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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

"Life moves pretty fast..
if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" says Ferris (Matthew Broderick). Twice. A wise statement. In the pop 80's, »the decade that made as« (as advertised in National Geographic). An era, where USA was in it's heights (pop culture were exported oversees), materialism was the name of the game (Ferrari GTO, stock market, slow food restaurants), the music was dance/pop/new wave (Ziggy Ziggy Sputnik, Yello,…MTV was the channel, which actually aired music videos), John Hughes made the movie in which everyone around the world could adopt. I remember, that I was in elementary school, when it was in '86 played in our cinemas and it was a huge hit back than. Everybody wanted to be Ferris, skipping school and enjoying freedom in sunny day. Seeing this movie some 25 years later…it brought a lot of memories. At first, i was a little bit skeptic, if I would be still fond of it, but after seeing it, i can only say:« Kudos to John and the cast for making this masterpiece, still watchable and enjoyable some 30 years after«. It's one of that movies, which simply makes you feel good. It hasn't got any weak parts and after watching it, you are sad that is over. As for me, a critical viewer, i rate it 9/10. (It would be 10/10, if they put Micheal J. Fox in it, instead Matthew, but i guess he was too busy with Back to the Future trilogy). Sure, one could argue, that some scenes are highly unlikely and that it hasn't got a depth in the characters (like in »Breakfast club«), but all this is forgotten, when you dive in Ferris world of a free man and watch unforgettable "Twist & Shout" scene.


a disappointment...
...was all I can say, after leaving the theater. Why may you ask, since the first two parts were simply shocking and raise the gore standards...

Well, all i can say is "deja-vu" or "all-redy-seen" feeling. To be honest, it was pretty hard to top the "jigsaw" methods from the first two parts, but at least you could feel the sympathy for the torturing ones, while in this parts the characters are too week to feeling sorry for them. Except Jeff (Angus Macfayden), who's role is well performed.

Still, if you are "jigsaw fan" or just dig the first two parts, you'll find some interesting moments, but you won't talk a day after about them, as you did in the previous parts. And that's why a little lower rate...

Midnight Run

Best comedy road trip of 80's
After making unforgettable Beverly Hills cop, Martin Brest hit the jackpot again.

This time with De Niro and Grodin. Since it's hard to write a script, fully packed with laughs, just right amount of action sequences, good chemistry between main figures and some touchy moments (here i'm thinking the scenes, where De Niro's daughter wanted to give him his money and the very end of the movie) much of the credit goes to George Gallo.

I won't mention the plot, since many critics before me have already done that. Just picture the 80's, "budy-action" story and De Niro at his best. Oh yeah, and a lot of "F" words.

Someone may ask, why did I rate this movie so high. Well, it's no "Oscar material", but every time I watched it, it made me feel good. And there are few movies on the market, that you can watch more than once, without feeling sleepy. Thanks to the pace, packed with all above mentioned stuff (comedy, action, twists).

Too bad, they don't made today movies like that.

House of Wax

...but, can't figure why? Sure, it's a remake. And since didn't saw the original, my expectations wasn't so high. Especially, when I heard that Paris Hilton is in (and I thought "Oh no, not another Crossroad with Britney Spears...)

And after half an hour of very slow (and too long start), I nearly fell a sleep, but from the moment I saw them entering the city and House of wax, I knew that this would be one heck of a ride. And it was...

...a pure hour of gore. Not so much from the story, which is very predictable, but more from the strange "dark feelings" of the small abandoned city and people living there. Thanks to the crew, you could just feel the need to scream "Leave this town, if you wan't to stay alive!". Heh, but than we missed all the fun...

Thanks to the superb plot and story, this movie is enjoyable and that's why a high rate of 8.

Delo osvobaja

Best Slovenian movie. Ever.

1. Peter Musevski. Do I need to say more? Undoubtfully, best Slovenian actor and the only one, beside Davor Janjic (Outsider), who can act in the movies. Others are just acting like they were still into the theater not in the movies. The rest of the actors did o.k., Natasa Barbara Gracner, the bar crew, especially the guy who plays Dule, Marjuta Slamic, Jernej Kuntner. The only slightly weaker performances by my opinion were from Manca Dorer and Lara Djurica.

2. The script and directing. The biggest problem for the most of the Slovenian movies and the biggest reason that the Slovenian movies are just tiresome to watch. Well, this one is different. It's funny, simple, positive and most of all, it's the one you can relate to. So, a bow for you, Damjan Kozole.

