Reviews (61)

  • The movie was so bad, I thought it was a foreign film....bad cinematography, poor sound quality, poor lighting.... long drawn out to the point of being boring. Some parts were well cast, most left a lot to be desired. How did Pitt, Liotta and Gondolfini get talked in to doing this? I thought the best acting came from Gondolfini, most believable. For those who thought this didn't have violence, I saw plenty, and plenty of blood, etc.... it didn't help the movie at all and seemed like it was added just to make it more commercial. Some of the music was OK.. If you are looking for a way to waste a couple of hours, perhaps take a nap this may be for you..
  • I watched this movie many, many years ago, and like all good movies it left an impression on me. I think about this movie from time to time and remember it bringing out many emotions in me, mostly fear. I would love to watch it again if I can ever find it available. I don't remember to much about it, but loved Michael Caine and felt he did an excellent job in his role. This is a modern day pirate story, that seems to be probably fairly close to reality. I did not read the book so I can't compare the two. I figure that the fact that the movie has left such an impact on me all these years later, gives the movie a positive rating. I wonder if I watched it now if I would still enjoy it?
  • I found this movie to be well worth watching. It was perfectly cast and very believable. Being that Casey is from Massachusets he fit the lead characters role perfectly. I did have some difficulty understanding him at times, but I think that may have more to do with the microphones not necessarily being close enough to him when he spoke. I did not read the book, so don't know how close to the book the plot is, and I really don't care. I watched the movie to be entertained by a movie, not to compare it to a book.... The movie was well directed, scenes were very well done, with the exception perhaps at the quarry. I plan on watching again, which I seldom do, because I enjoyed it so much.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I am being kind giving this movie three stars. I found it to be boring. I wondered if they left to much on the cutting room floor? They didn't develop the characters. The script left a lot to be desired. The premise of the movie was good, but that is the only positive I can give this piece of crap. I would suggest not wasting your time or money on this.

    I guess the idea of the Angels/Watchers/Fate that control what we do with our lives in interesting concept and could be developed into something wonderful, this ain't it. I found the suits and hats a little ridiculous. The doors sequences made no sense and did not help with the plot at all.
  • I have trouble sitting through some movies. Many of the movies I see are the same as other movies....They keep doing the same thing over and over and change the peoples names and a few details and call it new.... This movie Jerry and Tom was a breath of fresh air, something different. It was well done and well cast and it was fresh with a different way of changing scenes, more like a carousel effect with sets blending into the next... BRAVO!!... I couldn't have a cast a better crew of characters, each one brought just what the needed to their role.

    The movie develops as a new hit man starts his training under the watchful eye of his teacher. We watch him grow through the years, from a young long haired hippie to a well groomed hit man.

    The humor throughout the movie by itself makes this movie worth watching, very subtle at times, and outrageously funny at other times.
  • 1 February 2011
    I am always dismayed when a movie goes so far off the mark of reality, when the true story is so much more interesting. The British had already gotten the code before the Americans ever entered the war. I guess this is par for Hollywood to rewrite history. Why can't someone make a movie that is factual about some of the most interesting things in American history? If you want to just watch a movie that is fiction this may just be what you want. I find movies like this that distort actually history is very confusing to the uneducated historians of this world. I guess some may realize that this is fiction, but most will believe it is at least based on reality.
  • I am giving this movie a 3 for some wonderful acting and great cast. But when I see movies that try to rewrite history, and put a slant on it in a particular way, it drives me crazy. WW11, had many atrocities, from the slaughter of Catholics, to 400,000,000 Russians killed. I believe a better movie to show actual historic value is a movie called Enemy at the Gate. We Americans have been brain washed for way to long. Please remember this is a movie and deals very little in reality.

    On the plus side is some wonderful footage of actual scenes. Some great filmography, the cast is fantastic.

    Great propaganda film.
  • I watched this movie at the encouragement of my two best friends, who absolutely loved it. I had my reservations, because I don't usually like chick flicks, as they are usually just don't deal in reality, and give women an unreal expectation of romance, love and life. This movie was basically just what I expected, NOT WORTH WATCHING. I don't understand why anyone under any circumstance would condone a wife cheating on her husband? I felt badly for the husband she was cheating on, he was a descent man and did not deserve a wife who was so lose. If she wanted to sleep around she should have gotten divorced. I think movies like this send a very bad message to young girls and boys. It isn't love, it is lust.
  • I had never heard of this movie or the book it was taken from...but I watched it because of Mel Gibson, even though I am not a big fan of his, his movies are usually at least worth a look/see.

    I was pleasantly surprised at how well done this movie was and the lasting impression it has had on me. Many movies are so forgettable that after watching them they are soon forgotten.

    I marveled at how well the entire movie was directed and the sets, acting, screenplay were magnificent.

    The movie is about a young boy who feels different than others in his family and circle of friends. He meets and a strong friendship between the boy and Mel Gibsons character are forged.

