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Haunted Mansion

Only rated 1 star because there's no 0 option!
Soooo soooo bad!! Please please don't waste precious moments of your life watching this god awful film!! It was sooooo bad that we switched it off part way through, we couldn't bare to watch it any longer!!! We gave it a watch because of some of the cast... But not even Danny De Vito could make this film worth watching!!! The relentless Disney music was as irritating as the bad acting, bad story, terrible effects, awful script, terrible direction... And so on!!! If you value your time, then please please please don't even give this film a second thought!! I have no idea why it's rated above 1 by anyone... AVOID!!

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

The worst of the trilogy!!
Good grief!! If you enjoy watching actors running around a 5 metre squared green room, whist the rest of the film is created around them via CGI, then this film is for you!!! No story and definitely not substance!! How can there be a story when they're just clearly running back and forth in one room?!? Too reliant on CGI, and trying too hard to be Star Wars!!!!! The visuals are not impressive and it just doesn't grab you in the slightest - I'm that bored, I'm writing the review whilst it's still on!! I love Paul Rudd (the only reason I watch the Ant Man movies) but even him and the ever fabulous Bill Murray can't save this movie!! CGI OVERLOAD!! :-(

The Black Phone

Not horror, the trailer is misleading!!
This was a highly anticipated 'horror' film for me, especially after seeing the trailer! Unfortunately, it's definitely not a horror, but it is an interesting story with great performances from the main actors!! Disappointing but still worth a watch, just don't expect scary!!! :-(


Too much sex, not enough story!!
In a nurshell, there are too many unnecessary sex scenes and not enough story!! I love Martin Freeman and he's great in the 4 episodes I watched.... But what's with all the sex scenes, I thought I was signing up for 'gripping thriller' not a porno!! Lost interest in the 'storyline' after 4 episodes!!!!

Fantasy Island

1 hour & 49 minutes of your life that you'll NEVER get back!!!!
Nothing much more to say... Only rated it 1 because 0 isn't an option. We only stuck with it because we were too tired to pick something else!! Please don't watch this god awful movie if you think anything of your life - it's time you'll never get back!!

The Gentlemen

Don't understand all the hype!! :-/
I really don't understand the high ratings!! Were people watching a different film? Unoriginal, drawn out and just not gripping enough. It had a few moments and Hugh Grant, Matthew McConaughey and Colin Farrell were good (hence the 4 stars), but what was that accent that Charlie Hunnam was doing - very off putting! We very nearly switched it off half way through but stuck with it and it didn't really pay off!!

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Spiralling away from any decent acting!
Oh dear! I love the Saw franchise, a modern masterpiece.... But this is definitely not that! The story is kinda interesting if you don't work out 'who done it' early on - which is easily done, since it's the only other decent actor other than Samuel L Jackson (and I'm definitely not referring to Chris Rock)! Max Minghella & Samuel L Jackson carried the film, the rest of the cast were not convincing at all - felt like we were watching a TV movie! I'm convinced if it weren't for that fact it was a 'Saw' film, we would've turned it off early on. The ending was in keeping with the Saw franchise, I'll give em that!

Coming Home in the Dark

Pointless?? No story?? Were you watching a different film??
No, this isn't action packed but that's ok because it's DOES have a story and it DOES have a point! I don't think the people who thought otherwise watched past the first 20 minutes! If you like a gritty and sometimes gruesome thriller, give this a watch. Yes, there were a few plot holes but nothing that really made a difference to the film. Dark and meaningful. I would suggest watching with subtitles on though, because some of the important dialogue is quite mumbled!

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Dull Bill!!
Not much point writing this as most people will have seen it! The direction was beautiful as is to be expected but the story is drawn out and there's a definite lack of action scenes, especially compared with the first movie!! Way too much dialogue - not enough fighting!! I love Tarantino, this wasn't his best!


Disappointing considering the reviews!
Well acted, nicely directed, not original and a wee bit slow! It is compelling in parts but overall pretty disappointing, especially after reading the exceptional reviews.... Meh ending, with questions unanswered too!

The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death

Just as bad as the first one!! Not much else to say!!
No really, there's not much else to say.. I'm being generous with the 3... The first one was bad enough, why bother with a sequel?? Another hour and a half full of cliches, if I could use the 'eyes rolling emoji' I would!

