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Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

Great Fun for all.
This is probably one of the first film I have ever seen on a big screen,I remember when it came out in 1989 (I was 8)their was so much fuzz about it,every station on T.V were talking about it and they were talking a lot about the special effects because for the time they were amazing.So I really pushed my mom and dad to go and see it .It was a fantastic film to see for a child I was thinking about it days after I saw it.And now even if the special effect look old now and I'm 20 I still think it's a great film. It's a very original film and the character are all interesting and you care a lot for them. A classic that I'm proud to have on video(I only hope it come out on DVD soon)

Just Visiting

Good but not as funny as the original.
I remember when I saw les Visiteur in France in Cinema I couldn't stop laughing,it's just an hilarious film(I would like to say that about les visiteur 2) so I wasn't sure what to expect with this remake considering I had bad memory of French movies geting an american remake(For example the bird cage and Jungle to Jungle),still I was very curious but what really made me go and see it was that John huges co-wrote it and I'm a huge fan of John huges so I was curious what new things he will brings to the Franchise.

And I was'nt disapointed at all. To make it easy I give you the good and the Bad of this movie.

Good : I LOVE what they did to the caractere of Andre le pat (Jacouille in French),in the original he his just a goofy caractere and you dont really care for him but they gaved the caractere a heart in this remake and you get atached to him.Very smart move and I'm sure it's from John Huges.

The relationship between Count Tibo and Julia was much touching in this remake than in the original.

Christina Applegate his VERY sweet you just whant to give her a big hug during the all film. I sure would like to see her in the big screen more often because she his a very nice and talented actrice.

The special effect were much better this time around.

Andie Mac Dowell was fun.

The bad: It wasn't as funny as the original because this one his familly oriented while the original his more for Adults.So somme very funny but a bit incorect moment from the original were cut out.

It whent too fast.

I love Christina but I miss Valerie lemercier (She his the one who originally play Julia).In fact Julia his completely Different in this remake.In The Original she his very stuck up and she have a huge Posh accent but she his VERY , VERY funny,I would even say that the caractere can be as funny as our two heroes.But in the remake Julia his more quite and sweet it works but it would have been good to let Christina get a bit more crasy(and we know she can be funny from Maried with Children).

Well all in all I say it's as good as the original (And better then the terible Visiteur 2)but it dos'nt taste the same at all and that's what make it work if you tell me.

I'll definitely buy it when I go back to France.(I'm studying in Ireland and it just came out in the Cinema). Good Familly film and certainly the best and most clever remake I ever saw.

The Secret Garden

A magical film
What a great film.The First time I saw it was at the cinema with my school when I was 13 since then I saw it many times on TV or video and it affect me the same as it did when I saw it for the first time. The acting is great,the director his great,and the garden!!!(dont get me start on the garden it makes me want to go trough the screen). Anyway it's one of those rare films were you can hardly find something wrong about it. Favorite scene:When Colin his finally face to face with his dad(sniff!!!so nice!!)

The Christmas Star

Nice little Christmas movie made for TV
What I love the most about Christmas its that their his lots of old movie like this one on TV. It just finished an hour now and I wanted to write about it before I think of something else. This is a lovely film and it confirmed what I knew since a long time,That Barret Oliver was the greatest child actor their was during the 80's,He his so natural.Even now compare him to Haley Joel Osmend and you can see that Barret was even better. Anyway, the film his simple but it work,after the credit roll you feel happy and full of hope for mankind. It's a shame that they dont do Christmas movie like this anymore.

The Kissing Place

not bad...for a tv movie
This film his a good little thriller made for tv. The story of Billy who find up on his dream that he have been kidnaped when he was a child his very interesting(Imagine finding up that the parents you lived all your life with his not your real parents and Worst that the woman who call herself your mom his a criminal). First of all let's talk about the good things about the film:

1 . Meredith Baxter was simply brilliant as Florence Tulane.She made a great baddy and her performance would have been great on a big screen(really she was that good).

