
IMDb member since March 2019
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    IMDb Member
    5 years



Loved the scenery and the premise, but little else.
This series grabbed me from the beginning, with its offbeat characters. But by the second season, I created a drinking game that I called: 'Count the Number of Implausibility's of Wanted.'

It turned out to be a fairly lethal drinking game, though I was still able to focus on the show. I would take a drink whenever a plot point would occur that either, was totally implausible, or, obviously added just to move the story along.

I lost count of the number of times the characters were easily able to locate each other at a moment's notice, despite traveling to various countries. Or, the unrealistic action sequences that had me laughing out loud.

The writers and producers ought to be ashamed of themselves with the lapses of credibility they accepted in order in order to extend the story as long as it was profitable.

The only thing that kept me watching was the characters and the locations. But maybe this part of the plan all along.


Bad Editing Will Kill a Story
I'm surprised more people haven't remarked on the extraordinarily bad editing and continuity in this film.

I liked the story and I really wanted to like the film as well. But the editing was really sloppy. At one point there is a static shot of Juanita outside the Paper Moon with her bags packed that's only shown for a second or two. I didn't know what to make of that, as it's completely out of context, until I started to realize that the rest of the film suffered from the same sort of ham-handed editing.

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