Patrick Tews

IMDb member since February 2001
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Die Brücke

Not Bad, not good
Hi "dixibuster", you should see the original version, which is not 30, but almost 50 years old and one of the classical and best movies in German movie history.

This remake is a well-meant try to bring this serious issue to todays's younger generation. Clear, it's nothing in comparison to Dennis Gansels "Napola", but it's o.k. And if the remake brings some of the audience of the younger generation to see Bernard Wickis original from 1959, then I think it has fulfilled his service.

But one thing I must add: Main Character Francois Göske shows also here, that he's one of the most talented young actors in Germany. With his extremely physically acting he will have a great movie career !

The Ring

Loan the 6th Sense !
As I saw the trailer for the US-remake of the Japanese hit first time, I thought regarding the scenes with David Dorfman: Wow, who is this, Haley? Now, the enthusiasm has been replaced by disappointment.

In a mix of Horror, Drama and suspense, they try to follow the tracks of the 6th Sense, but the foot-steps are numbers too great. If you compare: The horror-elements can't shock the visitor. Surprise, an important ingredient of a thriller, lacks almost total. But this is no surprise, in the eye of a uninspired plot (Female Journalist try to find the origin of a video to safe her life and explores a family tragedy.). This psychological part weaves to be upset and amateurish. A few scenes with Brian Cox are not enough. And when Dorfman whispers about the dead young girl "She shows me things", then this shakes you some seconds. But in the next moment you thinks of Osment and the possibilities given away.

The makers hadn't the 6th sense for the causes of Shyamalans success and overpaced their project. But little would have been more. They should go back to school.

Loan the original, this movie isn't worth a cinema trip!

Murder by Numbers

No perfect murder, no perfect film, guilty
Is it possible to plan and commit the perfect murder? Probably not, if you remember the many, many criminals, who tried it promising, but in vain against Inspector `Columbo'. In comparison, Richard and Justin, two bored upper-class kids, seem to be real orphans.

And that's the main problem. This one failure, the little, but deciding hint at the crime scene and the audience know at an early stage, the both will pay for it. The only open question was, who executed the final step. What remains? A piece of `Columbo', some scenes of `CSI', a bit `Hannibal` and tracks of `Cruel Intentions' lead into a mixture not uneatable, but somehow disappointing. Director Barbet Schroeder attracts the visitor and let him die of hunger, cruelly.

The pattern of the known offender holds a great danger, this shows here: play and conflict with the policy must be very fascinating. Ryan Gosling exaggerates his portrayal of a High-School-Kid only seeming mysterious, making this one ridiculous from time to time. But he show his talents too and the possibilities given away for a thrilling duel with pal Justin (Michael Pitt) or Bullock. The actress plays (What else?) a fallen angel, rising at the end, unimpressive as Julianne Moore vs. Hopkins. And Ben Chaplin has gone lost in an uninspired script.

A bit of all and nothing right. There could be only one judgment: guilty!

Der Felsen

Antonio Wannek is seducing, charming - simply brilliant in a Thriller-Drama a bit too long
We are writing the year 1997, B.C. A little group of Danish rebels starts, Asterix-like, an crusade against the cultural destruction. Or are the `Dogma'-rules only the newest marketing coup to rescue the European film?

Now, `Der Felsen' is no `Dogma'-Movie, although you could suppose it after the first scenes. Washed-out, blurred pictures let foresee the worst, especially in view of the memory to the disastrous `Blair Witch Project'. The commentaries from the Off feels you to be in a book-reading and disturb the concentration on the movie heavily. Doesn't they believe in the capabilities of the audience to follow a movie? And the uninteresting holiday amour fou between an almost father and his female colleague let you extremely cold. The experimental movie seems to be failed early.

But then appears Antonio Wannek and everything changes. The talented young actor plays in the role of the adolescent `Malte' with all, the audience and his expectations, his aimless and easy love victim Katrin (the woman from the beginning) and the leader of his detention camp. No comparison with Jonathan Taylor Thomas in `Walking across Egypt' or the `Sleepers'-Boys, who simply tried to survive and find a better future. A little devil with the face of an angel. Though the evil in his head never occurs clear in the gestures of Wannek, only occasional outbursts, f.e. opposite the possible parents of his brother and the menacing separation, let you show in. Charming, like Max von Sydow in `Needful things', spreads he his spell. So, slowly, but heavy unfolds the real soul of this movie, an intense drama with thrilling elements and a multi-layered end.