    The movie is about being different and still normal, still with feelings, still with intelligence, still with passion.

    The only thing in the movie I might change would be the title, it just is not what I would consider a good name....A better choice might be "A Man and a Boy"... or something similar.
  • I watched this movie for the first time last evening and wanted to see what made this an Oscar winner.... After watching the movie, I am dumbfounded. I saw an average movie, with average acting at best. At points the acting bordered on amateurish. I began thinking that Francie had some real mental issues. And the brothers character was horridly acted, probably miscast, wrong accent, etc.... That being said, I did enjoy the scenes sets, seeing how modestly the people lived, how they dressed, etc. As for it being a good movie for families, I am not so sure. Showing an alcoholic as a good character, someone who lies to get their child into a different school, is not my idea of family values and the coldness of the mother leaves much to be desired. I also thought that the mothers general attitude toward Francie was not healthy and bordered on usury. All in all an average movie, one that should be seen.
  • I watched this movie last night for the first time and really liked it. It is a wholesome movie with song and dancing and wonderful costumes. I thought the comedy was great and could be enjoyed by the entire family. The movie had good values. I absolutely loved the dress Doris Day had on in scene on the ship, the color, fabrics, and style were magnificent. I never really watched many Doris Day movies, but I have to say she really comes off as "the girl next door" in this movie. I was reminded in many scenes of Ray Bolgers previous acting in the Wizard of Oz, and that would be the only negative I could find for the movie. Not sure why this movie has such a low rating, but I would recommend this movie to everyone.
  • This was an interesting movie and interesting plot twists. I enjoyed Meg Tilly and Rob Lowe, and thought they both added much to the movie. Movies of this time period are pretty much over acted, and seem boring but this one was one that fun to watch and try to figure out what was going to happen next. I have to say I am usually pretty good at seeing plot twists, but I never saw these coming. I enjoyed the scenery and enjoyed the large sail boats and the opening scene with the sail boat race. I found myself looking at the styles of the ladies clothing and hairdos and was enjoying a look back at the styles of twenty years ago and remembering them.
  • This was a well done movie. It said it was based on a true story, I don't know how much was true, but it was a sweet movie about a Doberman pinscher dog and a ten year old girl. In the beginning of the movie there are some scenes of dog fights that look brutal, but are an eye opener for those of us who have never seen a dog fight. If it isn't an issue you have ever personally thought about, this scene in the movie will make you an advocate against such brutal activity. The movie shows the devotion a dog has for a girl that saves its life after losing a battle against a pit bull. I had never heard of this movie, but decided to watch it since John Travolta was in it. It was interesting to see a younger John and it was a good part for him to play and he did it well. If you love dogs or are just looking for a movie that the family may enjoy, this may work for you. There is some cursing, but nothing that most kids haven't heard.
  • I recently re-watched this movie and wanted very much to understand it. After watching it a second time it does make more sense, but still does not flow as well as it could. Because it is a true story and because it has so much local Savannah flavor it was enjoyable to watch. I did think that some of the phony accents were not necessary and actually hurt the entire effort of the movie. I enjoyed seeing the city of Savannah and the beautiful parks and homes. What a spectacular city! I wonder if to much of the movie was left on the cutting room floor? Some parts of the movie just did not flow correctly and seemed like something was missing. I did not feel that the acting was very well done, and that for the most part everyone was over acting. It is interesting to me that the two people who did not seem like they were over acting were the judge (who was actually the lawyer in the real trial) and Chablis (who played herself). The movie is worth watching for the beauty of the homes and city and to see a slice of Savannah history.
  • What a great Who Done It movie... great scenery, great character development and a wonderful music score by Cole Porter with some of his most enjoyable pieces performed through out the movie. A very typical Agatha Christie movie and you must watch closely to get all the clues to see if you can figure out Who done it! If you pay close attention you should be able to guess the culprit, although everyone is a suspect since no one likes the victim and have their own reason to want her dead, but who had not only the motive but opportunity to carry out the dastardly deed.

    After watching this movie I would like to see other Agatha Christie movies.

    The movie is good clean fun for the entire family, the way movies should be, good entertainment.
  • Very intriguing movie, with great casting, acting and plot line. I enjoyed this movie because of the great acting. I had never heard of most of the actors, but they were all very interesting and believable in their roles.

    The movie explores mental illness and love and how in this case it all intertwines. It explores moral values and religion and family values and so much more.

    The movie was very believable and the plot was evolving as it kept your attention. As the movie ends you feel a bond with the characters and feel as if you know them. This is not normally the case when you watch a regular movie, but this movie captures it all, and makes it look so easy.

