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Family Guy: The Return of the King (of Queens)
Episode 9, Season 22

Horrible Episode and Probably the Worst one in the Entire Show
This episode is complete garbage.

It's a Christmas special that revolves around the Griffins meeting Kevin James. And it's not funny in the slightest. It was such a boring and tedious episode to sit through, and not a single joke or cutaway lands.

It's perhaps the only Family Guy episode that I've ever seen where I never chuckled at least once at a joke (including some other stinkers like Life of Brian and Brian's a Bad Father, and those had at least one funny moment in the midst of their horridness)

Episodes like this are proof that Family Guy should have ended over a decade ago. But if the show does end someday, I hope that they can possibly make a movie as the series finale and end it off on a high note.

Clone High: Let's Try This Again
Episode 1, Season 1

Disappointing reboot
This reboot has been a disappointment so far and pales in comparison to the original series. I love Phil Lord and Chris Miller and nearly all of the work that they've done, but this just doesn't live up at all.

First off, the biggest things holding back this show are the degraded voice acting and the removal of Ghandi from the show. I understand why they did this to Ghandi, considering that he caused the original show's cancellation. But if you're going to write him out, at least give him one worthy replacement. Instead of giving him one worthy replacement character, the writers insisted on giving us a chock full of lousy and boring new characters to somehow patch the void that Ghandi left behind, but failed miserably in the process.

I still hope for the best for this reboot despite my gripes with it, but this season has paled in comparison to the original source material. And if it continues at this mediocre rate, then I believe that the show would be better off staying cancelled and untouched.

The Mr. Men Show

Amazing Show and One That I Remember Growing Up With
Ignore the review bombing over the accents. The complaints about the "defamatory" accents are unwarranted and stupid. If you watch the original UK version, just about every character in this show has a silly accent. If you are that concerned about how a kids' show cartoon character sounds, especially if they are meant to be silly, then you need to get a life.

In no way does the show intend to perpetuate negative stereotypes with the voices that it uses. If this were the case, then the targeted characters would be defamed and pointed out for what specific accent they had.

This negative press reminds me a lot of The Problem With Apu situation. Apu may have a silly voice, but so does just about every other character in The Simpsons. The point of both of these cartoons is to make fun of ourselves, not to try and hurt someone or their culture.

Beyond this stupid complaint that I keep seeing in these reviews, the show is awesome. For one, the intro itself is top notch. It's still stuck in my head to this day, and every character is perfectly suited for the entire 45 seconds.

Another thing that I love is the relatability of these characters. They may be simple, but their personalities mesh perfectly with what I go through in my daily life.

In addition, this show is very faithful to the original source material. Just like the books, the character designs are fun, creative, and expressive in just about every shot.

For anyone who loves the book series, this show is a must watch.

Family Guy: Get Stewie
Episode 8, Season 21

Horrible episode, and one of the worst in the show's history
After seemingly riding a streak of good episodes, the Family Guy writers have smacked back down to reality with quite a stinker. This episode was boring, pointless filler that had no direction or sensibility to what it was commentating on.

The main plot with Stewie just goes to show how much the writers devolved his role in the show. His plots and motives have become as mundane and meaningless as ever and have no stakes or captivating interest that can drive viewers in. They have simply milked his character dry.

The additional plots, particularly the one with Chris, also fill like pointless fluff to fill this slog of an episode.

As a whole, this episode is the culmination of how far these writers have fallen. They are evidently out of ideas, and I hope that this show ends soon because it desperately needs to.

Family Guy: Boy's Best Friend
Episode 11, Season 19

Excellent Episode
What it lacks in humor it more than makes up for in plot. For the first time in years, Brian finally takes the supportive role for someone else besides Stewie. His bond with Kyle is a huge step up after the garbage episode that was Brian's a Bad Father, and their interactions feel genuine and well-written. The writers are finding a creative stride in the second half of this season, relying less on cutaway gags and more so on natural progression to retain audience interest, and the past 3 episodes demonstrate this perfectly. Would definitely recommend.

Family Guy: Stewie's First Word
Episode 1, Season 19

Highlights Caillou perfectly
Excellent episode from start to finish! The characters, references, and overarching message are amazingly conveyed throughout. A hidden gem in a show of mediocrity.

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run

Amazing Spongebob film!
Better than the second movie, the film contains its own visual identity that is both striking and awesome at the same time! would highly recommend to Spongebob fans

Arthur: D.W.'s Library Card/Arthur's Big Hit
Episode 1, Season 4

Horrendous Episode
The whole episode sends the complete wrong message about sibling violence to its intended 5-9 year old demographic. The unrealistic and outright contrived approach scars throughout the entirety of the episode. Definitely do not recommend for any avid fan of Arthur.

Super Mario Logan

Awesome! Contains plenty of great jokes, comedy, and lots of inventive stories that anybody can enjoy. From just the simplicity of puppets, lots of creative work and effort is done in these videos to justify their high quality and production value

Gekijôban Poketto Monsutâ Adobansu Jenerêshon: Myû to hadô no yûsha Rukario

Excellent film
This is easily my favorite Pokemon film in the franchise. Everything from the characters, animation, and effects blend in together amazingly

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