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Anyone But You

Decent Movie, Likable Cast
I didn't expect much from this movie, but I wasn't disappointed. There have been so few movies out these days that aren't Marvel or DC related, which my wife and I just don't care for, so, out of desperation for something to see (wife was craving theater popcorn), we took in this movie.

Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell are likable actors whom we've seen in a few things, and I was very pleasantly surprised to see the great Bryan Brown in this movie. Also, Gata and other cast members were appealing as well.

The story was kind of formulaic, no ground breaking done here, but overall it was a decent movie with a happy outcome and a fun closing credit scene.

I only wish the central characters were not so self centered- they literally were ruining everyone's good times and were so selfish that it made the characters (not the actors) less appealing. Basically, everyone forgot about the engaged couple and all they did was show concern for the two main characters who could only think of themselves. That got a little aggravating at times, at least to me. Also, the language- everyone in the movie had to drop at least a handful of F-bombs that just weren't necessary and it really added nothing to the movie after the first 15 minutes. I cringed when they would use the salty language in front of their parents/older folks- not sure why, but I found it distasteful and I'm an old Navy guy, believe me, my mouth needs to be washed out with soap most days, but I am able to read a room.

Anyway, the movie was worthwhile, my wife was happy that I went to a "chick flick" so hopefully she shows her appreciation later on. Haha.

The Trust: A Game of Greed

It Kept Me Coming Back.....
...but maybe for the wrong reasons. What a train wreck of a cast! All the boxes are checked here as we have people on the show who wake up every day with the sole purpose of being offended by something...anything. Others exhibit poor behavior and blame it on their own feeling that someone else is surely doing something like they are about to do, so that gives them the right to do it.

Clearly these people were cast because they are trying to be outrageous, but what we got was a cast of professional victims, selfish, entitled, trashy people, and an older woman who is just plain nuts. The men on the show were ok for the most part, one of them has a pretty big ego and has a habit of saying and doing the wrong thing all the time, but there were some really good guys on the show, but they were blamed for all the problems because they are straight, white, men- and we all know they are enemy number 1 these days.

The two African American woman were just horrible. Tolu is a constantly whining victim, who treats people horribly, but expects to be treated like a little dove who needs to be coddled all the time. Winnie is a straight up bully, who was flat out terrible to Julie and Lindsay, but again, she was another "victim" of racism and any other thing she could find to be upset about.

Mostly, I was frustrated by how Tolu and Winnie would do something selfish or wrong, and they would use the excuse that other people were certainly doing the same thing. It's the age old story- you can't trust anyone if you can't trust yourself.

Julie was another terrible human, who only thought of herself at all times, but I will give her credit- she seemed to evolve near the end of the show, but that girl's ego rivals that of LeBron James.

Brian and Gaspare were probably the most likable characters and I thought Brooke Burke was a good host, she has a little tell when you can see she is disgusted with a contestant, and I liked that.

The show is really a good representation of society and all that is right and wrong with it. It was fun and frustrating to watch.

Hunter Killer

Decent, but predictable
It seems like Gerard Butler is churning out films like this every six months. He is often the misunderstood hero with a troublesome past whom many do not believe in. However, he usually ends up the hero or a great leader and in this movie, he was both...I guess.

The story is one of those where you have to remind yourself this is Hollywood and believability is something you need to put aside and, as a former Navy man myself, I saw all the flaws in the military side of the film, but again, you look past those errors and just enjoy an action film. You can look at certain characters and say "I know he won't make it through this movie" and you'll be right.

The action portions are fun to watch and some characters, like Butler's, are likeable. It seemed like the movie wanted to do more with Linda Cardellini's character, but maybe that was left on the editing room floor.

Gary Oldman lets it all hang out as usual, but the one casting decision that leaves me curious is Common being cast as a Rear Admiral. He was not believable in the slightest bit and played the part with just an expression of surprise on his face the whole time and moved around so stiff that he could have been made of cardboard. I've found him to be better in other movies than this.

