
IMDb member since June 2019
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live

Oh my
Oh man, this is just far from good. Episode1 starts ok, with alot of Grimes winery. The action was ok. As soon as Michone shows up, it gets absolutely dull. It's just another boring TWD like the last 5 Series. I mean Grimes and Michone look stupid together...come on. At the start of episode6 we get to see them in a Bedtime story again with -of course- candles and all that BS, like this is something you find everywhere and you can easily waste 20 years after total world apocalypse. Well, that was the point to turn this off.

They killed the TWD some years ago and should rest it in peace.

But the cow likes to be milked as you can see by the 10 star ratings.


Escape from
Best Movie I've watched so far this Year. Imagine they still have the Border (in their Heads) these Days is interesting. At the End no Government will ever change that, if locals want it they need to stand up.

Nice look into the past and present.

Greetings from Germany.

A Discovery of Witches

kinda lame
Could have been much better. The Vampires had no bite, the Demons were just Humans and the Witches were nice old Grannys except the good one and the bad.

We don't get to see what makes the Babys so special, theres just talkimg and talking and talking about how special everyone is, but everything we get to see is a Romance.

Maybe the Title should be changed into: A Discovery of Love At least that wouldn't trick Genre Fans into this.


so bad...
...It's not even good.

I'm speechless, what was that? It's just a big mess and nothing made sense at the end. And who had the idea to create a movie called stab around a movie in a movie with real things happening in a movie.

And Botox facial expressions as an Actress.

Scream 5 wasn't creepy or shocking, the jokes weren't funny, the acting was kinda uninspired like the whole story.

This Movie is a big fail and disappointing.

Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeywoman

Very entertaining
I never heard of Aileen Wuornos so I can't compare this with any other production (if there were any in the past) but I felt eintertained and don't understand why this is so low rated. The Movie wasn't dark or depressing as this womens life maybe was in Reality and I enjoyed that.

People seem to forget the difference between a movie and a documentation.

I'd say it's a solid 7/10 but I give it a 10 because an actually 3.6 is just wrong.


...sind die kaputt... :)) Awkwardness at it's best.

Wer Situationskomik mag und kein Problem damit hat wenn es ordentlich unter die Gürtellinie geht ist hier richtig.

The Fallout

The Fallout?
1 Star because the Title is just missleading. This seem to have nothing of an Fallout. Name it The huge cry Story or whatever, because you make some ppl like me expect something different and they might be disappointed giving you 1/10 Stars.

The King's Man

The British/ American Angst...
...might have been a better Title, as we see the ultimate Axis of Evil including the Russians, the Germans, the Serbians, angry Scotsman, some Vikings and so on.

The poor, pacifistic Gentleman (of course they are all from England and the USA) are forced into WWI by this evil Axxis.

Well, nobody would expect a historical correct Documentation but those Gentleman can come out of their "we are the good ones" corner. Yes, the jokes about the dark side where fun, Rasputin was awesome but the Gentleman could've climbed down their shiny horse for a joke about their own failures at least once or twice.

All I've seen is the English/ American Angst once again which kind of bored me at the second half of the movie.

Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

Special Effects made by a 15y old
This seems to be a B or C Series, it looks very cheap from the beginning. I turned off after 10 minutes before getting Eye Cancer from those 1980 special effects.

Moonbase 8

Need more of this
Did they stop this because of the Low Ratings from thos Low Bobs don't getting the jokes? Hope they continue the series someday. Better than all this unfunny Modern Family diversity BS.

Das Privileg

I did waste my time. But at least I turned off, as the students decide to have a LGBTQ threesome after a shocking expirience. I mean whaaat, yeah right that's what you do when scary things happen.

The first minutes of the movie might get you hooked but after that the quality goes down rapidly and I mean in every way.

Station Eleven

The World... we gone, all that's left is a bunch of gay/lesbian Hippie Survivors who still celebrate Indepence Day and themselfs at playing Shakespeare. They missed to cast a Drag Queen. At least they won't survive as they don't reproduce themselfs.

No need for another Season.


Thumbs down
Whoever did the Casting should be fired. The Writers and Directors should be fired too and also Netflix should be fired from the Net.

1/10 for the Movies Cast excepting Chloe Moretz. +1 Star for her.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Best of the frenchise
This one is the closest to the Games so far, if you are looking out for the Matrix Action, there is a new one out for you! But if you liked the first 3 President Evil Games you might give this Film a try.

I gave thisone a 10/10 to boost, as there are too many Action Kiddies out there giving it just 1 Star because there is no invincible super hero.

Imaging...most of the Humans are Humans before and at the Beginning of Outbreak. Scandalous, isn't it?

A.I. Rising

How does this have an actual 5.4 rating? There are much better movies out there with a worse rating... This Movie fails in everything, needless to enumerate them.

Avoid at all cost.


Epic 10/10 Series
If you don't agree you might be mongoloid or your brainsize isn't bigger than a raisin !!! !!! !!!

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 150 characters.


So bad that it's actually...bad
If you don't know how wooden acting does look like watch this, also Lee Kholafai seems to be the master of wooden acting, Tree's would be jelaous.

Dialogues = stupid, behavior = stupid, story = stupid

The fake reviews and pushed rating tricked me into this and that's why this ... gets a 1/10.

Black Widow

Ok wow
I must say I had very low expectations about this movie and I struggled to watch it for about half a year now. But I must say that I was wrong. I really enjoyed this perfect family trip. This is one of the top 3 movies I was watching this year, if I dont check my phone and I didn't for the whole film, then yea this is a good one. Cheers.


Lets lift this up
Good Actors, Story unoriginal and uninspired, Dialogues as well but its Zombies in Space and thats an automatic 10 of 10 for me, especially when there are lots of 1/10 Lowbob Reviews around here.

Under the Skin

At first I was happy I found an sci-fi movie that seemed to be good as the metacritic scores it a 80, Scarlett Johansen is in it and users here give it a 6+ stars overall rating. So I thought there's no need to read any review, just lean back and enjoy. Man was I wrong! This so called art, is just boring, slow and dull. Even the ending was just so dumb, I can't even tell how dumb it was. Only watch this if you like art theater otherwise avoid at all cost.

Beta Test

Good idea bad execution
Outdated game Engine, yes even for 2016. Acting poor and wooden. Fighting Choreo beginner lvl. Dialoges...oh man...seriously. Camera work lousy. Plot holes, Logic holes. And the Newsman looked like Borat.

It seems like the idea was just bigger than the obviously small budget.

Sick for Toys

Entertaining but not for the average
Weird movie for weird people, like me lol. Acting was decent, camera work too, the idea def. Funny, storytelling a bit chaotic. I wanted to give it 6 Stars but gave it 8 because of the stupid 1 Star Reviews.

If you are looking for a shocker or a serious thrill this isnt for you.


Sick BS
A sick movie made by sick people for sick people. Nothing in this Movie makes any sense and everything people do in this film is against healthy human behavior. If you dream about this becomes real youre either a child or you dont have a personality.


Really good Sci-Fi Flick. A must watch. Great acting, superb cgi.

His House

The good ratings tricked me into this boredom. People write about jump scares , creeps and goosebumps, they must have seen a different movie. Oh and I really did hate the ungrateful women.

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