
IMDb member since April 2019
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The Secret KGB UFO Files

The truth is in there!
After the recent New York Times story (week of Oct. 13th 2021) on the long lasting effects of microwave attacks on our diplomats. The Secret KGB UFO Files and The Secret KGB Paranormal Files should be watched carefully.

In 1962 our (USA) Embassy in USSR was targeted. In fact the beam was focused directly on the director's office. The withering effects must have done more harm than known at the time.

The worry was that these weapons were sold around the world after the dramatic changes in the USSR. There is little doubt that Vladimir Putin has these weapons, possibly improved versions.

For the careful viewer (try not to fall asleep) there is much more that is now more relevant. Comments by Stanton Friedman are pointed and very interesting. If the content was all hoax I don't think he would have bothered.


Homage to Manson???
The film could have been much better with ease! What were the makers thinking?

It would have been fine as a comic book style fantasy. Why throw in all the awkward reminders of 80s horror films? Most of those films were much better than this misfortune.

The Mercenaries

Dark Of The Sun
There are many excellent reviews here so I have only my details. The Nazi expatriate adds another element of reality to the era, along with many other things. The clever way he tries to escape is notable. The train is exciting. The 33 album movie soundtrack cover makes much more of the train battle across the bridge than there was in the movie. Interesting that one reviewer here knew the type of awesome vehicle used in rousing scenes that I thought was a jeep. One reviewer notes that Henline stole the diamonds which is wrong. Another movie with Rod Taylor and train is the western POWDERKEG. I checked for Darker Than Amber and found that a buyer complained about the DVR quality.

Hollywood Hot Tubs 2: Educating Crystal

Worth Watching Again !
This movie seemed somewhat disappointing when I watched it years ago. I guess I was expecting then to see more of Crystal nude instead of one short scene.

It must have been hard work for Jewell to keep up the voice work. The story swirls around her a lot too but comes to a sweet conclusion.

On currently viewing it, I found the movie very enjoyable. The humor is honest and never goes too far in any way. The story was not thrown together without any thought.

I confess I am a fan of Jewell Shepard for her really outstanding looks. There is enough of her to admire in this after all. The other hot girls in the film were way better than I remembered too.

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