NYPD Blue: Danny Boy
Episode 6, Season 6

The Change We Didn't Know We Needed
I consider myself one of the biggest fans in the history of NYPD Blue and I remember seeing this episode during the show's original run and at first I couldn't accept the Sorenson character at first. However, over time I've realized that this episode was written to mimic the feelings of the fans. After a grueling five episode arc that marks the demise of Bobby Simone, fans were feeling just as Lt. Fancy said- "Raw". Diane Russell couldn't stand him and was not going to accept him on any level; Andy Sipowicz went against his normal trait of resisting change and was totally willing to give the new guys a shot; Martinez and Medavoy were a little impressed but made it clear that "He is no Bobby Simone". This was absolutely brilliant writing as it covered all the feelings that the fans had at that time. Many fans were just unwilling to accept Ricky Schroder at all, some were ready to move on, and others were just curious to see how the show moved forward. I am so glad I gave this character a chance at that time because, many years and about 25 viewings later, I realize this change was really, really good and it injected some life into a show that benefitted from the jolt.

It's not that the show was lagging, Jimmy Smits was still outstanding as Simone and the chemistry between he and Franz was palpable in every episode, but the show started to fade a little in terms of creativity and season 6 certainly changed all that.

Schroder played this character perfectly and believe me, he had challenges. First, he was replacing a fantastic actor and a wildly popular character, no small task at all. Second, there was turmoil behind the scenes as David Milch's substance abuse issues led to inconsistent appearances from him and other writers had to jump in and help out- and believe me, NOBODY can write like David Milch.

Enter Schroder, who strode in the show and acted like he belonged the whole time- Sorenson was confident, borderline cocky, he was his own man and was only going to put up with guff from others (Russell) for so long, and he took zero crap from Sipowicz. Schroder is an excellent actor- right up there with Franz, in the way that he could use his expressions to convey a thousand words and thoughts. As the Sorenson era progressed, until the writing went slightly off the rails in season 8 when Milch stopped showing up for good, the character was very interesting.

This episode in particular was strong- the shooting that led to two crime scenes and found Sorenson, on his first day, "stepping on toes" as the case caused him to "take" a crime from Russell, who was already not happy with him- on her first day back after losing her husband.

It's funny how after so many viewings- I watch the series from start to finish on a loop and have been doing so since '94, I actually now look forward to "Danny Boy" because the drama of "Hearts and Souls" and the episodes leading up to it are draining and when this episode rolls around, I am more than ready for it.

Reading the review from "bobleb" called "The Start of a Low Period" is based solely on the politics of Ricky Schroder and has nothing to do with the show itself- thank goodness people clearly recognized that.

The start of the Sorenson era reinvigorates the show and season 6 is a roller coaster from start to finish and Schroder is up to the task all the way.

The Blacklist: The Wellstone Agency (No. 127)
Episode 6, Season 8

In the Top 10 Episodes of the Series
I believe this episode is one of the top 10 in the entire series, not because of the action and trickery that The Blacklist is known for, but for the humanity displayed in the tribute to Clark Middleton aka "Glen Carter".

The episode has all the usual stuff- Aram going under cover in his awkward yet brilliant way, Park gets herself in a jam that was honestly given away in the first scene she had with Reddington, those were all great stories and the search for Elizabeth Keen continues- I'll be very happy when that resolves as this is only the second time that I've grown so tired of the lead character in a long running series that I can't wait for their story to come to a conclusion, so move over "Meredith Grey"- you have company in Elizabeth Keen.

Anyway, when I saw the opening credits and I saw Huey Lewis listed as a guest star, I was surprised and intrigued. I'm a huge fan of Huey and I know he has been dealing with his hearing loss, so I wanted to see him just to see if he is okay. However, Huey was worked into the story beautifully and his scenes with James Spader (with just the right amount of Hisham Tawfiq ("Dembe") mixed in.

It turns out Glen had told his mom that he helped write some of Huey's biggest hits, so his mom asks Red to make sure Huey can come to his memorial service. This could have been corny as heck, but it wasn't because it turned out to be a beautiful tribute to a fine actor and a really memorable character. Red's eulogy for Glen was so brilliant that you really knew how fond James Spader was of Clark Middleton. You would never expect to shed a tear while watching The Blacklist, but I sure did. I was really moved by James' performance and Huey and Hisham were perfect as the witnesses to the eulogy, their facial expressions were right on point.

