
IMDb member since November 2000
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The Acolyte

Muppets in Space
I watched the first 1,5 epsiodes. After that I couldn't continue.

It was really, really bad. The set and costumes looked like something out of a muppet movie or "The Dark Crystal". Which would be fine by itself, but not what I want from Star Wars. I could see how the actors were amateurish copied together digitally in some scenes, with inconsistent lighting.

But the worst were the terrible dialogs, terrible acting, terrible story. And on top of that terrible pacing. It couldn't hold my interest.

This will be the first live action Star Wars which I won't continue watching.

Too bad, because the underlying idea could have made a great series.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody
Episode 9, Season 2

If someone had told me that there would be a Star Trek episode as a musical and that I would actually like it, I would have declared that person insane.

I went into that episode not knowing what to expect. But the moment the first singing started I bursted out laughing. There were times during that episode where I couldn't see clearly because of all the tears in my eyes.

Let's get this straight, I (usually) don't like musicals that much. But the weirdness of the situation was hillarious. The helpless expressions on the faces of the crewmembers when they started singing was priceless. And the musical itself was actually really well done. I assume the actors had a great time filming this.

And it even served the greater purpose of letting us see deeper into the emotional worlds of the crewmembers. Adding an extra layer to their characters.

Thank you! This has become most unexpectedly one of my favorite Star Trek episodes of all time.

Having said this, I don't want every other episode to be a musical. This only works once.

Silo: Machines
Episode 3, Season 1

A real nailbiter
What an incredible episode! I was at the edge of my seat the whole time.

I already liked the first two episodes, but this had all the qualities of a grand finale without being one.

If they can keep up the quality, this will easlily be one of my favorite TV series of all time.

I don't expect every episode so thrilling. World building, character development, silent moments etc. Are important aspects of a good TV show, as well. But so far, they are doing everything right.

I can't wait what they will come up with next. Congratulations to the makers, they've created something new and special here, which is rare in the TV world.


It might become a masterpiece, but only if we get a solid part 2.
I just returned from a screening, and WOW! It's visually stunning, the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is majestic, the acting is spot on! The pacing might seem a little slow by todays standards, but it never gets boring. And I actually find it really refreshing to see serious SciFi for adults, without bangs or a "comic relief" every other second.

I've read the book about four or five times more than 20 years ago. And from my memory (I will refresh it soon) the movie stays true to the story of the book and, more importantly, its general feeling.

Opposed to many other people, I also quite liked David Lynchs interpretation, despite all of its shortcomings. Because one thing that Lynch got right, was the "psychedelic" nature of the book.

And that's my only gripe with Denis Villeneuves adaptation, and the reason why I don't give it 10 stars: While he hints at the mindaltering properties of spice, he never explores the psychedelic aspects of the book as deep as I'd like them to be explored.

Here's my hope for part two. If he creates a second part, and manages to keep up the quality while at the same time not shying away from the psychedelic underpinnings of the source material. He will have created a two part masterpiece.

Altered Carbon

10/10 for Season 1, 4/10 for Season 2. What happened?
Season 1 is one of my favorite SciFi-Shows of all time!

The story is intelligent, full of twists, witty, brutal where it's appropriate and overall highly enjoyable. It explores the effect of the stack technology on society and personal life from so many different angles: Many consciousnesses in one body, one consciousness in many different bodies, one consciousness in many cloned bodies, copying consciousnesses... On top of that we get a "Sherlock Homes" detective case, a shakespearean family drama and tackle the question what it can mean if humans live forever and become like greek gods.

The production quality is awesome, the characters are believable and well thought out, the dialogs fit the characters, soundtrack is great, camerawork also, so is the editing. Nothing feels cheap about it. And then Season 2 comes around...

And is none of that. Characters are flat, the story is predictable and boring. Scenes are often so dark that you don't see anything. Camerawork is sloppy, editing feels rushed. Even the soundtrack is not that good.

What a disappointment!

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