3. Humor. One of the non-exist able thing in Slovenian production. Operacija Cartier, Trinajstica, Felix Langus, Outsider, To so gadi, V petek zvecer was the only one I can think of right now, that had some funny moments in it, but this one wins them all.

Well, what can I say for the end. Maybe my statement, that this is definitely No.1 among Slovenian movies, doesn't quite hit the spot, but hey, it's the one I never get tired of. And that's the biggest compliment to the crew that made it.

Live and Let Die

Live and let live the new Bond
Welcome to the year 1973, the decade of Vietnam war, the rise of equity for black people in US and Watergate affair. And also the year, where the 007 series lost it's best actor Sean Connery, who chooses rather to play golf instead of going into dangerous 007 missions. Overall, a hard job for producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, to find a truthful substitute. Did they succeed in this task?

Well, they did okay...They knew that it will be hard to replace the charm of Connery, but they solved this problem with some minor changes . The new James Bond, Roger Moore, cover that deficiency by being just the way he is in real life. A true English gentlemen, with a touch of wittiness. Enough to make him convenient for 007 role.


Opening scene offers us some questions, surprisingly not showing the new bond, but as we follow the movie with a nice Paul McCartney song, they finally reveal him in the cool, funny London scene. The path leads us towards New York city, offering us a great seventies look in this metropolitan city including a short tour in Harlem (plus introducing us the beautiful "soon to be" Bond woman). but the finest scenes are kept for New Orleans (unforgetable plane airport scene, the car and boat chase, just can't ask for more) and the exotic location of San Monique.


The producers and director decided, that by introducing the new Bond, there will be more humor (which is good), but sadly, they've lost that 007 Connery roughness and smoothness. Connery was simply just more believable when facing the villains and seducing women. That's the reason, that I just can give this movie better grade than in Connery ones, but hey, it's the first one for Moore and the better ones are still to come:)

Ocean's Eleven

The word "cool" has new meaning
All star cast, capable director, a remake with a classy story involving a bunch of twists, cool music score,...Is there absolutely anything that prevents these one to be a classic? A classic like Scorses's Casino?

Well, theoretically...Only one thing. More demanding viewers will find it too shallow, some may even say, that there is a lack of chemistry in love story, but perhaps the biggest blame was, that the actors just didn't do their job correctly. That the entire crew looked just "too cool", wearing classy clothes, big smiles and trendy sun-glasses.

Ups, i named more than one thing, so the impression is, I didn't liked the movie. Errr, wrong. Despite the some before mentioned flaws, is still a very enjoyable movie, so just pack yourself with a glass of cocktail and cigar and don't take these one too seriously, looking for mistakes.

7 out of 10.

The Terminal

But still an O.K. movie, compared to other directors. So, what was wrong with this one...

...Well, apart from stupid jokes (wet floor, c'mon Steven, what were you thinking?), was the whole story boring and portrait u.s. office workers as morons, who obviously forgot to call a translator. I mean, since Victor is coming from one of the ex-USSR republic, he surely speaks some Russian. Anyway, after classic like E.T., Schindler's list and Indy, I surely expected more intelligent story and not some typical Hollywood fairy tale for less demanding viewers.

If my expectations wasn't so high, maybe I would rate this one higher, since there was nothing wrong with the cast, but because if the weak story, it deserves nothing more than

5 out of 10

White Chicks

Just how bad can a comedy gets?
Well, I think of myself as a person with a strong sense of humor, who simply love comedies, especially, if watched with a group of friends. So we decided to take a look at this one...

...What a mistake. After half of the movie movie, one of them fell a sleep, one went home and one laughed. Why may I ask? Maybe, because he is twelve...

...Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the main cast. They did their job o.k., especially the guy who played Latrell Spencer. It's the story, that is so unbelievable and almost an insult for a intelligent viewer.

Despite that, I have to admit that I had a few laughs during it, but that wasn't enough to rate this one higher than

2 out of 10.

Over the Top

...And people fond of arm-wrestling.

Since i belong to the first part of the sentence, I've rented this movie again and watch it with a piece of nostalgia. Partly because I watched it as a kid and partly because, sometimes just feel good to watch a "no-brainer".


It provide all elements of 80's, easy-rock music, happy end, lame emotions, simple dialogs and if you want...Ray-ban glasses. But does it have something that makes it different from the others. Hmmm...Arm-wrestling? A kid who travels as a baggage and survives?


Ehh, who cares. It's Stallone movie, meaning a lot of nonsense, easy story and sentimental moments. Watching it, as a kid in eighties, was a lot of fun, now it's just a lot of thinking:"Why the hell did I rent this one?"