2.Nathaniel Moreau was ok as Billy of course not the best but for a kid actor it wasn't bad at all.

3.I loved all the bits were Billy run far away as possible from his crazy mom (not his real one)who his chasing after him and who his getting crazier and crazier as she looking for him.

Now the bad things about it:

1.Good job the story and acting was ok because it was very poorly directed,the scenes were all over the places and somme of them didn't advance the story in any way.

2. Their his also the story of Billy's teacher who his starting to find his mother a bit odd and start doing research on Billy's parents.It was a good element BUT they didn't finish it.On the last scene with the teacher we just see her telling an other teacher "I had a talk with Billy's mom and she's odd"or something like dad but then you dont see the caracter anymore??????it's like if they started something but they were too lazy to finish it off,I dont know they could have done the mother killing the teacher or something.

2.The music was bad quality.

3. I loved the young girl Billy make freinds with on the bus but again they didn't know how to handle a good caractere and had to let her go after 15 minutes on screen.

Anyway not a bad film ,but definitely not great.it's what I call an ok film. But I tell you, you take Meredith Baxter,the same story , a good director and you put it on a cinema screen and it got what it takes to be a kick ass movie.

Le château de ma mère

Much darker than the first one.
Dont get me wrong this is an other great film from Yves Robert.But I felt at the end of the film VERY and I mean VERY depressed.I think it was a wrong idea to put this ending who his from the third book called "le temps des secrets"(the time of secrets)into le chateau de ma mere because I think that nobody was ready for such a terrible ending.They should have made the third book into a film as well it would have made the final much easier to digest.


One of the greatest sci-fi films ever!!!!!!
I dont put this film in the horror category because their his such a lovely message in that film that it would be a crime.Yes their his a lot of blood and violence in that film but it's used in good purpose,(it's only the bad guys who die anyway!!!)it's to make you understand that everybody should keep in touch with the child inside of them because(if you dont you'll get killed by a few angry dolls hahahaah only joking!!) it's the best part of us without it we will be like those freaks (the two rock girls and the couple). A great film and I seriously NEVER get bored of it(I rent it each year).


Great 80's film with great performance
I love this movie. Normally I can't stand looking at romantic comedy(In a way this film is a romantic comedy.) I think they are boring .But this film is delivering great performance from the great Tom Hanks and the lovely Elizabeth Perkins as the rich bi##h girl who got a change of heart when she meet sJosh and most of all a great message (which is you need to love yourself the way you are).Great 80's flick,Why dont they do movies like this anymore?!!!!. If you didn't see it yet(which is hard to beleive), go rent it you wont regret it.

American Pie 2

Great film.
I thought this film was definitely as good as the original (probably even better). The two caracteres I enjoyed the most in the first film was the dad and michelle the nerd and for my pleasure they are more present in the sequel. I think the Jim and Michelle relationship is really fun I'm happy that they decided to put it as the major storyline of this film.(I just love Alysson Hannigan!!!).

Favorite moments : The Opening sequence and the two girls pretending to be lesbians.

Great film go and see it.

My Dog Skip

The best film about a dog ever.
Finally a film that truly understand the relationship between a kid and his dog without being stupid. I was sick of looking at films with dogs who are extra smart ,who are doing cheap tricks(Beethoven style) or even talking. It was about time that a director decide to make a realistic film about what a dog mean to a human being. This film is captivating , touching and wonderfully served by the great Frankie Muniz (Being 13 and playing a 8-9year old boy you need to give him credits for that!!) who is well know for Malcom in the middle. Kevin Bacon is great as usual(Even if his not in this film that much). Well a very touching film that I recommend for everyone who had a dog.

Spy Kids

Rodriguez is a great man.
People might think that because the film is called spy kids only kids will enjoy it but that's wrong I'm 19 and I went to see it with my mum and we both had a very relaxing time watching it.

I mostly wanted to see it because I like Rodriguez movies and I think that this film is one of is best work for many reason.