A nomination for the German film award as best actor was the only logical consequence (He didn't get it!), but it would be unfair to describe it as Wanneks movie. Because the original main character is Katrin (Karoline Eichhorn), a woman in the mid of the 30ies. Disappointed from life, is she searching for variety, affection, love. And expose herself in the love affair with Malte, who could be her son. Eichhorn transports the different situations and the permanently changing feelings convincing. Ice-cold and insensitive during her sexual affairs, which seems to be only a bad compensation. Then behaving like an adult, as she seems to have understood her role and responsibility towards Malte. Though, in the next second, she become naively addicted to this one again, a fatal passion.

There is another possible explanation for the chosen form of art (pictures, commentaries etc.). They want to save money. Every Cent could help the former German media giant Kinowelt, one of the producing firms. My hint: If they hadn't stretched the movie unnecessary, they could have save more, especially at the beginning. But then beautiful pictures (diving sequence!) and a great cast made a worth seeing movie. Despite of the lack of new elements, you shouldn't leave it after half an hour!

Der Zimmerspringbrunnen

Good Actors, good music, bad script
Peter Timm is specialist for the German reunion. „Go, Trabi Go` shows, how a Saxon family conquers the western paradise. Now, the circle of life close. The hero of his latest piece is an failed victim from 1990.

In both movies, Timm hand out good-timed jokes and sideswipes to the society at the beginning, for example the culture clash of Bavarian and Saxon or the exciting life of an travelling salesman. A fast start, but then ? Boredom and a lot of misfires. The portrayal of the east-German habitants should be near by reality and satirical at the same moment. This mixture is underdone and heavily digestible. It weaves, as if someone want to amuse about losers from East-Germany, and this was surely not the intention of Timm.

The story of Lohbeck, who get a chance and use it (simple moral: everyone should have the possibility to fulfill his dreams) is mostly predictable, phlegmatic and, not interesting. But: main actor Götz Schubert impress. He plays Lohbeck so slowly, nostalgic AND convincing, that you think, he is this character. Probably the first goal of all Actors.

The underlaid music and the singing comedian Bastian Pastewka create a little bit variation, but that's all. Script and idea of the movie are the deciding drawbacks. Because, if it follows his satirical attempts or some British models, it could have been a good one. `Billy Elliot`, `Trainspotting`, `The Full Monty'` or "Brassed off` have shown, how you combine social critic, individual destinies and humor on a entertaining and intelligent way.


Emotional tour-de-force
Valery is ill, mortally ill. He was one of the many helpers after the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl. But he has a dream. See England, the ocean, together with his friend. But the friend live in Berlin. So he starts an odyssey. And so starts an wonderful movie.

`England!' lives from the fantastic and urgent play of his main actor, Ivan Shvedov. In every single moment of the movie, you are anxious and hope for the best. Every little feeling goes under the skin. That´s very rare in today's movie landscape. So you enjoy, as he drive toward the German border and make a young female acquaintance. You are afraid, as he swim through the river. You suffer, as he search Friends and companions on his voyage. You hope for an good end of life, as he finally comes to England. And you are astonished about the philosophic and successful end of the movie. A permanent up and down, from which you don't want to miss a second.

But this is not all. The `adventures' in the big city, almost like a road movie, open the eyes. They show us, how our society develop, in the treatment of foreigners and ourselves. You laugh and cry at the same time about the exhibitor who speak a lot and say not so much or about the labour office as a cathedral of modern times. A little bit of sadness. And this mood strengthens through the special kind of language. Like many foreigners, Valeri speaks in broken German. Normally it's droll to hear how yourself sounds in another language. But here it suits perfectly for the situation, the loneliness of the single human being on the search for the personal fortune. And it let forget the difficulties of the subtitles at the beginning, they are necessary, but disturbing.

An interesting story, good acting of a no-name-ensemble and involving characters, you need more ? You get ! Congenial music and sound accompany the tragicomic ballad about life and so, finally, a touch of melancholy appears.

If you have the possibility to see this movie, do it ! You won't regret it.

Common Ground

A small, but very important movie about homosexuality
As I heard, what´s the theme of "Common Ground", I thought first about other attempts like "In & Out", "Jeffrey" (also with Steven Weber) or "The Birdcage". Only another comedy ? No, this movie is completely different!

It shows the problems of this group of outsiders in a very strong and serious way. Through the different decades, "Common Ground" takes the time for different persons and times and tries to give an complete answer and evaluation. But this separation has in my opinion not only good sites. You can see the development in the treatment of homosexuality. But the time (around 30 minutes) is to short for the different episodes. So, it does not reach the ground of the problem. Many aspects are also named twice, especially in the first two episodes. And the message in episode three (All is better now. )is not believable for me and too trivial.

Despite of this, for me it is an must-see movie with great performances of the actors (especially Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a swimmer in part 2 !), an intelligent dramaturgy and an unconventional ending.

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