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Ying xiong

Made For Cinema
This film is undeniably beautiful. I enjoyed it immensity but it is undoubtedly made for cinema. The cinematography, set and costume design and the direction are superb and I can imagine that on a nice 50 foot screen it would be a magical experience to say the least. Unfortunately, for me at least, I only got to see it on a rather disappointing 14" screen. I say unfortunately because it takes away everything that is brilliant about this film and leaves only the rather thin plot. The plot is interesting but is basically the same story told by different people which, without the overwhelming beauty of the pictures can get rather tedious. This is still film making of the highest quality but really needs to be seen on a decent sized screen. A 14" screen is just not worth it.

Dancer in the Dark

Absolutely broke my heart.
Actually, it didn't just break my heart. It ripped it whole and still beating from my chest. This is the saddest film in the world. I don't want to sat too much because it's just got to be experienced with no expectations. Bjork is marvelous as are the supporting actors. I really don't know how to describe it. The Lo-Fi look by director Lars Von Trier is something that took a while to get used to but it aids the film in such a way that if it were filmed in other way it just wouldn't work. I'm not saying anymore. The way the music takes you through the story is inspirational and always surprising. I really hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

Bijitâ Q

Sick, twisted, undeniably offensive but brilliant.
This film is definitely not for everyone. Mainly because its main objective is to break as many scaly taboos as possible but also because it is not as flashy as many films especially when compared to Miike Takashi's other works. Made in a week for a minuscule budget, it is one of a set of films that were made about love. This has got to be the weirdest way to approach such a subject but it is a resounding success. Although the events in the film are unpleasant and hard to watch they are also very funny (which it is meant to's not just being wrong in the head) and, as if by magic, you end the film with a fabulously warm feeling going through your body. The last shot being one of obscure beauty with a mother breast feeding her teenage son and daughter after all the family members have been able to accept each other for all their little idiosyncrasies and they become a family once again. It's a brilliant ending to a brilliant, if uncomfortable film.

Gin gwai

Bloody scary
I agree that it may not be the most original idea ever but for people to say that it's boring is crazy and un-scary...unbelievable. This is one of the scariest things I have ever ever seen. Maybe it was because I saw it at the cinema but it absolutely terrified me. While watching it, it scared me more than Ringu although Ringu has definately had a lasting effect on me... I won't sleep in a room with a T.V. Visually speaking this film was exceptional. Never letting the audience see any more than the main character and creating such a tense atmosphere through the movement of the camera and some bizarre camera angles as well. I'm fearing (in a different way) the proposed remake by Tom Cruise because I can't see it bettering the original. Overall a truly exceptional film which will have you staying away from lifts for ages afterwards...why? You'll have to watch and find out.


Utterly compelling
This is a great film. Very tense and with stellar performances from Northam and especially Liu who I have been waiting to see do something intelligent. Northam is especially impressive. One minute being shy and introvert and the next bold and out going. The film is odd enough so the audience will never be able to guess where it is going next and there are enough twists and turns to keep anyone thinking. The only problem I had with the film was the end. It was fairly obvious that with all the twists and turns, the writers themselves didn't know how to end it. As well as that (and this doesn't take anything from the film) the CGI could have done with a bit more work but with a low budget sci-fi then it is completely acceptable. The direction itself was excellent. Constantly inventive and with fantastic changes to colour and contrast it is a visual treat. It's just as good as the directors previous film 'Cube' which, so far makes it a quality career for the director Vincenzo Natali. I'm looking forward to his next.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Look good but...
I loved the way this film looks. The wet, grimy world of the American outback was brought fantastically to life with excellent cinematography. Apart from that though this film had a tendency to drag. No doubt it was fun and, at moments, suitably unpleasant but the fact that I didn't care one bit for any of the characters made me wish that the resolution would come quicker, no matter what it was. It wasn't exactly original in it's conception and characterization. The plot being your typical stalk and slash. (Almost away...almost die again...escape away again...etc. etc.) The stereotypical characters were also there. (Screaming/promiscuous girly mouthed highly intelligent stoner...masculine leader man...the final girl. Non gender specific name/look. No drugs/ alcohol/ sex.

Overall it was exciting and in some places rather tense but it dragged a lot. I'm trying not to compare it to the original. Mainly because it's unfair on the remake which could never match up to intensity of the original in a million years.

Finding Nemo

I'm not going to say that this film is amazing in every way simply because it's not. But there is no denying that this film is beautiful. People have said that the underwater scenes are dull. Well the ocean is bound to be in some places. And those same people obviously have no clue how difficult and time consuming this kind of animation is. To get the light shimmering through the water and bouncing off the beautiful colours below is pure genius with God knows how many hours of work gone into it.

The film itself was brilliant. A fantastic mix of all humours with some very colourful characters. Yes it's for children but I find it a bit unreasonable to think that just because Pixar have included more adult material before, they shouldn't be allowed to go and do a straight forward kids movie. To be honest i found Marlon's incessant whining a bit hard to handle sometimes but when the audience is introduced to all the other characters then little things are easy to forget. I laughed constantly through any bit with the sea turtles, the fish tank crew were brilliantly characterised and the Fish Eaters Anonomous Sharks were very cleverly done, if underused. Overall another startling feather in Pixars ever growing cap.