But still, since it made me remember those happy days in 80's, when everybody dreamed to become next Sly, it deserves a strong

4 out of 10.

The Whole Ten Yards

Or another example How to make a bad sequel?

First part, Whole nine yards, was a great movie (9 out of 10). The story seemed believable, Amanda & Natasha looked amazing and you could actually feel the love connections between the main couples, not to mention Matthew & Bruce, both great and funny in their parts.

As I was watching the second part, I nearly fell a sleep. Despite the fact, that the crew remained the same, movie just failed in all other cinematic elements. Lame & almost unbelievable story (Bruce is crying almost all the time...funny?....not), no chemistry between main characters and most of all, lack of good gags (except, if you laugh when people hit doors or cry like a baby).

I could go on and one counting the flaws, but I won't. In the movie, where the best part was the beautiful Porsche, the only fair rate would be

3 out of 10

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

...not played by George Lazenby. In 1969, the year of Woodstock, Neil Armstrong and Ho Chi Minh, the new 007 was released, with australian model as the secret agent. And he has one of the toughest jobs in the world. To replace "THE BOND" Sean Connery (though in last two movies a slightly tiresome). Did he succeed?

No. With his wooden acting, terrible accent and most of all, lack of Connery charm he's the biggest disappointment in this movie. Sadly, since it got one of the best theme songs (Luis Armstrong) & music score (John Barry), one of the rarest girls in 007 with an acting talent (31-year old Diana Rigg), component villain Blofeld and something that no Bond in the whole series had. A deep, romantic moments, combined with the powerful ending. So deep that we didn't even miss the Q, till he showed up at the end.

As one of the critic wrote before me, just imagine the actor who'll have to step into Indy's shoes after Harrison Ford and you'll get the picture. But because of before mentioned pluses it still deserves your attention.

6 out of 10.

You Only Live Twice

It's the 1967, the year of Twiggy and a new James Bond. Fifth in the row and again with Sean Connery as a lead.

Sadly, this time with tired look, unattractive Bond girls (except 31-year old Helga Brandt, played by Karin Dor), less humor lines and a story that drags at the end. On the other hand, it got interesting locations, one of the most expensive sets used until than and an Eastern touch. Plus there are some minor faults included, such as...Why didn't Ernest Blofeld killed the 007, when he got a chance?

So, after a climax with first three Bond's, Thunderball and You only live twice, were a little disappointment for me. Sure, they are still enjoyable from time to time, but they simply cannot compete with the first in the series, and that's why a little lower rate

6 out of 10.


...says 007, after he failed to convert a woman after making love to her (just remember Goldfinger). And yet, he was right. This one in the series is certainly not a winner. Why?

Well, a new year and a new James Bond. In 1965, when Malcom X was murdered, Color TV and mini-skirts became part of our life, the fourth 007 was released. And it had quite a hard job. To beat "Goldfinger", probably the best Bond till now. Did he succeed?

At my opinion...No. Despite always charming Sean Connery and witty humor lines, beautiful & chesty Bond "villain-girl" (25 years old Italian Luciana Paluzzi) and exotic locations (The Bahamas), I just couldn't get rid a feeling, that this is probably one of the slowest 007 movie. Despite the fact that the first hour is great, with classy opening scene and a sequel in England (Shrublands health spa), but soon we are witness too a slow paced underwater scenes, where I nearly fell a sleep. Not to mention the boring end.

Although it got some peaks, before mention witty lines by 007, "blond bombshell" therapist (25 years old Mollie Peters) and a famous line "What I did this evening was for king and country, you don't think it gave me any pleasure, do you?"...ahhh, pure 007. But still, too long and slow paced underwater scenes prevents me to rate this one higher as

6 out of 10.

Poletje v skoljki 2

I said to myself, when I walked out of the cinema in the sunny June 1988, only 12 year old back than. It was the time when Break-dance music and "baggy pants" were on it's peak and now, almost after 16 years, everything looks funny and obsolete. Including the movie.

But still, it was one of the most popular movies back then in Slovenia and it's still one of the best youth movies, no doubt about it. Still enjoyable and if you are in dance movies such as Flashdance, then you'll love this one. Since I'm not, a little lower rate, but never mind that, the director and casting crew did their job great, despite not very believable story.

So, if you want to take a peek on how was life in eighties in Slovenia or you're just in nostalgic mood, watch this one, you won't regret it.