Even if the plot is quite simple,(spy kidnaped only their kids can save them.)Rodriguez had put a very original and I'm sure personal touch into it (imagine bond on a mission in wonderland and you have the picture.) and because of that he changed the story of a kid film into a great and fun film for all ages.

I think that on a family film the most important is the casting.I just think that a family film with bad kids actors in it can be hell to watch but the kids actor are great in that film and they look so natural.A special thumbs up to Daryl Sabara as Juni(who deliver the best moments of the film)I sure hope to see him in many other films to come.

The adults actors are also very good.Antonio Banderas is very funny and touching as the father who is dying to make is son proud of him.Alan Cumming was a great choice to play Fegan Floop because there is somme kind of Willy Wonka look to him.It was also nice to see George Clooney at the end of the film.

Danny Elfman did a very nice soundtrack for the film that is also completely different(in a pleasant way of course!!)from is previous work,the only time it's pure Danny Elfman style in the film is at the Fegan Floop song.

It was a long time that their wasn't any good family film so thank you Robert Rodriguez I was waiting for a film like that in a long time. Their is rumors about a sequel if those rumors are true I sure hope that Rodriguez will do it,Is just great at doing that kinds of films.

Simon Birch

It's a nice little drama.
I have to admit that by reading the cover of the Simon Birch video,I thought that it was going to be crap but instead I found Simon Birch to be a lovely film but mostly because of the actors.

Joseph Mazzello did a brilliant job as Joe , he was true to the part and convincing.He was very touching in the scene were he said goodbye to Simon.

The great Ashley Jude was perfect as the mother.I think that Jude had put lots of love into the role because you really fall for her in that movie.

But It's the young Ian Michael as Simon who deserve all the credits for that film.As the film go you don't really care about the way Simon look ,you are more interested of his soul and his hope that he will become a hero and thats because Ian must know how Simon think better than anyone of us.

Very nice film with a great big bunch of gifted actors.

Flight of the Navigator

Good film.
I remember when I saw this film for the first time I was 8 or nine years old and I quite enjoyed it. I looked at it again yesterday and I taught that it did look a bit old but there is still a kind of nostalgia about it that make it charming. This is a real 80's film ,the music,the costumes,the special effects and the story make you think of the colorful day's were the gremlins were famous,Michael Jackson was black and E.T was the most popular film ever made and I do not complain about it,I love that kind of films. Talking about the 80's,you might think that film was a rip off of many films of the golden years(Because they were a lot of films about kids leaving a big adventure at the time like the goonies,the neverending story...)But it wasn't,the film is actually quite original. The great thing about this film is that the story is more interesting than many other kids film ,that means an adult can look at it without being bored. But I still recommend that film mostly to people who are real 80's fans.

best scene :When David see is aged parent,for him it's been four hours he did'nt see them(imagine how weird it must be.).

I also have to say that Sarah Jessica Parker is very cute in that film.

Milk Money

It's not great but it's not bad etheir.
I dont think that film is too bad,of course it's not the most interesting film I ever saw but I dont think it was the point of that movie. The all film turns around Frank (nicely played by Michael Patrick),He never knew his mum because she died giving birth to him,Ok just to say with a plot like that the film could have been a catastrophy but because the character of Frank was played well enough it did'nt. In other Family drama with that kind of story the kid is always moaning and crying because he dos'nt know his mum or dad but Frank look more curious than depressed,Is acting like a real kid would in that situation,It's a simple but good thing about that film.

And there is V,I dont agree with the coments which said she was a prostitute with a heart of gold far from it,V is very lost and she have very low self estime.I think Melanie Griffith was lovely as V and it was different from character she usually play.

Nothing to say with Ed Harris,he did is best with very little to work with because we have to admit it that the Dad is a very flat and boring character.

