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Friday the 13th Part III

A fun movie with a lot of flaws
Friday the 13th part 3 now you can watch it in 3d or in 2d for this review I watched it on 2d for this review. Friday the 13th part 3 is the beginning of Jasons iconic hockey mask and this was one of the first films to be shot it 3d in the 80's other films would come out like jaws 3d and amityville 3d but those two are bad friday the 13th part 3 is the best out of the 3d horror craze of the 80's now somethings I liked. The kills/gore where very good in this this film a one up from the last two films they show the body more and more gore which is good another thing I like is the music it really creates suspense now for somethings I did not like. First of the fake body props oh my god there bad in ricks death there is no way somebody is going too think that's a real head another thing I did not like was how close it resembles the original this film is basically the same only difference is the kills and one is Jason and the other one is his mother anyway that's the review thanks for reading overall I give this film a 3/5 or a 6/10.

Friday the 13th Part 2

A decent sequel
Friday the 13th part 2 the movie to put Jason as the slasher king. Now if you have not watched the first friday the 13th you may not know but Jason is not the killer his mother is because Jason drowned. How did he live in the woods for 20+ years who knows but anyway lets get in to what I do like. What I do like is how good the continuity is with the First film. Camp crystal lake has become a legend and the fact that Alice hardy is back (andreinne king) now sadly that's the only things I really do like this movie has a lot more flaws with me then it has things I like. One thing I did not like was Jason's design...really your going to have your main killers mask just be a potato sack now I love sackhead Jason but com on man that's the best you could think of? Another thing is the rushed production of the film it just fells rushed the first ten minutes is just Alice rolling around in her bed dreaming of what happened in the fist movie... for twelve minutes and the movie is only 86 minutes long!so the entire meat of the story is only 70 minutes! Another thing I did not like about this movie is how little Jason is in this movie in the entire 86 minute runtime I estimate that Jason is in the movie for about 10 minutes.now you might be saying what about in the first friday the 13th movie the killer was only in that film for 10 minutes well at least it was creative the killers are done in the same manner as the fist movie! Anyway that was the review thanks for reading and overall I give this film a 4/10 2/5.

Friday the 13th

The beginning of one of the most beloved horror franchises
The original friday the 13th the beginning for one of the most beloved horror franchises. This is a very average movie this is not a masterpiece piece of cinema like halloween but it is not so bad that you hope you die in the next 30 seconds after the credits role like jaws the revenge. So the the things I like the acting is amazing they do really well for a movie with only a 700000 dollar Budget and also the makeup effects by Tom Savini are great. Now for the things I did not like *most* of the kill sences like for example the first pair of kills the killer gets its just the girl in a cornier and screaming and then a blinding white light and title card and also a lot of the kills are just a stab to gut or just the character dissipering and there boys there 20 minutes later overall average film 5/10 2.5/5.


One of the better slasher flicks
Now I love slasher movies and this one sure delivers it has good plot and good directing but I think they did not really keep the secret it was billy and Stu it was very obvious otherwise good slasher flick it's the best one out of the 90's I recommend.

Kaijûtô no kessen: Gojira no musuko

Godzilla is now officially for children
Son of godzilla is really the turning point for godzilla at first he was symbol of nuclear radiation and it was dark in tone now...we are throwing temper tantrum's so anyway the movie is about these scientists doing weather experiment but the bad thing is there is giant mantis roaming the island they find minilla's egg and brick it open but lucky his paps is here and takes care of 2 or the 3 mantis witch are called kamacurus and just leaves his son there wow what a great father and then he sees this native girl and wags his tail like a puppy when he sees her she throws him sone fruit and minilla eats but then the remaining mantis picks on minilla and he wakes up a giant spider named kumonga and wraps minya in webs and the mantis kills the mantis about to go for minilla and godzilla is there and they have a pretty long battle godzilla and minilla kill kumonga but the scientists experiment causes the whole island to have a blizzard and now this is the most heartwarming moment ever involving two guys in rubber suits they hug each other and go into hibernation but in the original script godzilla just leaves him there in the snow (a little part of it is in the trailer) how mean! But luckily he did not overall not the best godzilla movie but if you want some laughs watch it. It is not serious in anyway but overall it is a fun movie.

