
IMDb member since October 2000
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Man, This is GOOD!
When i first hears of the series, i was quite skeptical and kind of confused with how the game works but the moment i saw one episode, i was hooked. I started teh series with the 2nd episode where BB was voted off. Now i know how the game is played!!!

Well, it is very, very interesting to see these 16 people in a location where anything can happen. they have to fight with each other for food, immunity and sometimes pity.

I had known earlier on that Richard Hatch had won the million dollars and i don't know whether this is teh reason why i had been rooting for him ever since i saw the 2nd episode. I would love to see Rudy win. His final comments, "...I'm fulfilling my obligations" is wow....this guy is good!

Susan is good, she really is. Well, i respected the fact that she hated Kelly and i felt that it was very brutal of her to "pounce" on Kelly like that. However, her comment about Kelly losing the rafting race to Gervase is so true. Kelly was so full of herself when she realised that she is up against Gervase and i just loved it when she was trashed! Ooooh yeah!!!!!

Well, it is a fantastic show. Great popcorn fun and Jeff Probst is a fantastic host. Can't wait for Survivor 2. Keep up the good work guys!

Love Letter

A warm drama with a cool twist-in-the-end.
This is definitely the best drama I have ever seen in my life. I must admit that i am not a big drama fan but this film just blew me away. It is more than a is very, very romantic without being sappy and it also has a small mystery subplot which is very, very intriguing.

The film starts out very slowly, leisurely in a snail pace but give it time. By the end of teh first act, you'll be hooked till the subtle twist-in-the-end (more on that later).

The film reminds me alot of The Double Life Of Veronique as it uses the same concept of having the two protagonists being played by the same actress. I've watched both and though Veronique is a masterpiece, this film is a few notches above.

Now the ending of the film is at once touching, intriguing, disturbing and very hard to accept. Some people might have seen it coming early into the film but it caught me off guard. It is not like "Teh Sixth Sense" or "The Usual Suspects" kind of twist ending but it runs along the lines, i can't think of any other film which has this kind of ending. I won't spoil it for you but it involves the two leads and the one "thing" they have in common. Ohh....its tempting to reveal the secret but i won't.

Check this film out. Everything is top notch - direction, script, cinematography, acting, editing and the musical score. Definitely the number one Japanese movie in my favourite film list. I love'll love it too.


Cool, Funny, Action Packed...Satirical
What a great film this is! The director of Bayside Shakedown returns with this fantastic movie which will bring out the kid in all of us.

The film's action sequences are top notch, at times even better than Hollywood. The comedy level in the film is very, very high.

Now, it seems for a moment that this is a regular action comedy but guess what - apart from the action and comedy, the film is also a pinching satire on Japanese media, police force and the entertainment industry.

I would give this film a perfect 10 if not for the end.

The film opens up giving us a feeling that this is one roller coaster ride we'll never forget. But then in the end, the film suddenly goes into a very sad mode. My God - it disappointed me!!!!!!

Screw the ending. Check this film out. You'll love it!


Unbreakable is UNBREAKABLE!
This is one unique film - who could have thought you could mix drama and a superhero premise into a potent film?

I've been following this film's development ever since it was announced as "Untitled M. Night Shyamalan Project". This is definitely the most anticiapted movie ever....

There are so many scenes in this movie that made me jump with joy. Exceptional scenes: Bruce Willis passing his "son" the morning papers, Bruce Willis gettign teh "visions". I won't spoil any other scenes but this film introduces one classic scene after another. Watch the Elijah Staircase Scene and tell me that you didn't squirm in pain.

People are making a huge fuss over the ending. My verdict, pretend that you've never watched the Sixth Sense and you'll be stunned at the twist.

In any case, check this film out. Don't let the snail pace scare you....the film moves slowly but it'll crescendo to a level that a melodrama like that turns into a potent Silence Of The Lambs like thriller.

Mr Shyamalan, you are a genius and i am really hoping to see the other two sequels.

Wo hu cang long

The Chinese MATRIX?
This is a piece of pure cinematic genius. Ang Lee, after flopping big time with RIDE WITH THE DEVIL will redeem himself with this movie which had already been a blockbuster all over Asia.

The action sequences in this film are so beautifully shot. For a while, it seems that the characters are actually dancing instead of fighting. The "flying sequences" are so beautiful and so are the aerial shots of old Beijing (kudos to MANEX).

This film has already been called the MATRIX of swordfighting films. Why? The fighting sequences are graceful yet powerful. Unlike Matrix where superhumans fight, this film replaces that with a touch of graceful ballet like fights between characters. and guess what, just like the MATRIX, this movie might also get a go ahead for 2 more sequels.

The bottom line is that this is definitely one of the best swordfighting movies out there. Check it out. It'll blow your minds away....and so will ZHANG ZI YI.

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