
IMDb member since June 2019
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    5 years


Voulez-vous coucher avec God?

Thanks for the memories
I was a barely shaving art student when Jack Christie and Micheal approached me (as I was making clay figures)to see if I would make if I would make a fakir/ snake charmer figure for their stop animation . Plasticine melted under their lights so they gave me a bottle of liquid silicone which I mixed with dry clay and colourants .. it was moderately successful under the lights but the colours came off on your hands so..messy ...I saw the premier ( and as far as I know the only showing) in 1970-71... the Ontario Censor Board was less than amused and gave it a ...not on my watch rating.. Thus my entire animation career fizzled out ..but the start of Micheal's .

Mord mit Aussicht

Laughs uber alles
We are watching this on MHz using the English subtitles and thoroughly enjoying it . We love th characters .. Sofia has a very mobile face that communicates her constant bewilderment of life in the " sticks". If I wanted to bribe Dietmar to get out of a speeding ticket I think cookies would do the trick. Dietmar's wife is a scream, " bulldozer" is far too mild a term ...bold and obtuse. We are looking forward to the rest of the series . Our preference is to buy DVDs and watch them at our leisure but I am unable to find DVDs with subtitles .. MHz has stopped selling DVDs perhaps the takeover by Kino Lorber I'll change this .

Il commissario Montalbano: Il metodo Catalanotti
Episode 1, Season 15

Salvo didn't deserve this
Like other reviewers here we have watched and throughly enjoyed the whole series, we started buying the DVDs years ago and have the whole set . When we heard the last one was released we bought it , uncharacteristically we put it aside and decided to watch the whole series over again and watch it in its proper order . We started before Xmas and with much anticipation watched it only to be completely dumbfounded . It was like it was written by someone else ...Who was this Montalbano? Dumping Livia on the phone ?...dastardly,..... throwing his friends out mid meal?.....unfathomable, going all out goofy over a woman 1/2 his age? ...... disappointing to say the least. Add a disjointed script and mere cameos by the regular cast that we have come to regard as friends and almost family and you have a mess. Hardly the deserving ending for a long, rich and enduring series .

Don't waste your time and leave your memories of Salvo and the gang intact by not watching this episode , we certainly won't again.

Capitaine Marleau

Mais oui Marleau
We await each years new season of La Capitaine , huddled round our tv in snowy Canada ,wearing our trapper hats just like her .

Whatever the superlative to iconoclastic is ...that's Captain Marleau. Her shambolic appearance and obvious lack of concern about it lulls her suspects into underestimating her , a la Peter Faulk in Colombo .. alas his trench coat did not convert to a sleeping bag!

As all tv detectives have a right to a distinctive vehicle , hers is a sometimes reluctant Land ranger. Marleau is a Land ranger herself , a roving one woman show picking up new sidekicks in each episode, with a few " experts/buddies" that she calls on. The shows must have a tourism board sponsorship , stunning scenery and locations across France.

I buy each years DVD and we watch them over Christmas ..sadly covid seems to have slowed production and we may be watching re runs .

Waking the Dead

Boyd Watching
Trevor Eve ( Boyd) must have gone to the Loud School of Acting it's unfortunate , he yells and berates ,creates a toxic workplace and his charm offensive after ( too little ,too late) seems smarmy and insincere .. however we love the rest of the cast and watch it in spite of Boyd's histrionics.

Rocco Schiavone

Let down
Unfortunately it's impossible to know when you try and buy the DVD that there are no English subtitles... .. spend a bit more folks and gain a wider audience..

Il commissario Montalbano

Montalbano molto bene
We so much enjoyed watching the " complete " box set of detective Montalbano . 32 episodes that we watched over a winter on Sunday nights .Sadly we passed our set out for loan with rave reviews. We bought and enjoyed Young Montalbano the prequel.. ..but the more mature non Bonneville riding version was our favourite. Now while reading an article in the Guardian I found out that they kept on filming ! We were ecstatic..I have ordered episodes 33 & 34 and we will have our antipasto and grappa ready for more Sunday nights with Salvo .

I delitti del BarLume

Murder most funny
Four old codgers solving crimes and breaking each other's balls ! What's not to enjoy? Just finished year one and it's very disappointing to find out the next 2 years are not yet released with English subtitles.. either you guys hurry up or I'm going to have to take lessons in Italian....

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