
IMDb member since June 2019
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Justice for the People with Judge Milian

I have to agree with everyone else.....
I have to agree with everyone else, this new show is horrible. I loved the people's court, and still watch the reruns now. The PC used real people, who had real cases. It was genuine-with some added entertainment. Judge Milian has completely sold out for money. Her new show is so fake, scripted, and the actors are just horrible. The set feels cold, uninteresting and uninviting. If I am not mistaken, I think she shares her set with Judge Mathis, and the newer Judge Ebony. I use to look up to Judge Milian right behind Judge Judy-two judges who took their cases seriously. The new show is produced under Allen Media Group, and it makes me wonder if they think the viewing audience is this stupid.

The Little Mermaid

This is my Ariel
This movie was simply amazing! Halle Bailey did a wonderful job! Halle be very proud of yourself! You looked happy and obviously enjoying yourself making this movie. This should have been the original-not the "flat" boring animated one. In all of my 58 years on this earth, I will never understand how this movie made such a controversy. My lord get a life! The story is built on the same premise. The actress is a real person, not a fictional character-why compare? If someone truly did not like the movie, that's fine, but I wish some people would at least be honest about the real reason they didn't like it. Example: I read comments where people said the movie was too long, and their kids became bored, okay stop lying! You knew the movie was long before you purchased your tickets, ma'am/sir. Also, some stated, it had no soul-It was full of life. I don't care if you disagree with my review and you vote it's "not helpful". Again I have a life, and don't lose sleep at night over what color a fictional character should be. Great job Halle!

The Mark

Great message!
Great movie, full of action and thrills wrapped up in box with a great message. It's not about the special effects, the thrills or otherwise. Whether people believe in what's to come in the future or otherwise, doesn't take away from the truth-and the truth is the light. If people open their eyes and minds, they could probably understand the warning, and what is beginning to happen even starting now. Again, believer or not, ready or not-the truth will set you free. I cannot wait to watch the sequel soon. I hope to find more movies in this category and hope others' will enjoy as well. Be blessed-peace!!!

Lockdown 2025

On the fence....
On the fence with this movie. If it were not for the ending, I would've rated this much lower. As I was watching, I was saying to myself this can't be real. How is this family reacting to the lockdown in a joking manner. As the story progresses, we learn that this is all a dream that the father is having. It sounds like the dad suspected certain things about his family all along or didn't like what could happen to them in the future. In reality, he wants things to work out with him and his family. This time when he awakes, he actually opens the door for who is assumed to be members from a religious group-he's now interested to hear what they are talking about.

Saint X

So far so good....
I love mysteries, so I was intrigued from the very first episode. I just hope that it is not assumed that all black people are portrayed as criminals in this series. Overall, I'm intrigued enough to continue watching. I'd like to see how the story unfolds. I'm glad it's on Hulu, as I was looking for a new series to watch and enjoy. It was refreshing to see Alycia Debman in this series as well. All of the characters appear to be mysterious, and I really like that. I hope Im not disappointed with this new show. As a New Yorker, it's good to see the Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn represented in the series. I don't know what else to say here, and IMBD makes you use 600 characters.

Snowfall: The Struggle
Episode 10, Season 6

Great ending
At first I was thinking the ending wasn't good either, until I sat and thought about it. People are missing the point-Franklin, is not a hero. The ending should not have reflected him, his mother, or Louie as such. What message would this send if Franklin got the $37 million or anything at all? When you sell drugs it never ends well. It makes me wonder about the mentality of people when they think this should have ended with Franklin painted any differently. Their is a saying "when you live by the sword, you die by the sword." They had all of the money, and other material things, but they never had peace. They were constantly looking over their shoulders. Louie definitely got what she deserved. People may not want to hear this, but the wages of sin is death, and this is the pathway that this lifestyle will lead to. No matter how the drugs arrive in the US, doesn't mean our community have to take part. When will we learn we're only destroying ourselves and our own people. Franklin, although a fictional character is great example. Great ending!


Dumb and dumber
I don't know where to begin.....this movie and the characters in it are so stupid. Wh*te people like climbing things, swimming with sharks, sitting directly in the sun for fun-this is so ignorant and senseless. Furthermore, society as a whole all want to be relevant and attention to the point of risking their whole lives for. You're willing to risk your life for "likes", this is crazy and stupid. I watched further hoping that they both fell to their deaths, especially Hunter. No amount of attention is worth your life. I will also mention that when they first arrived at the tower, they get mad because buzzards are eating an already half dead animal-smh, that's what buzzards do.

Reasonable Doubt

Over the top
Overall the show seems okay. The main character /actress Jax, is way over the top! The actress "over acts ." Calm down, you got the job!!!! The main character is also very selfish, spends more time thinking about herself and career verses her kids.

