
IMDb member since May 2019
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    5 years



Great one
Great show over all. Even if the story is simple they really got the drama right, and must admit that i got caught and addicted to it. The voice over is kinda too long too slow and some times its just too boring and needs to be fast forwarded.

The shooting scenes is a bit unreal where 3 men kills everything even gangs close to the size of an army. Its a bit too much heroic. Sometimes the set looks a bit cheap, scenes that looks staged and not got that real feeling in to.

But still one of the better western shows ever made i would say better than yellowstone as it got a heavier depth that yellowstone totally missed.

La casa de papel

Really good and addictive but..
I gave it a seven mainly because those too long; i mean 100 years long cheesy talks for no actual reason. Spanish shows seems to like extremely long cheesy talks and what they believe passionated love scenes for 8 minutes is great. Its not. I mean you got it after 30s. If they halved those scenes this show could be like 10 episodes. (Thank god for 10s skipping function) But besides that thing the show is a nail biter and a great over all.


Hard to enjoy
Ok I know its not a documentary but still it would be nice with something that have some kind of sense. The story is thin with truly embarrassing acting overall..a train with a wordpress logo piercing thru a dystopia world with -140c outside and guarded by some nazi looking folks. Its like a noak arc and all I can think of is how much it will stink on that train. I gave it two episodes and I claim my time back. Don't waste your time on this show.


90 minutes of waste
This movie was just boring from the start to the end. Lame story telling and I with no actually edge. and yeah it have some funny moments to deserve the one and only star. With that said do something better with your 90 minutes in life...like watching a robot lawn mower

Gemini Man

Ok this is maybe aint fare since i did a bonanza of Joker Ad Astra and this as third. TBH Will Smith did as good as he usually are, the rest was like ..well..can i leave the cinema. The clone part was sucha sad acting that i blushed. Its a hangover movie fosho dont expect anything ordinary. its just a thin action for 2 hrs.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Too Long
Great movie with a brilliant story. Also an orgie of well produced and smart scenes and I really love the grading in it. Well it have everything you can expect from Tarantino with a good amount of great smart humor. However the movie could be 90 minutes. Its way tooooooo long. I actually felt a sleep and woke up and they were still in same nonsens scene. This is why I gave it a 6. Its not the best Tarantino but still a story you bring with you home, even the day after you saw it you still have it with you. Its like brewing a red wine the quality grows. But it dosent even the fact its way toooo ZZZZZzzzzz. Btw the dog in last scene turns out to be a male and rest of movie its a bad. Just fun facts.

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