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My Darling Vivian

Facts counter fiction of I WALK THE LINE
Enjoyed the film; fascinating how history can be rewritten by the "victors," even if those victors are screenwriters, directors or producers with a point of view.

Great home movies and photos.

Loved the differing memories of Viv and Johnny's daughters--"Really? I don't remember it that way," one quietly murmurs at her sister's words. The film builds power through the daughters' loving testimonies, the weight of family photos, and interspersed film clips showing life in the '50s, '60s through the '90s and aughts.

Right now, I want to complain about IMDb, one of my sacred websites...How can they list the first two stars of MY DARLING VIV as Joaquin and Reese?! Why aren't Vivian and Johnny Cash first and foremost?

For shame!!!

Meet Cute

What makes a good movie?
I will be thinking about this for a long time.

It had two great leads with undeniable chemistry.

The studio's PR campaign was terrible--this is NOT a conventional rom-com. In fact, one could debate whether or not it's even a comedy.

What it IS is dark and tearful and nihilistic yet hopeful and such a SURPRISE. It's a hidden gem that you tell certain friends about, and you sit around and love it and try to squeeze logic into a time-travel film, which is silly. Time-travel is the McGuffin, not the plot.

The plot is how life and love are messy--but ultimately worth it, or at least worth trying, trying to live and not become bitter and traumatized. Trying to remain hopeful. And courageous. And alive.

Trying to be brave.

This film surprised me, and touched me.

I loved it.


This is eye-opening and heart-stopping and thoughtful and beautiful
I don't know why more people don't see this.

I may have to watch it again, to catch more nuance.

The acting is superlative; James Cordon anchors a brilliant cast. Actor Melia Kreiling is impossibly beautiful, but her character is thoughtful yet passionate.

Don't watch when you're hungry. James (Chef Jamie) creates mouth-watering menus.

Basically, this film makes you feel and think and taste and imagine.

Why do other treat this series so badly? Am I seeing things not there? No...I think they are missing the reality of what monogomy can and cannot be.

This reminds me of columnist Dan Savage and his rants about "monogamish." This series is an illustration.

See it!


WOW! BJ Novak's directorial debut is GREAT
It's still a small picture--by that I mean it isn't about Thor or Capt America or Fast and Furious #212, etc. It's about dialogue and wit and characters and fish-out-of-water and smashed expectations.

Novak wrote, acted, starred--impressive. Ashton Kutcher was amazing. It was fun to see Issa Rae again. The rest of the cast was consistently funny, thoughtful, dare I say--profound?

Two caveats: the ending was sudden, unexpected (in a good way) but a character acted OUT of character (NOT in a good way).

And...a pivotal TXT conversation wasn't on screen long enough (or I was sitting too far back in the theatre for my aging eyesight ) to catch important details that led to the climax. This is when I love streaming--I can stop the film, read the screen as long as I like, then continue the film.

The Chekhov conversation was brilliant!

Only Murders in the Building: The Last Day of Bunny Folger
Episode 3, Season 2

Immensely enjoyable
I recently saw Steve Martin and Martin Short (and fireworks) at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Their banter, their easy camaraderie, was delightful. I've rarely laughed so hard. Their friendship and casual one-upmanship translate so beautifully in ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING.

Selena Gomez is not the most versatile actor around, but she adds a droll charm to the podcasting trio.

And this episode was especially interesting, as a parrot led into a recreation of Bunny Folger's last day. Insight into a side character--very illuminating and unexpected.

But I really want to yell at all the user/reviewers here who are trashing Amy Schumer. Stars and celebrities take cameo guest-starring roles as themselves in order to poke fun at themselves. They play rude, selfish or arrogant, tasteless or asinine. THEY ARE ACTING.

Sure, Schumer may be a real piece of work in real life; I don't know--but here, her transparent greediness and lack of insight is SATIRICAL. This is not the real her.

So quit bitching!

Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

OMG, this was amazing
People who write, "Emma wasn't sexy enough" are missing the point. EVERYONE should love their bodies and the pleasure that can be had, physical and emotional, with or without other people.

That sounds pretentious, but--I'm sorry, Emma T is an onion, peeling back layer upon layer of an older woman, a woman who's never had satisfying sex. How brave her character is, to hire a sex worker...how brave Emma-the-actress is, to bare both body and soul for the camera, for US.

A breathtaking performance. Am I the only one who related to every sigh, to every single cringe of insecurity, of calling yourself "embarrassing" or "pathetic" before someone else calls you that first?

I think not.

And Daryl McCormick was a fantasy come true--built like a Greek god, sensitive, giving, and aware that he was a fantasy.

Their give-and-take, their off-and-on...I have a feeling I shall be reliving this in my mind for a long, long time to come.

And for those who say, But if you reverse roles, it's creepy: It has ALWAYS been men, older men, more powerful men, younger women; the men have power, and the women trade their beauty. In this story, she is older, but she is vulnerable. I rarely see men as vulnerable in other stories.