The Blacklist has been on for a long time so I doubt this is my favorite because the early years with "Mr. Kaplan" and other characters were really great, but this was an excellent episode. I hope once the Keen drama is over, we can get back to what made the show great- knocking names off that blacklist!

A Man Called Otto

At First I Thought Hanks was Miscast....
In the beginning of the movie, I really had trouble buying Tom Hanks as a grumpy older man. For 30 minutes I just wasn't buying it and even sat there thinking to myself who would have been a better fit- thinking maybe Billy Bob Thornton, Bryan Cranston, among others. However, the movie really gets going after about 30 minutes and you start to see why Hanks is a good fit to play "Otto".

My wife and I thought this would be a typical "Grumpy guy gets a lesson from lovable lady" type movie, but it was a bit different. For one thing, we did not expect to weep throughout much of the movie! This movie is very emotional and I, not being a crier, was definitely moved quite a bit and my wife was an absolute mess, leaving the theater with red eyes and a stuffed nose.

Bring tissues if you see this movie!

I thought Hanks was as good as he ever is, he is an American treasure, and although most of the supporting cast is fairly uknown, they all did a great job. I thought Mariana Trevino was very good- playing her role without just a bit understated and not a caricature like you see in a lot of movies. Manuel Garcie-Rulfo was excellent as well in his role as the IT guy who is not very good at handyman type activities, but is a great dad and loving husband. Young Truman Hanks, without much acting experience, was good as the young Otto too.

The movie might seem a little disturbing to some as Otto tries to kill himself a few times and each time is foiled. The movie doesn't turn his attempts to take his own life into a comedy skit, but they do a good job striking a balance between sadness and a little bit of comedy.

Overall, I think this was a good movie and it will definitely clean out your tear ducts.

Psych: Last Night Gus
Episode 2, Season 6

Funniest Episode of the series...so far!
My family and I started watching Psych a few months ago. We always try to find some series that is family friendly for kids that are teens or a little older and after finishing "White Collar" (loved it), we found Psych and it's been great.

Last night we watched this episode and it was hilarious from start to finish. I mean, everybody in it was terrific. We all know James Roday Rodriguez carries the heavy lifting on the comedy end, and Dule Hill is awesome, but last night it was Dule who had me cracking up- his "makeout" scene with the girl he met at the bar was comedy gold, my son, who barely snickers at anything, just cracked up.

Roday was terrific as usual, and Timothy Omundson just let it all hang out instead of trying to be the totally straight foil for Roday. Fantastic work on his part.

Kurt Fuller, whom I never seen in comedic roles was absolutely hilarious and I feel like he had a blast playing "Woody" because he sure seemed like he was having fun.

Psych as a whole is consistently good for a chuckle and a fun little mystery but this episode was the best I've seen....so far. I could watch this one a few times and I'd laugh every time.

End of the Road

Kind of Sad
I had hoped to like this movie enough to think that it would make me start watching Queen Latifah in "The Equalizer", but this movie proved my suspicions are legitimate and she is nowhere near an action movie or tv show star.

This movie is one big cliche'- the sad widow who gave up everything to try to help her heroic dead husband fight cancer, now loses her house, her kids hate the idea of moving, her younger brother is a constant screw up, but he talks an amazing amount of trash for someone who literally did nothing the entire movie. Then we have rednecks from right out of central casting, and finally Beau Bridges playing the same part over and over again. We're supposed to believe Beau's police captain character is a good guy, but hark! He is not! That took all of 9 seconds to figure out along with the rest of this plot.

Terrible writing, acting, casting, and directing.

Watching the action scene with Latifah fighting off five rednecks was a 10 on the unintentional comedy scale- the woman moves at the speed of a glacier, and yet she took care of all of them and it was hilarious the whole time.

I like Latifah a lot, in the right roles she is great, but this role was not for her and I won't be watching her tv show either because I don't want to feel worse about her.

Oh, and totally predictable ending too- I literally said to myself "Uncle Reggie is buying breakfast" and I knew exactly why. Come on, people. Do better than this.

Ink Master

Season 14 Review
This review is for the revived version of Inkmaster. I have watched every season of this show and loved every minute of it, and I was crushed when it was canceled at Paramount, then thrilled when I learned it would be coming back. I knew Oliver Peck had been fired so I didn't expect him to come back, and I even expected Ryan Ashley to take his place if the show were to return. Well, it returned with new judges- Ryan Ashley, Nikko Hurtado, Ami James, and hosted by Joel Madden. Since Dave Navarro has "long Covid" and is unable to put in the hours necessary to film the show, Madden takes over as host and Dave pops by via video.