    The entire movie was very well done and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a movie that is out of the ordinary Hollywood genre.
  • I just watched this movie and enjoyed it for several reasons. The first thing I noticed was that the movie is different than the run of the mill hit man movie, in that the characters are not Italian mafia types. I enjoyed the fact that the characters could be the people next door and that they had more than just one type of personality, that they had compassion. I like the fact that the movie spans a longer time period than most movies of this type. I liked the casting as it seemed more real than the typical casting of hit men.. An older white woman with a younger black man. The other characters including the doctor and Precious were interesting played.

    I would suggest mature audiences would enjoy this movie, and even though full frontal nudity is involved, I believe it was done in good taste and fit the scenes, and did not exploit.
  • I enjoyed watching this movie, although I was hesitant to watch it because I thought it would be a kids movie. I was pleasantly surprised at the core of the movie, plot, and acting. The movie is done wonderfully with great scenery, and is a joy to watch till the end, when it seems like all of a sudden it was decided that the movie was long enough and they just quickly have a finale. It would have been so much better if the ending had been thought out as well as the rest of the movie and given the time it so deserved. I really felt a let down when they ended the movie so quickly. What a shame. Excusing the short comings of the movie is easy because the rest of the movie is so well thought out that it makes the ending excusable. This movie would be great for anyone who enjoys Eastern European history and a great movie for the entire family to watch together.
  • I enjoyed this movie for several reasons. First it looked like it was filmed on location and I could relate to many of the scenes and realized I had been exactly where they were filming. Second thing I thought was interesting was the way the family was portrayed, loving close knit family, divided by a war, forced to chose sides. It was a good movie in that the story telling kept your interest and the characters were well developed. Some of the acting was mediocre but in the overall it was well done. The movie is rather long, 2 1/2 hours, but it passed to quickly. If you are an old movie lover or history buff you will probably enjoy this movie.
  • 29 January 2007
    When you get to be my age (55) the memory starts to go. I saw this movie about a month ago and completely by accident went to see it today. I had forgotten I had seen it. That doesn't speak to highly for the movie. I guess it is forgettable. Some movies you see leave such a mark that you will remember them always. This is a good movie, but it is so much like so many other movies that it doesn't really leave it's mark on you. There is good acting by all involved in this flick. There is lots of action. Lots of dirty talking. Some confusion as to who is the good guys and who are the bad guys. Jack Nicholson does a believable job as the bad guy. I would suggest going to see this movie, but not twice!
  • Combine great plot, great acting and wonderful directing and you have yourself a great movie! This movie was brilliantly entertaining. Characters where well developed and the story kept my interest the entire time. I like the storyline and enjoyed following it, some unexpected turns and a completely different plot line than most movies. I thought the cast was very believable and did an excellent job with their performances. The movie was very true to life and not over done as is so often the case in movies. If you haven't seen this movie, I would recommend this one. You won't want to leave the room while this movie is on.
  • What a great film! I never knew much about Buddy Holly, but was familiar with his lively and fun music. This is a wonderful biography of someone who helped change the music in the 1950's. Although I never cared for Gary Bussey, he was fabulous as Buddy Holly! I don't know how accurate the movie is, but assume at least for the most part it is accurate, which makes the movie all the more interesting. The music throughout the movie just adds the pizazz to this biography. I don't think I would change a thing in this film, it was all good! What a difference in the stars from the 50's to todays music stars. How can you compare someone like Buddy Holly to Justin Timberlake? or any of the other popular singers of this generation?
  • 20 January 2007
    I don't usually like movies from the UK, but this one is worth watching. The plot line is different than any movie I had seen before and although there are flashback scenes, they are done in such a way as you do not get confused as is sometimes the case. All the acting was well done, scenery of the school was beautiful and a good script make this movie enjoyable. For anyone like myself who is claustrophobic you can relate to the dilemma that these young people are in. The hunger and filth of the hole seemed all so real. What seemed like a fun way to skip a field trip turned disastrous. Interesting what love can make someone do!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this movie last evening and when it was over, I thought it was alright, but today the movie haunts me. I feel for the characters in the movie as though they were friends. When a movie can make you feel this way, I consider it a great feat! The scenery was wonderful and if you like horses there are enough scenes with horses to keep you happy. I never like movies where a spouse cheats in their marriage, and this movie is no exception. I thought most characters where well developed and well acted, but feel someone else in the female lead may have been able to do a better job. I loved Robert Redford, he is so handsome, and seems to say all the right things at the right time, to bad there aren't any real men like that!
  • After hearing about this movie for a long time, I enjoyed watching it this evening and am glad I did. Ava Gardner is stunning as the barefoot Contessa and Humphrey Bogart is quite believable in his roll as well. This movie is what movies were known for, great acting, great plot, written well, directed well and the end results is a movie that can be enjoyed. The movie built the characters well and you really feel like you know them and care about them. I didn't see the ending coming, which is marvelous and kept my interest. The scene where they are falling in love was so romantic! I just loved it! Probably one of the most romantic scenes in any movie I have ever watched. It was like a fairy tale, but not all fairy tales end happily ever after.
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