
IMDb member since April 2006
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Not your everyday flick, thats what makes it slick
First off, this is a quality movie. The acting by Chris Evans is nothing to write home about but it's the best he's done so he gets a pat on the back, and Jason Statham as "Bateman" is one of the funniest characters i've seen in a movie. Statham revives his sarcastic attitude from Lock Stock, and Snatch to fit the personality of a stressed out, paranoid, coke head. The flow of this movie is very well done making it sometimes slow and sentimental, and then every time someone does a line it speeds up as the brain cells explode! The Crystal Method soundtrack goes well, and in the end of the day it doesn't hurt to sit and reflect on the fact that the whole movie took place at one party, on one night, and the majority of it; in one bathroom at that party. On another note, the movie has beautiful women in spades so for those who do not enjoy the comedic male performances can have something to looks at :) The acting by Jessica Biel is not much either but she has a very small role, considering her name is the title of the film. I'd say the weakest points of this film are the flashback sequences to when Sid and London were still dating. Those seemed to me, to be dry and just plane stressful. I as a viewer, having a connection with a fictional character appreciate Sid much more when he's stoned out of his mind and not in a relationship. All around good movie, decent acting, 7 out of ten. Bam!


It looks like "Shrek" !!!! Can u really take it that seriously????
Okay so they made the dumb decision to put everything in CG. Nice job guys! you're idiots! This movie is supposed to tell the tale of a bad ass hero fighting off really cool monsters and it looks like "Shrek". It's not like I have anything against "Shrek" but this is just a crappy movie. If they had taken this movie, gotten a REAL script, done it with real people, and amped up the violence and exposure to an R rating then it would have had the potential to be a good, borderline decent movie. There are also times in this flick where it will feel like you're watching a bad cartoon porno. There is a scene where our hero, Beowulf will fight in his birthday suit. During this scene you will find yourself playing the game, "what object is going to cover his 'goods' in this take?" This is not what I'd like to be doing while i'm watching a film but due to the immature script writing I couldn't help it. If you're going to have him fight nude then let him show some skin and don't make it so obvious that you're covering it up, and take the R rating. Or, just have him fight in some tight boxers or something but at least don't make it look immature.

If you must go, go with friends because you will be laughing at how bad it is! 3/10

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