6 out of 10


In the year 1964, when Beatlmania was in full form (just recall the witty humor line in Goldfinger about Beatles) and China detonated its first atomic bomb, MGM released Goldfinger. Probably the best in 007 series. So what makes it so good, that no one other even came close to it?

Well, actually it got all what 007 movie should have. Suspense story (111 minutes, without dull moments), a start opening scene with witty humor ("shocking", "positive shocking") that continuous throughout the movie, great villain (Goldfinger) and almost impossible to beat henchman Oddjob (Harold Sakata), Q laboratory (not to mention Aston Martin), superb theme song and finally charming Sean Connery as its best. And as the "cream de la cream" it got something else, that no other 007 movie has?

The most beautiful girls and (hold your breath, guys) they are all blond goddesses. From the voluptuous masseuse Dink (21-year old Margaret Nolan), sensual beauty Jill Masterson (27-year old Shirley Eaton) and her sister Tilly Masterson (23-year old Tania Mallet) to, for many fans the best Bond woman ever, Pussy Galore (37-year old Honor Blackman). Despite her age, she got huge sex appeal and she wasn't immune to Bond charm (well, at least not till unforgettable "barn scene"), what made her even more sexy.

Sure, you could argue about some holes in the scripts, such as Goldfinger presentation and the attack with nerve gas. Or you could mention the heavy use of rear projections (used to cut the expenses from shooting abroad). But, on the other hand, everything is soon forgotten when you watch one of the most charming movies in history of cinema. A classic.

10 out of 10

From Russia with Love

Only after one year, MGM launched a sequel to Dr. No. It was 1963 and the cold war was as its peak, JFK was shoot and over 200.000 people witnessed Martin Luther King in DC...and all 007 fans were satisfied since they saw a new Bond movie.

Again, with no doubt the best actor in Bond series, Sean Connery. And again cool under the pressure. Though this time (sadly) more seriously and cynical, but hey, From Russia with love was a movie with serious plot and one with the toughest villain ever. Robert Shaw a.k.a. Red Grant almost steals the show acting as psychotic who kills for the pure pleasure of act. Luckily for 007, he was too greedy. On the other hand, 007 has as always capable friends. Kerim Bay (kudos to Pedro Armendariz) as loyal friend with a "witty-bond" sense of humor and "007 love" in this one, Tatiana Romanova (only 21-year old Daniela Bianchi) . Although not too brilliant in acting, she had a special something which qualifies her as one of the most beautiful and exciting Bond woman. And finally the first appearance of Desmond Llewelyn portraying Q.

So, what makes this one "one of the best 007 movies"?

Superb opening scenes, a story, without unbelievable action scenes (so much present in modern bond movies), interesting (Istanbul/former Yugoslavia) and beautiful (Venice) locations and before mentioned skillful actors, plus a great script and dialogs. But from time to time slow paced story (Gypsy camp), what stops me to rate this one the same as its ancestor...

9 out of 10

Dr. No

Ahhh...let's go back to the year 1962. What was going on than? Well, Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her L.A. home, the Cuba crisis, racial integration in U.S. and yes, the first 007 was released in London. The legend was born.

They launch into the orbit until till than fairly unknown actor, and they hit the jackpot. Stalwart, confident, cool under pressure and witty. Sean Connery was all that and more. Beside him, was gorgeous and talented Honey Ryder (26-years old Ursula Andress) as the main "love bird" beside Sylvia Trench (Eunice Gayson) and villain Miss Taro (Zena Marshall). And as always trusty allies from Q (this time played by Peter Burton and only appeared for 10 seconds) to CIA and of course M. Thus, we can't forget his Jamaican friends Puss-Feller and Quarrel (a nice play from John Kitzmiller).

On the other hand we have interesting villains in this one. Though we have seen toughest and better opponents in other Bond movies, Dr. No have some class and helpful friends such as "funny" three blind assassins and Professor Dent (great scene by the way in the cabin).

So, is the first also the best in series? No, but it definitively ranks in top 5 Bond movies ever. It got best Bond actor (Sean Connery), great woman (Ursulla Andres) though we have seen better chemistry, superb jazzy score by Monty Norman with nice Jamaica sounds, witty bond humor ("i think that they were on the way to a funeral" or "make sure that he doesn't escape"), dreamy locations (Jamaica) and the component director who made the timeless classic. For this reasons, although not the best in the series, it still deserves a highest possible rate

10 out of 10.


Too much blood, unnecessary killing, lame story? If so, than switch to Italian soft erotic movie.