This is something I have never before seen on film. When the minority up-ends the majority, when the weaker overcomes the stronger--that is a story. Male privilege, we've seen. Turning the tables, especially with extraordinary actors like Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack, is here a revelation.

Interesting that the film's title is wishing HIM luck--she has found her happy ending.

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Episode 7, Season 2

Was WAITING for Season 2, and it DELIVERED
I agree, it felt truncaterd at only 7 episodes. And am I the only one who wondered how Ingrid got from visiting Nathan's body in LA to back in NY to LA again? But there were such wickedly sly gags (David Choak eating only endangered fowl, for one) and even the cloned help got some personality and special scenes.

We're rooting for Nathan and Nora to get together, and they do. The episode ends with plenty to look forward to in Season 3.


Very moving story
Watching a robot learn and develop is captivating. Tom Hanks is reliably wonderful, and an apocalypse theme is obviously right on target. With only one human onscreen in the present, a dog and two robots, the filmmakers craft a satisfying, if not earthshaking, film.

We Are Lady Parts

I'm a fan!
And I'm NOT the demograph you'd think--white American female 65+.

Ten minutes into the first episode, I was besotted with Amina. Inner monologues, fantasies, head-thumping music, raunchy but right-on lyrics, men, women, parents (Amina's mom a stand-out). This showed me a variety of Muslim women (maybe not 100% factual, but EMOTIONALLY true) that I'd never seen before.

Fun. Irreverent. Creative. Refreshing. And the few tropes that are cliched--hunky man-candy begins to have feelings for our sweet geeky Amina, for example--are ravingly successful because they ground this show in the pantheon of television comedies.

Vital. Brave. How many other rapturous adjectives can I string together?

I want MORE.

Kiss Me Kosher

I'm still smiling
Very enjoyable--without sugarcoating Isaeli/Arab Jewish/German "tensions," the film is sexy and smart. It took a while, but I see why Shira fell in love with Maria.

Je ne suis pas un homme facile

Starts like a rom-com, ends up making you THINK
Excellent film. A world where women call the shots--from catcalls to fatherfuckers to men in short/shorts and nail polish...it's great.

In 1978, Gloria Steinem wrote, "what would happen if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not? ...Men would brag about how long and how much."

This movie illustrated that point--with humor, bite, and even a bit of sexual frisson.

See it.

Thunder Force

Melissa, we're glad you're happily married--but hubby is a TERRIBLE writer/director
I groan anytime I see Ben Falcone doing anything more than a cameo on a film.

This was so unfunny, so miscast, such a waste of time. Wasn't it just months ago that Melissa and Bobby Cannavale were in SUPERINTELLIGENCE together?

I hear that Melissa and Olivia Spencer are life-long friends....sorry, that does not into a credible friendship on screen, and Olivia is Just Not Funny. There was ONE GOOD SCENE, with Em's grandmother, but that's about the only time during the film when I truly LAUGHED.

Truly awful.

Behind Her Eyes: The First Door
Episode 3, Season 1

Immensely captivating
I am writing this in response to ivwxhgwq, who said that Adelle was better suited to David than Louise was. Let's see, Adelle is beyond rich, David was a farmer on her estate. Sounds like NOT RICH but middle-class Louise might have more in common with David.... Let's see, Louise is funny and David is funny and Adelle is dour. Um...again, Louise seems a better fit for David.

So why is Adelle a better choice? Because she is white and David is white and Louise is Black?

I don't know what's going to happen--David might be the bad guy, Adelle might be a victim, Louise might be an alien/ But I do know that on the face of it, Louise is a much more lively and interesting person than Adelle is.


I LOVE MELISSA MCCARTHY--why does she continue to make such terrible movies?
Husband actor/writer/director Ben Falcone is not doing her any favors.

James Corden as the Superintelligence was funny. The rest of the movie was NOT. Such a waste of Bobby Cannavale.

Plot holes galore. For instance--Bobby/George is due to leave for the airport for his year in Ireland in an hour or so, yet he is still packing, has to move the packed boxes to storage, close his house and return the house keys to the landlord. Wishful thinking much?

Melissa, Melissa, Melissa--I still watch all your movies. But sometimes you don't make it easy for a fan.


I sooooo wanted to like this oive...
...Viggo Mortenson, as an actor, poet, linguist and painter is filled with surprises, and I was hoping his writing/directorial debut would be a pleasure to watch. I can handle heavy drama and tragic endings...this film, however, was ridiculous. Lance Henricksen played Viggo's nasty, foul-mouthed, abrasive and abusive father. He's slowly "falling" into senility, but it turns out he has ALWAYS been a s*n of a b***h.

Why Viggo and Laura Linney, as Lance's grown children, tolerate him with respect and even affection is never explained nor comprehensible.

Viggo made a movie with gorgeous scenery and a handful of memorable scenes, but I can only remember about ten seconds' worth of kindness between Lance and his growing family.

I wanted to quit the film after 30 minutes, but kept on watching to the bitter end because I was hoping against hope that something unexpected or climactic would happen. Alas--it was not to be.

