
IMDb member since March 2019
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The Empty Man

You'll either love it or hate it
Idk why this movie has such bad reviews because it was genius to me and it wasn't some bootleg version of "The Slender Man." Their premises and concepts were nothing alike. The plots/storylines may have seemed to have similar deliveries but they were in themselves nothing alike.

This is a movie that was made for ppl who have unique ideas and views in regards to reality and thought. You also have to have some sort of knowledge and understanding about Buddhism and the monks.

At first glance, it seems like the storyteller is saying that the empty man is the Buddhist monk who has achieved the mastery of a rare meditative state and is seated in the lotus position but a closer examination will show you that he has 2 figures, one on each side of him appearing to hold him down which also is unlikely depending upon your perspective. Mine suggests that they were alien and found him and touched him to try to communicate with him through thought and consciousness and got trapped in the plane of existence the monk had traveled to.

I do believe in the noosphere and shared consciousness and creating your own outcomes with thoughts. Your thoughts make the things you think about most happen even though you most likely won't be able to choose the course of actions and events. That's what the empty man does. He sets the events in motion for the acts to produce the outcome your mind has already chosen. This means he wasn't good or evil because his followers who called out to him regularly weren't harmed. They were also given the thing of their dreams; they just weren't dreaming of their deaths like those who died/killed themselves on the 3rd day.

It was an interesting concept. There were so many other things going on in the movie as well. You have to see it for yourself.

8/10 because the concept was good and different but the delivery will lose you from time to time.


Finally!! A show with a woman removing her chastity belt strapped on by society!!
8/10 so for because the series is not at its end. It's truly just beginning.

2 of my favorite quotes I say frequently... (1) We are all born into this world knowing everything, equally intelligent and curious, but the ppl in our lives spend every waking moment trying to condition us to forget and learn to embrace shame.

(2) There is no such thing as a "freak" when you're an adult engaging in carnal desires with another/other adults. It's called being "grown" and free in the only place we can truly be free, our bedrooms.

The protagonist starts off as a rigid prude. She's basically a 40 year old virgin with 2 children and a newly deceased husband who has been hiding a very lucrative porno business for almost 2 decades which also happens to employ his mother. When he died, he left her his business to run and debt.

She eventually learned how to manoeuvre in the industry while learning how to pleasure herself, something else she'd never done and she accidentally, on purpose, falls in love with her leading male porn star who is very famous and well known and so therefore it becomes interesting watching her slowly break free of her conditioning and allow herself to be loved and sexually liberated.


Unexpected creative genius!
I loved it!!!

Storyline: A backstory for The Joker has never been done on the big screen before and I can honestly say I was skeptical about it because his story would have to be complex and nearly impossible to tell especially if you don't have an actor who's capable of portraying the complexity of the character, but I was pleasantly surprised with every aspect of this film from the original storyline that gives him a different story from his initial backstory in the comics and his return story when he was reborn in the first Robin. This story incorporates all of the issues of today and today's society that have always existed but is being told during the time of the 70s/80s. It's also very modern and foretelling of a future that everyone should expect if things continue on the current path. The dismissal of mental health being a reality that is usually ignored and handled by overmedicating is a huge issue that's addressed. The crippling economy and the separation of the wealth classes and how it affects us all is also covered. Abuse of almost every form is discussed and the effects of it are clearly seen. His outcome was predictable considering the tragedy of his life.

Thomas Wayne was everything I thought the real Thomas Wayne would've been. He's a hero to his young son because he didn't live long enough for Bruce to see who he really was and become corrupted morally by him, but Thomas is an entitled, privileged monster who judges the common man far too harshly and refuses to see that he's a part of the problem.

Cast: Joaquin Phoenix is one of the most underrated actors and even though I've always thought that he is one of the few actors who actually becomes the character he's playing, I can also admit that I didn't think he had what it takes to not only play the role of the Joker, but also be the best version of the Joker outside of the animated version voiced by Mark Hamill.

No one can play the crazy mother better than Frances Conroy.

Overall I gave it a 10. It was a breath of fresh air to see something honest come out of Hollywood. DC comics are dark. All of the movies should be rated R for the most part to capture the true nature of the story of the characters. Hopefully this movie means DC movies are being reborn and retold with more authenticity and accuracy that compliments their darker nature.

It's a must see.

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