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Close to You

A clichéd love triangle, unoriginal story, light skinned actors, thus this film should be sentenced to American Propaganda hell
You guys better watch out. Sam Milby's celebrity stardom will probably influence him to run for president. He'll probably sing for the majority of his campaign speech. That'll totally win the masses.

Can somebody please recommend to me an actual GOOD indigenous Filipino film? I am really itching to watch something authentic and original. Close To You is a rip-off of American teen flicks (in case some of you don't know, these films have been critically bashed by American audiences and film critics). If it were released in North America, it would have went straight to video, gathering dust on the shelves with Jessica Simpson's crappy movies. I don't understand why this film is highly praised by the Filipinos. Maybe because it features that dreamy euro-Asian dude from Filipino Big Brother -- Sam Milby. Yes! That definitely gives a valid reason to love this film. Okay, I was being sarcastic.

Why haven't I seen a film that captures the heart of the Philippines? I'm still waiting for a Ang Lee of the Philippines. Why aren't there films that portray social dilemmas of the country? i.e. politics, and socio-economic problems? It really sickens me that my country is trying to obscure their authentic identity by trying to be Westernized. Close To You is a perfect example of the downfall of Filipino Cinema. Please, let a director with half a brain produce something worth my time. I want my money back!!!!

American Girl

Warning: If you're from the south, do not watch this film.
I really liked this film. However, as I stated above, if you're from the south and have a sense of humor, then you are given the permission to watch this film with open arms, otherwise, don't watch this film if you're going to find it too offensive. Alright ya'll?

The Grubb family is the epitome of American trash---they don't have the proper education nor ambition to drive them out of their downbeat trailer-house, daisy dukes and cold slurpees. The plot narration revolves around Rena Grubb (Jena Malone) and her low-incomed family living somewhere in the South. The Grubb's are invited to attend a annual picnic to go see their father. Later on the audience finds out that this "annual picnic" is set up for criminal offenders.

If one word were to describe this film, it would be "trailer", and I think everyone who has been continuously watching Indy films with Brad Renfro and Jena Malone in it definitely knows what that means. I don't think anyone should be surprised with the content. Yes there is self-cutting, sex, teen pregnancy and drugs in it (done by the one and only Alicia Witt of course) I give props to whoever made up the jingle to: "Welcome back Jay, welcome back Jay, welcome back Jay Jay Jr."---this song defines the whole movie and shall go down in history in my book.


Digging to China

10 year old Hariette dreams all her life to dig to China, but a new friend gives her a reality check
When you're having trouble choosing a movie and come across a title at Blockbuster starring some kid and Kevin Bacon playing 'Ricky'--a mentally disabled retard, this movie is a must-see. However, in my opinion, this film's plot wasn't as remarkable as what my expectations intended it to be, but lighthearted coming of age movies is my guilty pleasure, and overall, I loved it! Usually in these types of movies, the personality and acting of the characters shines through more than the story does itself---however there is one crack in "Digging to China" that really bothered me. The scene when 'Hariette' (Evan Rachel Wood) hears the sad news from her sister 'Gwen' (Mary Stuat Masterson) about her mother, I had trouble distinguishing the scene as a tragedy, or a comedy--the sappy yet corny trumpets playing to the film's soundtrack just confused me and made me laugh hysterically. But it was a nicely filmed scene. Bad music.

Love That Boy

An overachieving college student falls in love with her 14 year old neighbour
If Kate Hudson or Britanny Murphy played 'Phoebe' and starred in a Blockbuster version of "Love That Boy", then it would totally not compliment my taste in Hollywood sugarcoated flicks. The underrated actors, simplicity and low-budget style aids to the films cuteness and authenticity of what a Canadian director can do to make a low-scale production work, therefore it should stay preserved inside the boundaries of great Canadian film-making and should never be touched again.

Phoebe (Nadia Litz) determines the success of her college life on striving to win the year's "Most Outstanding Student Award". She grounds her priorities on a "to do" list in which she has to accomplish before she graduates. This list isolates Phoebe from her peers and prevents her from experiencing the typical partying life of a college student. Her single and more outgoing roommate, 'Robin' (Nikki Barnett) abandons Pheobe for the road to enlightenment with her new Buddhist friend, 'Kwan' (John Shurko). One of the tasks that Phoebe must do is find a boyfriend. Unexpectadley, Phoebe finds a fourteen year old friend to talk to, 'Frazer' (Adrien Dixon) and forms a deep friendship that is something more than just "hanging out".

Character development was well thought out. The annoyance of Nadia Litz who plays Phoebe was really irritating throughout the beginning of the film. At some certain points in the beginning, I wanted to kick my television set and throw it out the window. However, once she met Frazer she started to grow on me as the scenes progressed---a film never really did that to me before, and I was quite surprised! Usually when a film opens with an annoying character, the character still stays annoying towards the end of it. But Phoebe totally flipped 180. Adrien Dixon who played Frazer wasn't too bad either---it's good that he didn't come across as one of those typical horny teenagers looking for sex. Ahem, American Pie and Girl Next Door anyone?

Above all, one of the main reasons why I enjoyed this film was because I didn't expect much from it before I decided to watch it, however, I was impressed with the overall outcome after wards. Although it didn't have the greatest well-known actors, the best cinematography or screenplay, I saw a lot effort being put into the film. The soundtrack was great too.

Overall, 7/10

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