
IMDb member since April 2006
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The Nuclear Apocalypse movie
I want to give it a higher rating. They got so many things right. Script, direction acting all well done. The top review had a good summary, except that he thought some engineers would be able to tell him where the movie was wrong about radiation. They wouldn't. One of the few times that the cinema ever got remotely close, and this by far was the closest. The things some might want to quibble about would go the way depicted if people didn't know what they were doing. Which is the case here. No one for a change is given the role of brainiac of the universe. They really don't know what they're doing. They also don't have a prepper/survivalist who has been training for this contingency to help them out. Just some regular folks who are trying to deal. Supply issues are glossed over, but so are most character introductions because in the real world people don't run and announce their profession/helpful hobbies and quirky humanizing interests to those they've known for a long time, and even less so to strangers.

A+ for apocalypse vs humanity. A- for humanity survival needs. A for not hand holding the nincompoops who need every little detail explained to the. Although with all the good effort, and work in this wrongly maligned little gem, somehow it never gels to be more of a movie than an apocalypse movie. In that niche genre, where it doesn't intersect with action (cough The Road Warrior cough) it's the best you'll find.

The Last Man on Earth

Funny and painful
I don't want to give it away, but there's not a lot to give away. This show is FUNNY!. That being said, I realize that there is a problem. This is Arrested Development funny, or Better Off Ted. If you didn't find those funny, you won't like this. Half of it is painful to the point of a root canal, the other half will have you clutching your sides. I love this show. Which is what scares me. Never seen a show this good make it. The three seasons of Arrested were an anomaly. God how I hope that this will beat the odds.

Wanted a to the point review to maybe grab a few non-watchers and get them to give it a chance, but IMDb wants longer, so here is the filler: There's a fair amount of toilet humor for those who are too shallow to get the bigger, heavier, social commentary going on, and it works.

Tales of an Ancient Empire

It's soooo bad
Tales of an Ancient Empire. The phrase, "I've seen better acting from extras in Godzilla movies," can be taken literally. As bad as the acting is, and it is the worst I've ever seen. This coming from someone who's watched Ed Wood movies without a laugh track, and Yor Hunter From the Future straight without MST3K commentary. I don't know that Anthony Hopkins, Robert Downey Jr., and the late great Heath Ledger trying to play at acting that badly could be so bad. As bad as the acting is, and it is just so bad, the writing's worse. My God, it's as if Uwe Boll were given a Michael Bay Plot treatment with George Lucas running script doctor on the dialog. Except that I think that would be better. I really truly do. Perhaps we could get the first graders from South Park Elementary to be the cast. So if you want to see a bad B-movie, for the love of God see something else. Watch Reindeer Games, watch a junior high fan fiction of Star Trek on youtube. In the name of all that is holy, watch C-SPAN!

The Road to Wellville

One of the best comedies you'll ever see.
I also can not fathom the low rating. One of only a small handful of comedies that I will watch repeatedly. As other reviewers have said, George young and old is great. It's a superb ensemble though. Hopkins performance as Dr. Kellogg easily rivals Dr. Lecter. For me Cusack's second best work. Colm Meaney's best without a doubt. Camryn Manheim's small but pivotal role always brings on a smile:)

I only gave it 9 stars, but that's because I'm a tough critic. It's a spectacularly good movie. It just isn't at that stratospheric ten level. IE Star Wars IV combined with being seven years old, or Clerks. If you haven't seen it yet, do so.

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