
IMDb member since October 2000
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L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to Serve

The only reason I can't say this is the worst film ever made is because I haven't seen every film ever made.
I'm embarrassed to say I even hesitated to change the channel when this...hell I don't know what to call it, it doesn't deserve to be called a movie. I hate to knock on any movie because I know how hard it must be to get a movie made, but the idea that anything people must have worked so hard on could turn out to be this bad is both depressing and frightening. I've never actually hated a movie, but this one comes awful close, the only reason I rated it a one is because I could not rate it any lower.

The Boondock Saints

Pretty Good
Boondock Saints was one of those movies that if you blinked, you missed it. Luckily I had enough people buzzing in my ear about it that I made sure I went out and found it. It's not Tarantino (even though it thinks it might be), but it's a whole lot of fun anyway. If it wasn't for Sean Patrick Flanery's Lucky Charm's accent I would have enjoyed the film even more.

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