
IMDb member since January 2001
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The Box

Its hard to tell if this show suffers from inconsistent writing or if its an aesthetic intended to give the audience a visceral reaction as if they are experiencing a surreal nightmare along with the main character, rather than just observing her and the others.

I think if you can accept it as intentional, you can at least enjoy the ride for what it is. I spent the whole series trying to decide and in the end I think I ended up on the side of deliberately surreal. But constantly second guessing everything kept me out of the story, which gave me the worst of both worlds.

Boss Level

Gibson Ruined It for Me
I went into this blind, based on the rating alone and I was absolutely loving it. The idea that a time-loop was like being in a video game was genius.

And then Mel Gibson showed up. And I figured, maybe he's just got a bit part. But nope, he's apparently the main villain. And he just keeps on talking and talking and talking. And I had to turn it off.

Hollywood doesn't need to rehabilitate that raycist. There are tons of other talented actors who don't make people feel like they need to take a shower when they see them on screen. Don't believe the hype that hollywood is "librul." Far from being "cancelled" for his raycism, Gibson has been rewarded because apparently he makes them money.

Fortunately, there are lots of other great movies to watch that do not star gross people.

Miranda Veil

Surviving an Attack
Its an ultra-low budget movie with stilted dialog written so poorly that it yanks you out of the story - like characters speaking in the first person but using adjectives and adverbs fit for the third person, such as "My mother and I were understandably baffled."

if you can get past the amateurism, its a story about what its like to be traumatized by an attack and feel like no one understands you now, not even the people closest to you. In a clumsy, Stockholm syndrome way, the only person who understands what the protagonist went through, and has now become as a result of the attack, is the person who attacked her.

A Little Late with Lilly Singh

Sorry to See it Go
I watched a few episodes of the first season and thought it was pretty rough. Singh seemed to be struggling with an ultra-low budget and kind of a one-joke routine. So I tuned out.

But the 2nd season, where they relocated to a house because of covid, was a vast improvement. The sketches seemed a lot smarter and she was a lot more natural and competent with the zoom interviews compared to other late night shows. The Hasan Minhaj interview was a lot of fun.

I was surprised to see it cancelled right when the show was starting to shine.

I'd never heard of Singh before they announced she would host the show, I spend zero time watching youtube celebs, I don't have the time to filter through all the crap. But I will be watching for Singh to get another network show.

Harvest Lake

A Low Budget Under the Skin
If you liked Scarlet Johansson's Under the Skin (2013) but wanted more sex, more lovecraft and a little more dialog without any more exposition you'll probably like this film. The actors are attractive and their characters came across as genuine.

I thought it was better than it had any right to be, and it looks like all of the people involved were better than the budget.

Gi-eok-ui bam

The Dumb Cancels Out the Good
The movie starts out with what is an obviously unreliable narrator. But then there are a couple of points in the story where we find out that regardless of the narrator's problems, there is something more going on. So that makes for some pretty good suspense.

Midway through the movie there is a sort of race scene where one character has to get into a bedroom before the other one does in order to pretend to be asleep. It's a scene that's been done to death in a hundred other movies before and it was at that point that the movie starts to go downhill - instead of something innovative the writer went with an uninspired cliche.

Unfortunately the climax of the movie relies on a suspension of disbelief that is beyond anything even remotely plausible. Without getting into spoilers the actual murders are just too dumb to be believed. The first one alone relies on a character making the stupidest possible choice at every single turn. But then the second murder happens exactly the same way. Puh-lease! I just couldn't get past how lazy, dumb and contrived it was. It really drags the entire movie down.

And then the movie ends on a gratuitous flashback showing that the murderer met his victims in more innocent times. Its a cool idea but the execution was utterly lazy because the writer didn't bother to set up any explanation for it beyond pure coincidence, they just threw it in out of nowhere in order to be cute.

In the end, this movie is a disappointment. The best korean thrillers stand above the best from all other countries. But this one has too many flaws due to contrived and lazy writing. Its 2nd tier at best.

That's What She Said

This is What a Chick Flick Should Be
This movie is about women, but as a guy I am going to write about it from from my perspective. If any men had spoken lines, I can't remember them. Men still had a role, but mostly as off-screen foils for the women. Despite all that, this is a movie with a lot more to offer viewers of both sexes than stereotypical chick-flicks like The Notebook or the majority of rom-coms.

It is a story about three women in NYC coping with their own personal sets of dysfunction in a variety of tragicomic ways, with emphasis on the comic. The humor is not so over-the-top like Bridesmaids or Bachelorette, but there is plenty of raunch starting off with the opening scene in which one of the women cancels her appointment for a Brazilian wax and makes do with about 5 disposable razors instead.

The three main characters have their backstories revealed in a series of quirky events that include jail, subway masturbation, really bad haircuts, plenty of drugs and alcohol, coffee house lesbians, a vibrator used as a lethal weapon and an entire showgirl kick-line falling off the stage because of one act of revenge. It culminates in an estrogen-soaked version of the brawl between buddies trope after which they all raise a glass to various universal ideals with a feminine slant.

The movie is much more low budget, low-key, talky and character driven than the blockbuster comedies we've all seen or at least seen marketed. That isn't a bad thing at all, it's got a lot more verite than those and is still a fun little film.

Best one-liner in the movie: "Stop fighting, I'm getting carpal tunnel."

Jeon Woochi

Not Very Good
(spoiler free) I've watched a lot of Korean movies over the years - from the silly (Sex is Zero) to the sublime (Oasis) and enjoyed most of them, even some of the more marginal titles like Spygirl and A.F.R.I.K.A. But for me, and the group of people watching it with me, Jeon Woochi was a big bust.

The biggest problem I had with this movie was the terrible pacing, especially in the first 30 minutes of the movie where the timeline was not linear and the director did practically nothing to inform the audience that he had made a jump in time until wrapping up the scene and rejoining the main timeline.

Other problems included a major lack of funny - there was so much opportunity for "fish out of water" jokes, but the writers barely even tried. And it wasn't like the comedy was too subtle either, much of the humor in the movie was just too ham-fisted to laugh at.

There were also way too many fast cuts during action sequences - it made it difficult to enjoy the biggest feature of the movie: the excellent CGI. The director barely gives the audience a chance to focus on the contents of a shot before cutting to a new camera angle. I recognize these fast cuts are a modern Hollywood style, but it is still a terrible one to emulate.

The story itself was, as expected, fairly simple. But even then, the telling of it was too convoluted - due mainly to the confusing timeline.

I haven't given any examples to illustrate my criticism because I wanted to avoid spoilers as much as possible but still provide a counter-point to the misleadingly high rating (7.0 as I write this) and the other 5 or so reviews which all gave the movie exceptional scores. It was on the basis of that rating and the other reviews that I purchased the korean blu-ray and would strongly recommend that no one else waste their time or money the way I did. I suggest watching the older Arahan which has a similar "wizardry in the modern city" plot. I had a lot more fun watching Arahan despite its flaws.

Also, watch out for the korean blu-ray. It is poorly mastered - the black levels are elevated making the picture look washed out and hazy unless you have a fancy display that can correct the problem.

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