
IMDb member since July 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 9 months



Horrifically bad film.
This was painful to watch. Horribly filmed, all of the fuzzy glitchy flashy images are a lazy attempt to make it look cool but it's honestly frustrating and annoying, and distracts you from what's happening. You could tell the scriptwriters we're just grasping at anything they could to make the story "intense" but really all that resulted in is farfetched, honestly humorous, events that leave you wondering "why did I waste my time"

I give it 2 stars for the overall idea of needing to save the earth by saving the sun. Totally butchered the execution though.

Mr. Deeds

Great story, weak production
I think this movie had incredible potential. The storyline is great, kept me laughing the entire time. I will say the way the movie was produced was weak. The way the camera angle switches during dialogue is choppy and distracting. Overall, great movie!

I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Mesmerizing, brilliant, fantastic film
I absolutely loved this. I wish I had the words...I simply don't. It's poetic, graceful, haunting, intriguing, unique, just phenomenal.

Donnie Darko

My favorite film
A masterpiece to say the least. I have no words for how much I love this movie.

NASA's Unexplained Files

I kinda like it
Coming from a chemistry graduate student, I sorta like this series. I've seen UFO "documentaries" and pseudoscientific series that I am very very quick to dismiss. This isn't necessarily one of them. YES they bring up far fetched ideas but what sets them apart from other "alien" series (Ancient Aliens, Pyramid Code...) - which are the ones that really deserve 1 star, is that NASA's Unexplained Files provides both evidence that the footage may be and also MAY NOT BE real. Most of the time, they present the footage, and then interview scientists that say it's BS! They entertain the likely possibility that it isn't aliens. Because let's be honest, science has no official evidence of extraterrestrial life. They don't say anything FOR CERTAIN (because if they did it wouldn't be science)!!!! They just present the data and kind of allow you to conclude. So everyone who's saying this series is pseudoscience....I mean, yeah kinda but it still presents the information in a rather scientific manner. To me, it's so important to present information from both sides and this series does a pretty good job with that. Overall, I like it, and I just wanted to offer a sort of rebuttal for everyone giving this series 1 star. I don't think it deserves that.

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