Well, the contestants are good, a bunch of retreads we have seen before- each of them interesting and irritating in their own way, but it's the judges that are hurting this season.

Ryan Ashley is so meek, I thought she would be a stronger personality, but she seems to eager to please.

Ami James is simple a mute. He has about a 15 word vocabulary and says very little during each episode. Nikko Hurtado is the best addition to the show- he appreciates the art, but is not afraid to get into the technical details- he is the closest this version of the show comes to the previous. Joel Madden does a decent job as host, and Navarro's video visits feel like those videos you see while you're on line for a ride at an amusement park. The fake interaction with the judges is obvious- we know he is not live, people, so please stop trying to fool us.

This show REALLY misses Chris Nunez. He was so good with his critiques, he didn't miss a single detail, and he didn't need to drop an F-bomb ever other word to get his point across. Even Oliver is very much missed here.

Finally, since this is on the streaming service, the curses aren't bleeped out. The old show's bleeps could get annoying, but this is way, way, worse. Every other word is an F-bomb and it's almost like they have been told to say it as often as possible in an effort to appear edgier than the old show. It's not edgy, it sounds uneducated and childish.

However, I hope the show comes back for more, and I sincerely hope at least Nunez returns (he could replace Ami and the show would be hugely upgraded). This is still a fun show to watch and seeing the artists at work is always the best part of it.

Senior Year

Not a great start, but turns out nice
I'm glad that when it comes to watching movies, I'm pretty stubborn and I don't give up after 15 minutes or so, because I sort of wanted to skip this movie after the first 15-20 minutes, but I decided to keep watching and I'm glad I did.

The comedy is okay, and there is a nice message in it and even though it's a little predictable, it still turns out to be a charming little movie.

Several of the young actors do a really fine job, notably Angourie Rice as young Stephanie, and Avantika Vandanapu as Janet- those are two very likeable young actors and they do a really nice job here. I hope to see them in more movies soon.

Rebel Wilson is reliably funny, she loves the innuendos as much as anyone and just when you think her character is going to be so annoying that you won't like her, there is a little shift and you do end up finding her endearing.

Sam Richardson steals just about everything he is in and he is the backbone of the movie, along with Mary Holland who play "Stephanie's" best friends- they're loyal and at times invisible to Stephanie, but they wind up the movie doing just fine.

It's embarrassing to say I actually teared up near the end of the movie! Haha.

Grey's Anatomy: Let's Talk About Sex
Episode 3, Season 19

This Was One Long Screeching Whine
How...how...how....is this show still on the air, much less popular? I have been a watcher from day one, but this show should have ended at least 4 years ago and "Let's Talk About Sex" officially puts the nail in the coffin of this show. It has now entered parody territory and is embarrassing itself.

We get it, the writers and likely actors are very upset about the Roe v. Wade news, but my gosh, this whole episode could have been replaced with one of those memes of the screeching person with purple hair and 10 piercings in her face.

Once again the show has given up acting and story arcs for speech making. All the main characters in the episode- Bailey, Wilson, Montgomery, Meredith Grey, etc. All had to just not even bother acting and give a speech about how (insert negative emotion here) feel. Montgomery felt "erased"? WTF?

So to set up the whining, the interns are forced to act in some videos that Wilson and Bailey are putting together to educate teens about sex. Naturally, a bunch of teens (about 30 of them) come to the hospital to watch the videos being taped, because it doesn't make sense to send the doctors to the school. Oh and of course, one of the teen girls discovers she is pregnant while at the film session! Who could have seen that coming? ALL OF US DID! Then, another girl just falls out with a massive ovarian cyst....but of course! Luckily, Montgomery and Bailey, who do not even work at the hospital anymore, are there to operate and save the girl. Also, did you know that granting surgical privileges is as easy as waving your hand? Bailey asks for them, Webber waves his hand and says "you got 'em". Same for Montgomery...easy peasy.

