
IMDb member since May 2019
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    5 years


Shadow and Bone

A disappointing season 2
Loved the first season. Waited patiently for the second season... all for almost nothing. There seems to be something lacking especially in the Darkling and Sun Summoner's storyline. I don't find these two characters engaging anymore. The corny script (or maybe taken verbatim from the book? I don't know) does not help either. I had to literally hit the pause button and distract myself with other stuff to rid myself of the second hand embarrassment after listening to such cheesy lines. The Crows on the other hand, well, I just can't get enough of them! Freddy Carter is such a joy to watch. He is the only motivating factor to finish watching season 2.

I Care a Lot

Dont understand the hate
Sure, the plot is simple and the movie heavily relies on the actors to make it work. But it is entertaining.

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