just couldn't get into it because it was too cheesy...

Overall, this was a disappointing film, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that as well. Based on people I've spoken with, this film should have more mixed reviews rather than the overwhelming praise it seems to have got.

The Boondock Saints

not worth watching
this movie was remarkably unintelligent, and a waste of time. all it was was a bunch of guns blasting all over the place, and ppl yelling out the f-word and ranting and raving about who to go kill next... and a gay transvestite cop, who was also an idiot (dafoe). it tries so hard to be all stylish and cool (with the irish brothers always reciting a prayer before they pump rounds into the back of someone's head, amongst other things), but fails miserably... well, okay, i suppose i have seen worse movies, but this one was pretty bad.

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