Just when you think this episode can't get anymore embarrassing or hamfisted, they have all the characters dancing in the video! I was so embarrassed for every one of those actors. This show didn't just "Jump the Shark" it blew up the shark. Horrendous!

In other stories in the episode, we have now discovered that Meredith and (the late) Derek's daughter Zola is a prodigy, a freaking super genius! Didn't see that coming either, right? Well, let's grant her surgical privileges! She'll be the next "Doogie Howser" by the end of the season, you can book it.

Also, the great Marla Gibbs ("The Jeffersons") appears as a grandmother of an intern who has Alzheimers and yet only Meredith, someone she has never met, can seem to talk to her. Go Meredith!

Finally, the episode closes with everyone doing the dirty boogie. Owen and the ever irritating Teddy, who have been at each other's throats for 3 episodes so far, get back together when Owen learns that one of the erogenous zones on a woman is behind the knee. So he walks in the room, places his hand behind her knee for 1.2 seconds, then proceeds to throw her around and dry hump her. I didn't know an erogenous zone was actually an easy button! Shoot, I've been doing it all wrong my whole adult life! All I had to do is press the button behind the knee and then sha-bam, I'm getting me some!

This was some of the worst tv I have ever seen. I need to cleanse my brain and watch some old shows like NYPD Blue, The Sopranos, etc. To remind myself that: A. At one point, writers actually wrote interesting stories, and B. There were actors who really gave a crap.


Sandler is on a roll
Where is Adam Sandler, and what has been done to him? This man, now in his late 50's has turned into a good actor who is making good movies.

I'll be the first to say I loved some of the Sandler films of yesteryear, like "The Waterboy", "Happy Gilmore", etc. But I knew what I was getting into, which was watching Adam and his pals make fools of themselves and getting the occasional chuckle.

Well, no more. First, "Uncut Gems" was pretty darn good, but may have felt like one of those times when a guy makes a totally out of character film, then reverts back to his comfort zone. Well, with "Hustle" Sandler has proven he can make a good movie- and he can act well in it.

The story is good, and Adam is both funny and very likeable in it, which hasn't always gone hand in hand with him.

I felt this movie is sort of "Rocky" (the similarities are obvious) meets "Hoosiers" in a way. Sandler's character stumbles on a kid in Spain who is destroying competition and nobody has heard of him, which I found hard to believe considering they open the movie with Sandler's character, an NBA scout, traveling all over the world to find talent. Anyway, Sandler bonds with the kid, who is poor, but responsible, and has a bit of a temper, all very cliche', but still not delving into schlock type stuff. The young basketball player is very likeable in this movie and the bits of humor are great. Sandler has great chemistry with the whole supporting cast, which includes Queen Latifah playing his wife, and the young lady who played his daughter shines as well.

The movie doesn't have the super happy ending you think it does, but it's a nice ending for sure. This is one of those sports movies that you will likely get sucked into every time it is shown on TBS some channel like that, where they stretch it to 3 hours with all the commercials, but you'll still sit there and watch it and eat chips off your belly, just like "Remember the Titans", "The Blind Side", etc. These movies don't get old.


Good Movie, Predictable Ending
This was a good, old fashioned horror flick that was chock full of scary moments and a little bit of gore, but not too much.

Sosie Bacon sure has grown up since I saw her the first time on her mom's show "The Closer" and she has turned into a good actor. She does a great job of looking tired/worried/scared/psycho and the movie can leave you on the edge of your seat or in the case of one teenage girl in the theater- almost soiling herself. The young lady farted so loud during one scary scene that the whole theater erupted in laughter- and I needed it because the movie had my heart pounding.

I think the only thing that hurts this movie is they use the shock moments too often that they became predictable, you started to expect something was about to startle you whenever it got quiet on the screen.

I had hoped the ending wouldn't be what I expected about halfway through the movie, but alas, it was.

I didn't think much of the actor who played Sosie's fiance, he was a little stiff, but the rest of the cast did a pretty good job.


Who's The Boss?
Seriously, who is the boss who greenlighted this trash?

This movie is comically bad! Do yourself a favor and skip to the last 10 minutes and you will not have missed anything. The plot is so full of holes and dead giveaways that the "mystery" was solved five minutes after the murder of the sister. The only real mystery in this movie was if one or both of Alyssa's assets was going to fall out of her dominatrix getup.