Gojira · Ebira · Mosura Nankai no daikettô

End of the Golden age start of the bleh age
Godzilla vs the sea monster or known as Ebirah horror of the deep is one of the lesser movies franchise it is the first movie that the 3 jugecrnots of the franchise Ishiro Honda ,eiji thuberaya, and Akira Ifukube don't work on the same film (minus godzilla raids again but they returned for Godzillas next film so I don't really count it.) and it shows the special effects are no were near as good as the ones ejji tsubrayas special effects and the directing done by jun fukuda is fine but not as good as Hondas overall I don't have much to say about it basically half the movie is Godzilla sleeping the people wake him up he fights a shrimp (literly the Japanese word for shrimp is ebi this kajus name is Ebirah shrimp is in the name of this kaiju) godzilla goes back to sleep he wakes up fights the shrimp again then mothra comes and picks up all the slaves oh yeah something I forgot about this movie the red bamboo witch is the villains of this movie they come from a place called devils island and comes to infant island and steal mothra's people to work for them to make this yellow liquid that keeps ebirah away eventually mothra wakes up at like the last 5 minutes slaps godzilla take her people back and get out of there. So final thoughts check it out if you want a few laughs but otherwise I really don't like to say this but id skip it it as no really say on the other godzilla movies and it is just kinda "there" other than that not much to say about this kaiju flick check it out if you want to.

Kaijû daisensô

The last of the golden era of Showa films
Invasion of astro monster or monster zero or godzilla vs monster zero what ever you want to call it is the end of the golden era of godzilla films and is the last film that Ishiro Honda , Eiji tsuberaya (sorry is a mis spelt it) Tomoyuki Tanaka and Akira Ifukube work on the same godzilla movie anyway the film is about that the space agency of Japan found another planet named Planet X yes its generic I know but why did they not find it earlier you may ask? Because it was to dark to see...wow so two astronauts gleen and fuji go on the planet and then the meet the aliens the xleines witch forces our two astronauts in there spaceships and tells them that monster zero is destroying there planet and they need godzilla and Rodans help and if we let them use them we get the cure to cancer and them being the dumb humans they are let them use godzilla and Rodan...spoliler alert the aliens are evil and want to take over the world and they use godzilla ,rodan ,and King Ghidorah to try to take over the world because that's what aliens are for! What brings this movie down is it is the first to use stock footage which is dumb, stupid, and lazy but anyway its a good monster flick check it out.

San Daikaijû Chikyû Saidai no Kessen

One of the better movies in the Godzilla franchise
This is one of the better godzilla movies and an important one at that to for introducing the world to Godzillas arch nemesis King Ghidorah but in America he was called ghidrah why don't ask me. Anyway the movie is based around this princess from Venus that can tell the future and is getting hunted down by assassins for some reason...they don't really explain it in the movie but now lets talk about what the movie is named after Ghidorah! And...he's in the movie for 10 minutes max witch is kinda disappointing well he comes from a asteroid from outer space because he wiped out Venus and that's why the princess from Venus is here in the first place so anyway Ghidorah destroys Venus (which the don't show in the movie) and comes here and does not even get out of the asteroid until 54 minutes in the movie and he doesn't really destroy stuff until at least an hour and five minutes in the movie ( I did not count) and the battle not until a hour and 15 minutes and remember the movie is a hour and twenty eight minutes (jp version) but the end battle is one of the better ones and overall this is one of the better movies in the franchise check it out.

Mosura tai Gojira

One of the best in the franchise
Godzilla vs the thing or known in Japan as mothra vs godzilla is one of the better entries of the godzilla movies it has pretty good characters and a good plot it basically says don't be a greedy Moron or mothra will be mad. There is not much to say about this movie it as good characters, good plot, and good monster action overall check it out.

King Kong vs. Godzilla

A redemption of the last film
King Kong vs godzilla what a genus plan to put two of the most famous monsters against each other. Now this movie is not for all people and for a movie called King Kong vs godzilla there is not much of "King Kong vs Godzilla" you have to be patient there is only 2 battles the 1st one (if you can call it a battle) is just godzilla and kong roaring godzilla breaths is atomic breath and kong runs away the charters are interesting mr tako is worthy character but he is a jerk and the 2nd battle between godzilla and kong...that...battle..is...epic! Boom, crash, pow, stop motion drop kicks its amazing! Anyway its worth it to check it out but the Japanese version is better but downside is its only in a 224$ boxset lucky I own it but still check it out even if its the American version.

Gojira no gyakushû

A sequel that does not live up to its name
Godzilla raids again or known in Japan as Godzillas counterattack but its also known in America as giganta-wait gigantis the fire monster!? Now there original 1954 godzilla was great movie with its tone and acting and only one year later the tone of the original is already ruined the acting is still fine the godzilla suit is ok and the fight between goji and anguirus is by far one of my least favorite battles in the godzilla franchise and the movie is extremely forgettable. The only thing memorable in the movie is the battle against anguirus overall check it out if you want but it is not the greatest.


A great start to a great franchise
This is one of the best films ever created Godzilla was seen as a form of destruction and the movie is really dark like when godzilla is rampaging a mother hugs there kids and tell them there going to join there dad in heaven jeez the characters are amazing and so is the acting this is a must see for a godzilla fan like my self or a casual viewer.

Dhar Mann

Wayyyyyy to predictable
Now when you first watch him there good but the get worse and more predictable each episode.

Gojira tai Hedora

What's going on
This films confusing and trippy there's a sence where a guy hulucanates all the people have fish heads

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