Evil Eye

4.7?? What is wrong with you??
A gripping story, mostly well acted and beautifully directed. Another great film from Jason Blum - hasn't let us down yet!

His House

In a word... Dull!
Feel like we've wasted a Saturday night watching this! Good acting but by crikey it's dull! Nothing more to say really, getting back to my Saturday night now!!

Grey's Anatomy: Love of My Life
Episode 19, Season 16

Just stop now!!
Is it just me that thinks it's time to call it a night on Greys Anatomy?!? It's just getting worse and worse each week!! I've gone from crying at every episode to now wondering 'what's the point'.. I don't care about the characters anymore and the storylines are just ridiculous!! It's been a good run, time to give it up!!

Cube Zero

What a crock!! Worst of the trilogy!!
Not much to say really, just don't bother!! The acting is atrocious, and it's just the same story over again!! Don't lose an hour and a half of your life!!

Doctor Sleep

3 hours long, not 2 and 1/2... But worth it!!
Another Mike Flanagan masterpiece - the man can do no wrong in my eyes! Great film, great sequel.... Great casting - especially the 'lookalikes'. If you enjoyed The Shining - you must see this!


Only watched 20 minutes.... That was enough!
Just awful!!! We had to switch it off after 20 minutes.... There's just something wrong with casting a 30ish year old woman as a high school kid, not in the slightest bit convincing - impossible to watch!! Don't waste your time!

It Chapter Two

More laughs than scares! Not as good as the first!
If you're going to see this at the cinema - book a premier seat or take a cushion, cos you're in for the long haul!! 2 hours & 45 minutes was waaaaay too long! Sadly it wasn't a patch on the first one for creepiness, it was more funny than scary, we found ourselves laughing at some of the effects/'jump scares'. The performances were good, especially Pennywise and Bill Hadar, who stole the show. A few nice little surprises in there too. I've given it 7 mostly due to the performances mentioned above and the banter between both adult and child characters. If you go see it, don't expect to be scared/freaked out like the first one - then you won't be as disappointed as us!

Suicide Squad

Jared Leto as The Joker?? That's a joke in itself!!
Not a lot to say really! The film was mediocre at best. Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman and Will Smith were good but that's it really. The story was very poor and some of the characters were not convincing at all, mostly Jared Leto as The Joker..., Really, what were they thinking?!? He was awful, painful to watch in fact! I just wouldn't bother if I was you!

Welcome Home

Just don't!!!
The only reason I gave this film 2 stars, was due to Aaron Paul! The film is shocking (not in a good way). The actress is absolutely awful - quite painful to watch really!! Basically a load of tosh.... Such a shame that Aaron Paul lowered himself to this!! Please, for your own sake - do not waste your life watching this!!

An Evening with Beverly Luff Linn

Weirdly worth a watch!
Not a lot to say really... Probably one the strangest films I've ever seen but that's by no means a bad thing! A great cast, locations and music. Little lacking in the story department but don't let that put you off - just give it a watch for Jemaine Clement and Matt Berry!

The Open House

Really not that bad at all!!!
Ignore the bad reviews, this was far better than 3.3... I've seen far worse (Escape room 2017 for one!!). If you like a gripping, intriguing thriller with good acting - give it a watch! It may not have been fully explained in the end - but is that really a bad thing in a 'horror' film?? Could there be a sequel??

Escape Room

WORST FILM I'VE EVER SEEN!! Netflix, you should be ashamed!!
I've only rated this with a 1 because you can't give zero!! It is honestly the biggest pile of crap I've ever endured! I stuck it out to the end, in the naive hope of an interesting twist - they couldn't even get that right! I'm pretty sure they just got a bunch of people off the street, because there wasn't a single actor amongst them - they were awful - laughable! Please, I beg of you, save an hour and a half your life and don't watch it! Life is way too precious to waste!

Bird Box

5 words I never thought I'd say about a Sandra Bullock film.. That was a good film!
I'll be honest, I didn't expect much from a film with Sandra Bullock in. But thought I'd give it a watch because of Sarah Paulson & John Malkovich. Very pleasantly surprised - the entire cast was good (even Sandra Bullock). Great story and kept me gripped for the duration. Definitely worth a watch if you like a good post apocalyptic film!

The First Purge

I like the Purge films but this one is dull as dishwater! The acting is flat and the characters just aren't convincing! Don't waste your time watching it!

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