Alyssa Milano is in Razzy territory here, and in my opinion she is a sure fire favorite for worst actress. Everything about her part in this movie was hysterical- she was not believable as an author, then the Captain decides to anoint her a "consultant" on the case (no conflict of interest here, folks) and she takes over questioning suspects! Hahaha! For an even better laugh, watch the way Alyssa walks in this movie- too darn funny!

All the women in this movie actually look like they were pulled from coffins, slathered with makeup and giving half an acting lesson. Just terrible acting all the way around.

Save yourself some time and go watch something else. This movie is Terrible (with a capital T).

Wild Horses

Vanity Project
The story could be passable if not for some obvious glaring issues such as the casting choices. Obviously, this movie is a "FORD" (Friends Of Robert Duvall) movie . Otherwise, there is no reason to cast James Franco as the gay son- Franco seemed like he was on auto pilot the whole movie and was not at all believable in the role.

The worst mistake was casting Mrs. Robert Duvall, Luciana Pedraza, as the female Texas Ranger. Her "acting" was absolutely horrendous and what could have been a good character was turned to wood by a person who clearly does not act for a living.

Parts of the story are just not believable- the Ranger gets shot at while in her car, then rams the perp's car. Her radio call "I just been shot at" sounded as if she could have been saying "I'll have a Big Mac and fries"- there was zero inflection in her voice. After she rams the car, she checks on the perp, who is knocked out but not obviously dead. She then sits next to her car with her eyes closed. This is just poor writing as well as acting as no cop is going to take their eyes off a suspect who they are not 100% certain is dead or at least disarmed.

Like I said, the story is okay, not great, and there is no real drama to it, just some weak writing and bad acting.

Trading Paint

Casting is a big problem
This movie suffered from a few problems, but mainly the casting of horrible actors is the biggest problem of them all. It's hard to choose between Shania Twain and Toby Sebastian as to who gave the worst performance, but I'll go with Toby since he is supposed to be an actor, while Shania is a singer trying to act. Both of them were really bad and casting someone different, someone who could act, in those roles would have changed this movie. Did they really need a guy from the UK trying to talk like a redneck from the south....are there not actors who can do this better?

The comically funny worst actor of them all is the doctor who comes out to meet Sam and his daughter in law after Cam is taken to the hospital. I believe her lines were written on her clipboard because she had to look at it before saying two words.

Beyond that, Kevin Dunn was the real pro in the movie. I'm sure he knew this movie was bad, but he carried on and gave a good performance. John Travolta was probably distracted since his beloved wife Kelly was probably very ill during shooting, but he did the best he could. Thank goodness he has ditched the fake hair these days, because that was not a good look at all.

The story itself was very predictable and seemed oddly shortened. I'm not sure what was cut in the editing room, but this movie was less than 90 minutes and it felt like chunks of it were missing.

The Closer: Ruby
Episode 4, Season 3

Intense, Frenetic, Fantastic.
I'm new to watching "The Closer" and "Ruby" is by far the best episode I've seen so far. The acting is top notch, with special nods to Corey Reynolds, Kyra Sedgwich, and G. W. Bailey. Reynolds displayed all the fear, hurt, and then anger of a case like this and he was brilliant. Sedgwick was as intense as she has ever been since I've watched the show, and Bailey brought it all home in just a couple of scenes- his scene with "Buzz" when he ordered him to turn off the recording equipment was just great.

Normally, Bailey ("Lt. Provenza") is just around for laughs and the occasional sage advise, but this time he was as determined as "Sgt. Gabriel" (Reynolds) to bring that little girl home- by any means necessary. I guess all of the cops on the show were, but these three stepped it up a couple of notches.

Reynolds' acting in the scene where Ruby's body is found is very likely all of our reactions if were were in his shoes, and I think we all would have beaten the perp to a pulp if given the chance.

This episode had my heart pounding, then breaking, and then worried about what the future would hold for Gabriel and his relationship with "Chief Johnson".

Again, just a well written, terrifically acted episode from a show that I was lukewarm on at first, but am really starting to enjoy.