And one last thing. If I read one more person saying that Shrek was a bold/daring/clever step for Pixar/Disney I'll scream. Yes it would have been bold/clever/daring of they had done it! Shrek is excellent but it was Dreamworks who did it! Not DISNEY!

Thankyou 10/10


A mixed bag...
First of all I'll go through the bad aspects of this film. At the top must be Vin Diesel. I was a fan of his after Saving Private Ryan and The Fast And The Furious but his performance in this is mind bogglingly bad. Its the same with Asia Argento. The only good performance in it was from the ever brilliant Samuel L. Jackson who can't help being cool for every moment of his life. But maybe the performance would have been half-decent if it had not been for the dire, unimaginative script. You cannot make a movie out of a string of overused, badly timed one liners. Again the best written part of the script belonged to Mr. Jackson. Overall it was pretty cliched. Now to the good...the one redeeming feature...ACTION! The action scenes were immense. The Columbian Cocaine attack was a bit stupid when he manages to hop over a fifteen foot fence but Rob Cohen definately knows how to shoot an action scene. My personal favourite was the snowboard/avalanche chase which actually got me involved...of course it all went down the pan when he finished off with another crappy one liner but the effects were impressive as were the action scenes overall.

I didn't much care for any of the characters and the plot was predictably predictable but as mindless action it is about as good as it gets (ish).

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Not as bad as it could have been.
First of all I would like to say that this really isn't that bad a film. You've got to respect the makers for the amount of effort which has obviously gone into it even if the final product wasn't so good. Having not seen the original animated version I believe that I am able to give an un-biased opinion of this. Personally I think that Jim Carrey is back on top form with his highly amusing and eccentric portrayal of the Grinch. Admittedly some of the gags do the miss the mark but many hit the target full on and I found many suprisingly adult considering that this is a children's film. At this point in time I would like to congratulate the make-up department for their flawless effects and daring to make the big star of the film completely unrecognisable. 7/10

Lake Placid

Extremely Average-Especially Pullman
Haven't people learnt yet that Bill Pullman should not be let onto films. He is not exactly the most talented actor out there. Infact I have no idea how he managed to get into Hollywood...But that's not the point here. For me this is just an extremely average film. The effects were good and the half-decent script between Hector Cyr and Sherrif Hank Keough (the best characters in the film)kept it watchable. If the two leads had been as interesting as the supporting characters then it would have been vastly improved. Bill Pullman is boring and Bridget Fonda is a tad bland for the romantic interest. Overall, not a particularily great film with no real scares or funny jokes to keep it going.

Return of the Living Dead: Part II

This is quite possibly the most boring Zombie film that I've ever seen. I honestly wanted every single one of the main characters to die a most painful death. I've not seen the first installment but I have seen the third and am happy to say that that one is much much better. I don't know if this film is supposed to be funny but it does have its moments. The stand-out is, of course, Tarman who is about as scary as a man in a slimy green suit!...Just a minute!!!...

Spice World

Oh, what has the world come to. I'm worried for the sanity of everyone who has watched this and even more worried for those who haven't seen it and are going to...For the sake of mankind don't do it. This is quite simply a terrible movie. It's not funny in the slightest, after approximately 20 seconds the girls become unbearable and make me want to break something. I know that this movie is not really about the acting but trying would have helped. Admittedly I am not exactly the biggest Spice Girls fan but I am extremely open minded but it doesn't matter how open minded you are, it is close to impossible to enjoy this big, ugly, embarrasing piece of film. I hope to God that they don't do a sequel.


I Love this film. It scared me pantless, it made me laugh hysterically, it made me go insane and I'm still on the tablets. But I don't understand it. I watch far too many films but in all my years of film buffness I have quite honestly never ever ever seen anything as bizarre and disturbing and truly fantastic as this. Somebody help me...I need a hug.

Dead Man's Curve

The same
This is another 'get-on-in-the-teen-slasher-movie' kind of movie. The twist are reasonably clever up to a point. The lead guy, Matthew Lillard is never going to be as funny as (the good) Jim Carrey, as A-class as Tom Cruise so is only left to be as annoying as Tom Green but that would be difficult even for this guy. Overall, much of the same. Nothing special, Nothing offensively bad but just a bit boring really because the script had no spark whatsoever. 6/10

Return of the Living Dead III

The best in B-movie technology
First of all, this film is crap. There you are. I've said it and anyone who disagrees can go and watch some good horror and point out the blatant differences in quality. But for all that crapness this is a damn funny film (whether it's supposed to be or not). I couldn't stop laughing, whether it was at the God-awful special fx or the terrible terrible script or even the worst acting I've ever seen. Whatever you do don't watch it alone. Not because it's scary in any scents of the word but because watching a film this bad by yourself is just plain sad.

