
IMDb member since March 2019
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The Tragedy of Macbeth

Viewed by an Idiot Seeking the Sound and Fury!
I really, really, really wanted to love this movie. I have taught the play before and have a good feel for the material, but even I found it to be inaccessible.

The Coens (even though this is just Joel) are my favorite directors, the cast is incredible and the vibe certainly resonates, but even then I found it to be hollow. I was waiting for that Oscar moment from DENZEL, but it looked like he was contained throughout the production.

I will certainly review the film - with subtitles - to see what that does, but I walked out feeling empty. I thought this would walk away with film of the year, but I don't think it'll even end up in the Top 5 or 10.

Maybe I am the idiot looking for the Sound and Fury that should accompany one of best tales of all time.

The Purge

Great Concept / Stale Execution
I finally.decided to give the first movie in The Purge series a try to see what I've been missing. It's always been a series that's had some relative hype and notoriety and on a stale Saturday night I finally indulged.

I loved seeing Lena and Ethan as the leads - I had no idea. The concept of the movie was intriguing and the siren signifying the start of the purge was as iconic as I had previously perceived. That's about where the intrigue ended for me.

While it wasn't a poor film, it was pretty straight forward and lacked any type of depth within the characters that built the anticipation. The back and forth between the father and the family offered some engagement, but other than that it fell pretty flat.

Overall, I'd say it was pretty much a standard murder flick. Worth a watch, but it will lack any long term value from my point of view.

Them: Day 10
Episode 10, Season 1

Enthralling start / Uninspired end
Man, what this show could have been is what left me feeling so let down upon the conclusion of the finale. I loved the production, acting, storyline, intensity and every other emotion that the first eight episodes provided. With that, I was hoping for a cohesive and/or fascinating end that gave some of the horror elements a proper place within the show. We received none of that.

The biggest letdown is that the spirits involvement was simply that and were put out without much intrigue at all. It felt like they were just there and lacked any deeper intrigue or meaning to the show. Oh, what it could have been.

Overall, the first 8 episodes are must see TV, but upon finishing the series I don't know if I should recommend it to others with a caveat or avoid that all together??

Maybe someone else can make sense of the ending in a manner that is fitting to the first 3/4 of the series...

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