NYPD Blue: The Vision Thing
Episode 6, Season 12

7 Minutes of Masterpiece Acting
In any other show, bringing back a dead character can be cheesy and poorly done. Not here. Not on NYPD Blue. Not with Dennis Franz and Jimmy Smits proving that even after six years apart, they were still at the top of their game.

The whole episode is good and it all ties together in teaching Andy Sipowicz the biggest lesson he has ever learned during his evolution- that he is a teacher.

The story about the young family that loses their husband/father to senseless violence, and Andy worrying about their future just after he has a shooting scare himself. Medavoy worrying about the future of his daughter, who wants to buy a house- so he takes a job in a bar. A bar is where Andy Jr. Lost his life.

Finally, the second stabbing victim, named "Andy"- who, after being stabbed and gets a picture of the perp "while going down"- the same words used to describe the second shot that killed Andy Jr. Hospital patient Andy telling Sipowicz that he will be okay as long as he "doesn't develop an infection" while pointing to his chest, and we all know that an infection in the chest is what killed Bobby Simone.

Clark acting like a petulant child, acting out, but really crying out for help.

Finally, the best 7 minutes of tv a person could ever hope for as two terrific actors and characters discuss life, death, God, family, love, and lessons learned and to be learned. I've watched this episode no less than 25 times and I love it more every time I do. The cooing of pigeons as Bobby shows up in the locker room is subtle and beautiful. This episode is one of the top 5 in the show's history.

King Richard

Puff Piece, No Doubt About It
I enjoyed this movie, I'll start by saying that. When I watched it, I had no idea that Venus and Serena were Producers of it, but about 15 minutes in, I said to myself "They had to have a hand in this, it's just not realistic" and frankly, it isn't. This movie seems more like a love letter to their dad than a truthful account of what their childhood and rise to greatness was.

I just did not find this movie believable, considering everything we had heard and seen about Richard Williams, and after watching his actions early on. He isn't a sort of loveable, dad of the year who saw greatness in his kids right out of the womb, guy- he pushed those girls super hard and by all accounts, was very tough on them.

As far as the movie goes, it was a fun watch. I'm a fan of the Williams sisters, so it was cool to see this version of their rise to the top. Surprisingly, Serena really doesn't have that much of a part in the movie as it is mostly about Venus, but I did love Richard's speech to Serena when he asked her if she was hurt by being left behind.

In real life, clearly Venus has a "zen" about her that Serena doesn't as we know Serena erupts and throws tantrums when things don't go her way, but in the movie, it's all the other players doing that- and the parents.

Will Smith did a good job in the film, even though he forgot his "accent" now and then, especially in the one scene where he is pumping up Venus, who is having a bit of stage fright as she plays her first match at Juniors. Otherwise, the film was pretty good and I came away from it satisfied, even if I didn't believe much of what I saw.

The Conners: Triggered
Episode 14, Season 4

Complete Nonsense
This should not have been an episode of "The conners". This should have been a one act play where the actors sat down, faced the camera, and lectured America on all their feelings. Guns are bad, Why can't the cops catch bad guys?, Being a teenager is so hard, blah blah blah. There was really no acting in this episode, it was just people lecturing the audience. This is by far the worst episode of this show, which is normally pretty funny, but I guess they decided they owe to us to tell us how bad our country is. Total garbage, if you read this before watching, I urge you to just skip it.

Secret Window

So Predicatable
I stumbled upon this movie on Netflix and thought since it contained some actors I like- Tim Hutton, Maria Bello, John Turturro, and Charles S. Dutton, I'd watch it although I'm not a big fan of Johnny Depp. I don't hate him, I just don't watch super hero or pirate movies.

Anyway, within the first 10 minutes or less of this movie I knew exactly who the killer was and what was going to happen. There was literally not one surprise in the movie for me, and that's kind of sad.

I'm unsure of why this movie got a decent rating because there was really no drama in it.

Heck, I even predicted Chico's story arc.