The Little Things

Denzel! Rami Malek! Even Jared Leto! Surely they would only be involved in a quality project, right?


You know in a movie (when we used to actually see them in THEATRES), when the terrified girl decides to go INTO the house with no electricity and no phone? The house where the killer is lurking? And you want to shout, "NO! NO! Don't go in there!"???

Well, something as bone-headed happens in this film. Rami Malek's Detective GETS INTO THE SUSPECT'S CAR and lets the maybe-killer DRIVE HIM AWAY, WITH NO ONE KNOWING!

It is such a ridiculous decision, so unbelievably stupid, that the story immediately lost all credibility here. From there, Malek's actions devolved to 180 degree-turn from who he was, just ludicrous.

So sad.

Real drek.

Coastal Elites

No wonder Raul Rudnick is one of my favorite writers
Side-splitting funny. Moments of great clarity, and/or depth, and/or poignancy. DEFINITELY ONE-SIDED: Trumpers, beware!

I can't gfigure out which episode I like more--they are ALL incredible. Well-acted, brilliantly written, and one of the first after-quarantine shows.

Bravi, all!

Wonder Woman 1984

Gal Gadot was stunning, although in one scene she used the word "forte" and pronounced it "for-tay," ugh. (Before you yell at me, go look it up.)

Kristen Wiig was sympathetic, though unfortunately when she became Cheetah, it was SUCH a bad make-up job. But she and Max Lord were fun and offbeat villians. Few films survive villains being redeemed in the end...it worked here.

But the story! Clever way to bring back Steve Trevor (Chris Pine). Emotional moments, great action (woman goes mano o mano with woman--great!). Yeah, there were plot holes and bone-headed moves--but it was all wrapped up in one grand and satisfying film.

Loved it!


Better film about money hustles than THE BIG SHORT and LAUNDROMAT (imho)
Really enjoyable! Strong performances, heroic-but-flawed female hero, directed by a woman, fast-paced, excellent script (by a man...), Judy Greer in a dramatic role, though the film overall is a comic-yet-cynical look at debt as handled in this country.

Jojo Rabbit

UTTERLY BRILLIANT--another gem from Taika Waititi
Not just funny, but hilarious. Yet--sad. Poignant. Beautifully acted--an amazing debut from young Roman Griffin Davis; Waititi as Adolf Hitler; Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson; Rebel Wilson; Stephen Merchant. Compassionate, loving, sensitive, along with being bust-a-gut comedy. Never would have thought of such an inspired gimmick, Adolf Hitler as an imaginary friend--but it works.

Thank you, Taika Waititi!

Before You Know It

Great tagline doesn't save this film
Two sisters learn that their mother, whom they thought dead, is still alive? Juicy, involving, emotional, perhaps comedic and insightful. All of which this film ISN'T. Based on the characterizations we see, people respond in a way the writers want them to, not the way human beings do. Mandy Patinkin has a thankless, embarrassing role. Judith Light is terrific, but she can't save this. Many people walked out of the screening I attended...

Isn't It Romantic

Funny and thought-provoking--and a great satire of the entire rom/com genre
Rebel Wilson's first foray as producer is great! Normally I'd rate this 8 or 9, but I so desperately want to counter the people who rate this poorly--just because they don't understand what they're seeing, hearing, feeling. With Liam Hemsworth and Adam Devine and Priyanka Chopra, fun music, great one-liners, and spoofing of rom/coms on so many levels (visually, aurally, dialogue, clothes, situations), it's a hoot. And Rebel Wilson is just so darned charismatic.

Tel Aviv on Fire

VERY FUNNY, despite underwhelming lead performance
Feels like an honest, but funny, take on the Arab/Israeli conflict--which I never thought I would see. A Palestinian ordinary-Yusef, Salam, starts as a go-fer at a "explosive" soap opera filmed in Ramallah (film in-joke), and ends up as screenwriter and creative force on the show, causing both mayhem and closure for the surrounding people: the talented but egotistical diva; the Israeli captain of the West Bank checkpoint Salam has to travel through twice daily; the producers of the soap opera; the girl Salam hopes to woo and win; the family of the Israeli captain. The Israeli government helped produce this film, but allowed a realistic look at the indignities a Palestinian might undergo in Israel--modern-day, or back when this film is set, both before and after the Six-Day War. The only flaw, in my opinion, is the portrayal of Salam. He is wooden and inexpressive. Yes, he's handsome; yes, he seems charismatic; but he rarely smiles, and he speaks in a monotone. The fact that I couldn't stop laughing, despite the boring protagonist, is proof that this film is funny.

Late Night

I don't know who to love more, Mindy Kaling or Emma Thompson
This was funny, sweet, satirical, uplifting, feminist, did I mention funny? As well as having something to say, but not being didactic about it. OK, the earnest newbie and the cantankerous veteran, seen it before--but Kaling manages to make an involving. And did I mention funny? Guffaws, titters, sometimes just a grin--but then a belly laugh erupts and it's grand.

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