The story is cliche. A Professor comes to small Italian village for summer teaching. To a house with a sexy mom (this time in "soft" role Moanna Pozzi) and two daughters. And the rest is the history...

But never mind the plot. Just enjoy at the camera movement and sexy acting by all the actors. Add funky music and "The Italian touch" they have with this kind of movies and you get very enjoyable product, and that's why the high rate of

8 out of 10.

Pretty Woman

Ahhh, who could forget the era of so called "feel good movies": Cocktail with Tom Cruise, Officer and Gentleman with Richard Gere or Flashdance with Jennifer Beals. The eighties was the era when people still believed in modern fairy-tales.

And one of the last one flick in this time is filled with beautiful actors, easy "chick" story, simple dialogs, classic scenes, outstanding music with Pretty woman classic by Roy Orbinson or It could have been love by Roxette and off-course obligatory happy end. And finally not bad acting, not bad at all. Especially praise goes to support role played by hotel manager (Hector Alizondo).

All of this before mentioned facts saves this one from being judge just as one in a million love flicks coming from "the land of dreams" who were soon forgotten after release. This one will live forever, just to remind us of the good, happy days back in the eighties.

7 out of 10

Ko zorijo jagode

Let's travel back in the seventies, when the Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia and people were working from 6am till 14pm and living in a "socialist paradise". Meet a 15-year old Jagoda, discovering the world of first affections, kisses, deceptions, friendships and revolts.

Although viewable this one has some flaws. Too ordinary story without humor scenes (and we are not talking here about serious drama), mediocre acting and trivial dialogs. On the other hand, we can't missed one scene that literary saves the movie. Jagoda under shower discovering her feminine side by touching herself. Quite daring scene, even for todays standard, not to mention the puritan Hollywood.

All in all, beside this scene, there's nothing worth mentioning and that's why a mediocre

5 out of 10.


Dogville. A small American city (well, the truth is, it could be anywhere in the world) in the late thirties of past century: population 15. 15 rednecks. With a friendly faces and evil character. And 1 fugitive. Nicole. And a genius director who provided us the show. Lars.

And to tell you the truth, it was nothing I expected. Sure the cast and directing is so good, that you soon forgot that you're watching a theatre play. A play that is becoming a harder and harder to watch. A play that you wish you cold reach out and twist the necks of people that are torturing Grace. Or choose an easy way. To walk out of cinema. But hey, you wouldn't do that, because after all, the stories with such a narrators voice must have happy ending (just remember The Babe). And yet, a revenge is always sweet, here in particular.

So, does this masterpiece deserves 10/10. From all point of views, yes, but since it was one of the movies i nearly suffered during the show (meaning 1/10) and promise not to see it again, the only fair rate would be

5 out of 10 (plus a "masterpiece" mark)

Kajmak i marmelada

This time without Tom & gorgeous Nicole, but with Branko & gorgeous Tanja. Till now, everything works great, just too bad that Branko isn't Kubrick. Nevertheless Kajmak in marmelada remains one of the most popular movies made lately in Slovenia, but is this a proof, that is the best?

From my point of view.....No. Why? Firstly, the story is full of cliches and in some parts not very believable. O.k. i could live with that, if the humor were great, but sadly, there were only a scene or two where i laughed my pants off. As for the actors, well, they were allright, although far from being great. Except Dragan Bjelogrlic (main serbian star, unforgettable part in Rane) , he was just as good as always. Oh, and yes, and a big compliment for Tanja. Nude scenes are very rarely in Slovenian production (especially coming from main actors) and that's why even sexier.

All in all, the movie is still enjoyable, but although similar to the greatest Slovenian movie Outsider, can't compare to them in any aspect and that's why a mediocre

6 out of 10,

Total Recall

And although made in early nineties, still not that out-dated and somehow very delightful to watch, especially for some bloody scenes, rarely seen in todays "H'wood production".

Most of the credit goes to director, but hey, even Arnold proved here that he got some acting skills (well, THIS is an action sci-fi after all). Sharon looking sexy as always and too bad her role is so small. Music score and around effects just add a the cream on the pie.

All in all, you'll probably enjoyed this one as i did (referring to high imdb ratings). It may not be as deep as the Spielberg sci-fi's or should I say today's The Matrix, but all that is soon forgettable, when you put yourself on friday evening on couch and watch this classic.

7 out of 10.


Than skip this one. The only action I get from this one, was a short naps during the movie.

Story full of cliches, mediocre actors (except maybe Collin), incredible not-funny jokes,...All in all, the movie i will soon forgot and that's why a

3 out of 10.

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