Pulp Fiction

Cooler than Cool
What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is absolutely brilliant.

It's is undoubtly one of the funniest and best directed films ever made and to top it all off it is the definitive cool movie. From Jules's afro to Mia and Vince's dance through to Zed's Chopper and finally the absolutely, brilliantly, fantastically, undeniably cool theme tune.

How does Mr. Tarantino do it?

The Blues Brothers

I'm not going to spend long on this one because most of the things that I could say are obvious and have already been said (it's brilliant, great music etc.) The only thing that have to say is What An Amazing Theme Tune. I've never heard a theme tune so damn jazzy in all my life.

And one more thing, there was some idiot on this site who said that "they get chased by the entire Chicago police force and don't get caught". Well Duh!! They're on a mission from God!

And of course the best line in the film: -"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. -Hit it."

Wo hu cang long

Beauty is only skin deep....But if the sword cuts deeper....?
Well what can I say. This is the most beautiful film ever made. I am very passionate when it comes to films, (possibly too passionate) and when I say a film is beautiful it must be something special, and to be the most beautiful film ever made, it must be outstanding. I left the cinema with my stomach at my feet and my heart in my throat. I have simply never seen anything like it before. I thought the Kung-Fu scenes in The Matrix were excellent but this beats the Hell out of The Matrix in every single way possible. The movements in this are graceful and breathtaking. All credit to the actors who performed all of the moves so fast I did not know it was possible (and no CGI either) but the real medal must go to the choreographers who came up with these quite stunning fight scenes. But a film review such as this cannot go on without a mention of the master director that is Ang Lee. I cannot even imagine what challenges a project like this must put in front of you but it looks like he handled them with the same genius that he showed in Sense and Sensibility and The Ice Storm. There is not a bad word that I can say about him or this film.

Lots of people may be put off by the presence of subtitles but you soon forget that you are reading them and they are not obstructive at all. I went with a dyslexic friend and he said that even if you don't read them you still know what is happening. Finally I must say that everyone must see this film. And I put SHAME upon the foreheads of those people who only gave this 1 out of 10. How could you disrespect such a true masterpiece like that. STUNNING...BEAUTIFUL...UNMISSABLE!!

Out of Sight

Chemistry lesson anyone?
An almost perfect film. On release this was a flop and I am at a complete loss as to why. The things that put this film miles above any other film in the genre are the performances. Every single person in this film is utterly fantastic. Ranging from Micheal Keaton who, although only on screen for a few minutes, lifts the whole film up a notch and practicaly makes one of the funniest scenes in the film. There are also perfect performances from Don Cheadle and Ving Rhames but it is the chemistry between Jennifer Lopez and George Clooney that leaves you gasping for breath at the end. They are, quite simply, electrifying. The ultra-cool music for this film helps a huge amount for the overall effect of the film and when put with the stunningly beautiful direction of Steven Soderbergh the mix equals one of the few truly cool films ever made.


Not a better film in sight
With Hanks, who is always watchable, and Washington, who has also got a very good track record, this film was destined to be fantastic but not even I, who always has an optimistic view when it comes to movies, was ready for the impact that this film made. Tom Hanks excelled even himself with his performance as an AIDS striken homosexual who is fired from his job simply because of his condition. It is Hanks, by himself, who makes the whole scenario in the film believable. Although this is Hanks's best performance of his career, he is very closely followed by Denzel Washington who gives a perfect performance as the only lawyer who will take on the case although he is a homophobe himself. The emotional strain of the film on the audience is immense and in the later stages of the film it is almost impossible to watch because of that. The make-up which gives the impression that Hanks really does have the terrible disease is perfect and the simple yet striking direction from Jonathan Demme(The Silence Of The Lambs) make this utterly compelling viewing although at times it is very uncomfortable. All praise to everyone in the making of this beautiful film.

Anyone who hasn't seen this film must do as soon as possible.


complex, violent yet brilliant
This is what disney should be doing. Forget all the nice, frilly stuff, this is what we need. True, Disney is mainly for young children but they do need a dark side. The animation supercedes anyones expectations and the story line is one of the most complicated ever. For many people the violence will be too much because the animation makes it possible to do almost anything. Manga's best until "Ghost in the Shell" which is even better. Utterly compelling

Dude, Where's My Car?

"Why would someone want to make a film this bad?"- that's a better title.
This is possibly one of the unfunniest films i have ever seen and I am very annoyed that I wasted over £5 on this waste of celluloid space. It is certain that there will be comparisons to films such as "American Pie" and "Road Trip" but they are both well ahead of this, highly unoriginal and, frankly, dull "pothead" film. It is possible to say that the two leading men could make a very good comedy two-some if given the right material but they should steer clear of stuff like this in future. I am happy to accept that this is a film for the American sense of humour but maybe it should have stayed over there. Unfortunutately I have to admit that some of the gags were almost funny but this is trying to be a laugh-out-loud film but failing miserably. "Dude, Where's My Refund".

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