
IMDb member since April 2006
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    18 years


A Wrinkle in Time

Could have been better...
True, L'Engle's book was far better. The movie itself wasn't so bad. I was quite pleased to see that Mrs. Whatsit was portrayed as the winged creature in a very satisfactory way. It was almost as though they pulled the image from my mind! Alfre Woodard was excellent as Mrs. Which, but then she's excellent in EVERYTHING. I was disappointed by parts, such as the Man with red eyes and Aunt Beast... and the end was slightly unsatisfactory as well. While I was a little upset by the changes, I would be pleased to see the other three of the Time Quartet (A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters) be put to film. Maybe it would be better if New Line did it instead of Disney, though...

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