
IMDb member since April 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Miles from Home

this movie needs to be seen by everyone
This just may be the best movie I ever have, or ever will see.

I don't know how to describe the move to do it justice. This is an in-your-face movie about life in the real world for far too many kids and the tragedy that can so innocently befall them. Surprisingly, the movie is also about hope. This movie will test your limits of decency, but that is what it sets out to do. It must do that because life does that and all too often, we turn away and hide from the reality that lurks just around the corner. This is a raw, gritty look at a life that most of us will never see in person.

I saw this movie at the Palm Beach International Film Festival and was fortunate enough to meet some of the cast. They were funny and yet sincere in describing their experiences in making this movie. They talked about going into the streets and getting "up close and personal" in order to make the characters real. They succeeded in bringing the story to life and giving it meaning in a way that I've never experienced before.

Be prepared - the beginning is VERY uncomfortable. If you stick it out, you won't be disappointed.

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