The parents and most of the adults act like teenagers. Really???? Driving down the road blasting and singing to rap music. This behavior is expected from your children-not the full grown adults. Oh well, This seems to be the trend these days. The children act more mature than their parents.

The main character has sex on her kitchen counter where her family spends time-then later wipes it down like nothing. No respect, no integrity-just meet her needs. Again, I guess this is the trend today.

Judge Judy

Judge Judy is the best!
People may not like her style, but their is a reason she stayed on the air for 25 seasons. Many court shows have come and gone, but she remained!

Judge Judy tells the truth, and if she doesn't allow another litigant to speak as much is because at that point, what they have to say is irrelevant to the case.

It is the litigants who come in unprepared. They knew they weren't going to the beach. They were coming to court. What really gets me is after JJ has done her best to explain why a litigants case is dismissed, they still don't get. This is evident from their little interview after the case is over. It just makes me want to scream at the screen. Idiots!

Mr. Mayor

No-what is this?
Nope-please stop.....not at all funny. Who thought this was okay?


I gave up!
First, let me say that for the people who are still enjoying this series-I am happy for you! I am not the type of reviewer who will dislike something, and mad that others' are enjoying it. I just became disappointed and uninterested-too many narratives in 2. I enjoyed season 1 better. 😄

All Rise

Sad people are racist.....
This show is's television, it's not meant to be too realistic. I enjoyed watching the pilot, and will go from there. If the lead character was white, it wouldn't be a problem to others'. Give it a chance, and judge for yourself-leave "color" out of it.

All Rise

Sad people are racist.....
This show is's television, it's not meant to be too realistic. I enjoyed watching the pilot, and will go from there. If the lead character was white, it wouldn't be a problem to others'. Give it a chance, and judge for yourself-leave "color" out of it.

David Makes Man

Great show
This show is refreshing-people who says it's slow, just don't get it. Sometimes slow is better.


So far-so good
I am feeling this show, I've been on the edge of my seat with excitement from the first episode. If the episodes remain the same, I will keep watching! I see people talking about the children......THEY ARE CHILDREN TALKING!......THATS WHAT THEY DO! They laugh, play, fight, shriek, etc. etc. etc. These girls are very loving and very close to one another. if it were animals involved, it wouldn't be a problem. People writing negatively about the children usually are the ones who don't like them period. How do you dislike children? Didn't we all have to come that way in order to enter adulthood? Smh 🤦‍♀️.


Octavia Spencer why ?
Wow, I don't where to begin. Octavia Spencer, you are better than this. I get it, it's a horror, It's one thing to be a good fun horror movie, as you know what to expect. However, when you add to the mix so much swearing, just makes the movie just plain "nasty." This movie was horrible. I'm to the point, I don't even want to go to the movies anymore-their is no thought process, just a quick buck. Octavia definitely carried this movie.

The Masked Singer

I recommend......
I rate this show high for people with kids. Somewhere along the way, television has changed, and not so much for the good. Unfortunately, there aren't many family friendly shows on these days. I wouldn't watch this just for myself though. Glad some families get to enjoy something to watch.

All American

To be fair.......
I've only watched one episode so far, but I do like the show. I was going to say that, their are always stereotypes when it comes down to black people, but I now realize it's based on a true story. I could do without the music-it can be distracting. However, I also realize that this show may be geared toward younger viewers. I am willing to watch more episodes, as it was something about the previews that caught my attention.

The Kelly Clarkson Show

Pleasantly surprised!
Wow.....I turned to this show expecting it to be bad. Boy was I wrong. When KC's show took the place of Steve Harvey, I vowed I wouldn't watch it. But her show feels "real", for lack of a better word. It's so sad that people give this show a low rating because they think it's "it's too goody two shoes." This reflects on the society that we live in-if we are helping others', then it's a BAD thing. Please see the show for yourself, then decide. Her use of saying "y'all" doesn't compare to her compassion for people!!!!!

Orange Is the New Black: Baker's Dozen
Episode 8, Season 7

It's tv......get a life !
People get so koo koo for Cocoa Puffs-it's just tv and a fictional scene with the animal. I don't like people suffering in real life, but I know the difference between real life and television.

Orange Is the New Black: God Bless America
Episode 11, Season 7

Great episode
This may not be as accurate as real life, but still a great message that is NEEDED!

Orange Is the New Black: Minority Deport
Episode 5, Season 7

Don't listen to the haters
This episode was excellent-and the message was clear!


What did I just watch ? Did they make up the scenes as they went along? Midsommer 2 ? Hell no !!!!

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