Abbott Elementary

Good Show, Needs Tweaking
The mark of a good sitcom has always been an appealing lead (check) and a good supporting cast (almost check). Abbott Elementary can be pretty funny and Quinta Brunson does a good job as "Janine" and she is joined by some good casting/characters- Tyler James Williams is great, so are Sheryl Lee Ralph and especially Janelle James as the Principal. The janitor character seems to be making a few more appearances which is good because he is funny in his limited screen time. However, I think the show needs to re-think or re-cast two characters: Lisa Ann Walter is terrible in her role as a streetwise, Philly lady- first off, the accent she is using is horrendous and so terribly fake, and second, she really doesn't put any life into the character. The other casting choice I would do over is Chris Perfetti as "Jacob"- I love the idea of this character and it should be so much better, but either Chris is not playing it right or the development of the character is just not there because there is a lot of material that can be gotten out of this kind of character, but it feels like they are missing opportunities. Someone like Max Greenfield would steal the show playing this part. Anyway, I think the show has a solid foundation and it could really be good, so I hope it sticks around.

NYPD Blue: Oh Golly Goth
Episode 9, Season 8

Outstanding Story, Superbly Acted
This episode is not only a top notch story, but it so well acted that you catch yourself on the edge of your seat. First, we get to meet Connie McDowell, so well played by Charlotte Ross, and her introduction to the squad was anything but welcoming. Connie stood her ground even though it was clear nobody in the squad was thrilled to have her there, and I think she earned some respect right away.

As for the "Goth" part of the story, it was interesting and well acted as well. The guy who played "X" did a good job coming across as skeevy and arrogant. Taryn Manning did a great job as the bullied and manipulated small town girl who was just trying to find her way, even though she is still very much an innocent kid on the inside. The highlight for me was the Moira Walley as the ex-fiance of the slashing victim- she was hilarious with her reactions to what her ex was up to and some of the things she had found out about him. When Connie asked her if her ex had any friends named "X", her response was great "X! Are you kidding me?".

To me, the best part of the episode was the way Andy got Danny out of hot water. They say detectives pull at a thread and keep following it along, and that's exactly what Andy did and it was riveting, and so rewarding. This whole episode is one of the better ones of Season 8, right up there with "Russellmania". Enjoy!

Big Sky

Wow, what a drop off!
Big Sky got off to a very good start with a very interesting storyline, a shocking character death and a couple of good performances- mainly by John Carroll Lynch and Brooke Smith, both were terrific in their roles. Unfortunately, the two leads- Kylie Bunbury and Katheryn Winnick are just not great actors, but the first half of the season was good enough to cover their weak points.

The show should have probably been a 8-10 episode miniseries and not tried to continue because the second half of the season was a total disaster. They clearly tried to stretch out the storyline of "Ronald" and kept him around too long, and the Kleinsasser ranch story had too many characters, too many bizarre people to count and nobody to care about, basically you don't care if all of them died...you almost wish they would. The plot had holes so big that Ronald could drive his truck through them and some of the "stretches" were just embarrassing- the two private detectives running around acting as if the law doesn't apply to them at all, they have both been knocked unconscious several times but manage to "wake up" when someone just tells them to wake up- frankly, it was more fun poking fun at this show than it was watching it. You could see every development and "twist" coming up from a mile away. The law has a prisoner riding in a car? Oh no! Is that a truck that is about to broadside them and release the prisoner? Didn't see that coming....oh wait, yes I did, and so did everyone else. The victim from the first half of the season, the Trans girl, now can carry a gun and capture prisoners and basically overrules a Marshall when he tells her she can't go with him to try to capture a prisoner, then is given the job of backing him up? Hysterical!

I don't really remember a show falling off a cliff so suddenly the way this one did and I'm shocked it got renewed. If you flip the halves of the season around, it gets canceled by episode 3, I guarantee it.

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Do Not Waste Your Time
I saw this docuseries reviewed in a newspaper and the review was glowing, so I was happy to be able to check it out. Not that I'm some kind of genius sleuth or anything, but within 10 minutes I knew exactly what happened to Elisa Lam, wasn't sure how she would die, but I knew it was of her own doing. This series actually wasted 4 episodes on this garbage and gave air time to complete dopes who sit on their computers and think they can solve crimes. These people are probably worse than the ones on Twitter who are trying to cancel everyone. The way they went after the guy in the death metal band was ridiculous. I can't believe I watched this whole thing, I guess I did because I thought there had to be some kind of twist, it simply couldn't be this easy as a bi-polar person ending her own life. Well folks, yes, yes it was. I can't believe Ron Howard and Brian Grazer have their names on this trash.

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