
IMDb member since November 2000
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The Player

Production should have been kinder to residents
If the production company had been more supportive of residents' needs, maybe there would not have been a concerted effort to boycott this show, originally filmed as "Endgame." As it was though, the company caused so many dangerous problems to citizens in March of 2015 that their business was not wanted by the average citizen and the effort to close production by boycotting episodes took place.

The Way She Moves

Great Dance Movie
If one has ever been to ballroom dance classes, one will see the reality of the film. One CAN learn to dance, but those who can dance already can dream watching. The love story adds to the intrigue. Tessie Santiago's performance is a classic and is what the sells the film. The choreography is what makes it a joy to watch.

Earth: Final Conflict

Love Season 5
Jayne Heitmeyer's "Renee Palmer" is the TV heroine we needed after 9/11 to inspire hope and belief in one's self as we progress forward. The entire series is definitely one of the best Roddenberry works, but the twists of Season 5 are what will make this forever a classic.

A Promise to Keep

Good Delaney fare
This was the first work I ever watched with Dana Delaney, although I remember hearing her name through the years. The story was pretty good, but Ms. Delaney made this a strong movie via her performance and I would recommend it to everyone. It caused me to become a Dana Delaney fan.


Muy Excellente!!!
This is one of the better sci-fi/super hero movies made in the 1990's. Though the blatant use of sex could have been toned down, it did serve the purpose of highlighting the main character's evolution from an unfeeling "machine" to a very caring, heroic woman the viewer was ready to cheer for all the way to the bitter end. Bobbie Phillips, who played "Kam" the re-engineered woman who saves a young boy, really made this movie the gem that it is and was ably assisted by her co-star Eric Lloyd, the boy who played "Ghen".

If you like this movie, you will also like the X-Men, Xena, and the Queen of Swords. You may also like Wonder Woman and some of Ray Bradbury's works.

Xena: Warrior Princess

The finest bit of entertainment since 1975
The six years that Xena appeared on American television and then in international distribution was the most marvelous ride on the entertainment merry-go-round since "Wonder Woman" premiered in 1975, twenty years earlier. This show had camp, pathos, mystery, intrigue, intricate character development and the invention of a magnificent new world through which the viewer was able to judge and measure his or her own living situation. If you ever get a chance, at least take the time to watch either the entire first or the entire fourth seasons of Xena (which had the most developed plots). It is a show that actually changed the world into a better place and that can be said of only a few shows in history.

If you like "Xena" you might also like "Queen of Swords", "Wonder Woman", "Supergirl" (maybe....), "Chameleon 1,2, &3", "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" or "Andromeda". You may also want to watch the direct to video cartoon release "Hercules and Xena: the Animated Movie: the Battle for Mount Olympus".

Queen of Swords

An excellent series definitely worth watching!
The show is very well scripted with phenomenal acting by the star and the co-stars. Queen of Swords is an obvious female Zorro but with some differences which make the series relevant to Y2K and more interesting than the old Zorro series. The scripts are able to cover a great amount of information in 43 minutes so the viewer feels satisfied but not confused about how the story got from point A to point B. The show reminds one of Batgirl and Xena mixed together, but better. Definitely a memorable piece of television to start off this millennium.

Chameleon 3: Dark Angel

The show that will knock your socks off and should be a series!
Bobbie Phillips, who in her own right has amassed a great list of credits as a hard working Hollywood actress, shines in this third installment of UPN and Village Roadshow's Chameleon series. In this installment, the sexual innuendo has been toned down with Kam showing a caring maternal side towards a recently orphaned genius teen. Bobbie delivers this role to the viewers with great panache'. The action and stunts were the best in the series.

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