The character of Anne Heche was supossed to be comic it was'nt instead you were wondering what the hell she was doing in that movie,the same go for Malcolm Mcdowell.

the film turns around the relationship between V and Frank which is well played by both Mickael and Melanie. Of course their is some annoying scenes with Frank's Friends and Heche/Macdowell but I think the film is what it was meant to be, a heart warming family film and I had quite a relaxing one hours and a half watching it.

La gloire de mon père

My favorite film
This is one film I would recommend to everybody. I remember when I saw that film in the theatre in france in 1990, I fell in love with it,the acting is great ,the locations are beautiful,the story is very touching,this film is a winner for sure.I probably saw this film in is follow up a thousand time and after each viewing it's just getting better. I would also say that the music of Vladimir Costa is fantastique it fits the scenery like a pair of gloves. The best french film ever in my opinion.


Another great John Hughes movie.
I like that film a lot,John Hughes is very smart because he know how to explain teen's problems without being boring.I thing both Ethan Embry and Ed O'Neill played their parts very well.I really hated Doyle at the start of the film because he was such a mean kid but as the film go on you see that it's not is fault he was just confused because of his father,I think that it's a great message for kids who get bullied in school. I thing that Ethan Embry did a good acting job by playing evil Doyle becoming good without looking too stupid and fake. I will give that film 8/10

The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter

Why a sequel to a classic film.
I don't like that film at all because it's an insult to the first one. These are the reasons why:

1-Jonathan Brandis is not half as good Barret Oliver was and he doesn't even look like him(Did Bastian used coloration on is hair, I don't think so!!).

2-Did Bastian father find the fountain of youth or something because is a lot younger than in the first one.How do Bastian fell to have the father from the T V show growing pains.

3-What the hell is wrong with Bastian and Atreyu they look like they're the best of friends when you don't even see them together in the first film.

4-I felt like punching Nimbly across the face from the moment I first saw him.

5-I knew at the end of that film that they would make another follow up it was just a matter of time,and surprise they did and Bastian had is hair colour back to black,what a mess....

When I think I actually saw that trash on a big screen. Go see the first one,IGNORE those stupid follow up.

The Challengers

One of the best 80s film made for television ever.
In France,This film was so popular they showed it again and again but nobody complained about it, because it's such a good film.The music is fabulous,the actors are good and the story is very interesting. Even if it was made nearly in the 90s you get a real 80s feel out of that film,The costumes like those black gloves and the blue jeans with pieces of it cut out,the music which is mainly synthesizer and even the location,everybody who was a child during that period would know what I mean. There is plenty of TV family film out there but none as good as this one. This film is a TV classic,like Mac Daniels gangs would say CHALENGEEEEEEER!!!!!!.

Stand by Me

Now this film is simply brilliant it is one of my all times favorite.This film talk about childhood in a way that none other film did before,he explain that childhood is for a limited time but you never,never forguet it.I think that everybody can relate to Gordie,(Played by Will Weaton before he became part of the star trek t.n.g crew)I certainly do.With everything said I beg people who did'nt see it to do it now because it's a film you'll never forget


The best feel good film ever,if you feel depressed go rent it.
This is one of my favorites film ever.It's a very nostalgic film for me because I saw it a lot when I was small,even now that I'm 19,I have the video and I never get bored of it. Barret Oliver is just fantastic as Daryl,it's very sad that he stop acting because he was truly talented.Now that films are just about sex,Blood,and more sex it's good to turn to a feel good film like Daryl.I would also like to say that the title song of the film (Somewhere I belong)is very nice and the lyrics go very well with the film. My personal ratings would be 10/10

The Neverending Story

A timeless classic.
This film is wonderful,I used to watch it like three times a week when I was a child. When you watch that film you see that Barret Oliver(who play Bastian) was truly a great actor and he did some of the most memorable 80s film ever(Cocoon,Daryl..).After all those years that film still as good as I remember(even better).

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

The Best Musical and Texas.
Normally I hate musical,but this one is fun and there is a story into it.Thank you Biostud you are absolutely right when you say that dolly sings I will always love you much better than the screaming queen,Witney. This film is great entertainment.

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