
IMDb member since March 2019
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    IMDb Member
    5 years


The Bear

Best thing I've watched all year
Tv shows and movies have fallen short for me personally since 2020. I thought maybe it's just me and my attention span was just nonexistent since the pandemic.

So I was over the moon when I couldn't stop watching this show. It had me on the edge of my couch wanting more and more.

The storyline, characters, sets and acting were so well done. It didn't feel like they were pushing for this revolutionary show and instead focused on just making it good. The details and thought put into everything was amazing and appreciated.

My parents owned bars and restaurants while I was growing up and I personally have worked in the restaurant industry for 12 years, my whole career. So it brought me a lot of joy watching and it not having that feeling of "this never actually happens in a restaurant". Because everything in this show is so spot on and I appreciate that so very much.

I can't wait for the next season and I suggest this show to anyone and everyone.

Watch this if you want something that will make you feel all emotions, you will be dying laughing and crying. It will completely suck you in and make you invested in all of the characters so much so that you truly care about all of them.

Mack & Rita

Honestly I'm all about a cheesy movie sometimes. It's nice to laugh about silly storylines and not so great acting.

But this was bad, from the first 10 mins I was asking myself how this movie even made it out into the world. Did no one screen this while making it. The acting was terrible and the script made it even worse.

I was expecting a silly chick flick and I was even expecting the acting to be not great. But this was so much worse than my expectations that it was hard to watch.

I think this movie could have been good. The storyline has so much potential and a lot of the cast I've seen in many other things and enjoy them. So it sucks that it was so disappointing.


The most frustrating thing I've ever watched
I've never been so heavily irritated by a movie in my life. This movie is just as bad as 2020

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