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Death Race 3: Inferno

Great for what it is
If you liked the first two. You will like this one. It does a good job of completing then story line started in the first one. The ending is good with a bit of a heartwarming moment. For this type of movie anyways. The acting is serviceable and all the actors look like they are having a good time. It's better than most B movies. The action choreography is done well. Of course it's over the top as far as story goes and some acting. It. What do you expect. I have always had a soft spot for this series because it does not try to be something it is not. That, is what makes the difference. When we inundated with trash from Hollywood that wants to preach and virtue signal, this is a nice change of pace. Just shut your brain off and enjoy.

Blade Runner

Like Tears in the Rain
Absolute classic. The ending monologue is unforgettable. And the fact that Rutger came up with it at 3 am. Makes it even more amazing. I love that quote and the implication of it. We're all just tears in the rain. And. We will all be but forgotten one day. The acting by all involved is pitch perfect. Engaging and thought provoking. It will go down as an unforgettable sci fi classic. And probably will never be equaled. The sequel was okay. But. Never thought it needed one. Loved the ending. Left most everything up for interpretation. We need more storytelling like this. So sad that we don't get it anymore.

Hotaru no haka

Where to start. If you have a pulse at all. This movie will crush it. It shows the true cost of war and does not let up. It is relentless in its display of human frailties. It also shows the love of one sibling to another and how difficult it can be to protect one's family. How anyone can watch this movie and not be touched is unthinkable. I've watched it twice. And. To this day I tear up when the end hits. It's like a punch to the gut. It is one of the most beautiful movies ever made. I went into the first viewing completely unaware. When it starts you wonder what is going on. At the end. You wish it never happened. A must watch. This movie should be shared across the world. An unflinching gaze into the true cost of war.


At least they did not destroy one of our beloved ip's
Not sure why all the hate. Is it for everybody. No. But. For what it is and intends to be. It is quite good. Elodie is not a Mary Sue. She is not perfect. Not all knowing. And. She has an arc and growing pains in her story. I will be the first to admonish companies like Disney and the Ilk for interpreting beloved characters for modern audiences. This movie does none of that. It has created a heroin that has to use her wits and smarts to win and conquer her setbacks. In a good way there are cringe lines and moments. But. For the most part. It's good writing and it serves the story. I know we have been fooled once too many times. But. This is not one of those. The acting is good for what the story needs. We need to be accepting of new takes on old stories. As long as they don't try to change a beloved story or character to push their message or what their beliefs are. Again. Not for everyone. It is enjoyable.


Tastes like home
Wow! Where to begin. What a beautiful movie. Adam Sandler just knocked me out with this. It's a story of love lost and regrets. It is a slow burn. But. Well worth it. Not sure about the bad reviews. This is an amazing movie. The cgi is great. The acting pitch perfect. There is no wasted moment. It just flows very nicely. The pacing is on point. Whoever thought a spider would be so smart and all knowing. Hanush was a great navigator for this story. This movie has to be experienced. I can understand some people may not get it or like it. But. This movie is right up there with The Notebook as far as romance goes. Just watch it. Well worth it.

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later

Better than all the recent remakes
Watched this agains to clean the disgust out of my mouth of the last three movies. In retrospect. Probably the best sequel. It has great characters that are likeable. Good writing. Good performances. It pays homage to the past. Wraps up the story nicely. Should have stopped here. Has very suspenseful moments when needed. Jamie Lee Curtis does an excellent job of playing a tormented person that is trying to move on but her past keeps haunting her. You feel for her and her son. While this is fiction. It is easy to relay to them if you've had a tragedy in your own life. That's where this movie is easily relatable. Probably not a popular opinion. But. The first Rob Zombie re-imagining is my second favorite Halloween movie. I love how it explains why Michael became pure evil. Also. Better than the last three movies.

Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Why the Hate
First off, I believe there are people that will always hate anything Snyder does. For some reason they will hate watch anything he does just to because. I enjoy his movies for what they are. They are not always perfect. But you will definitely get great cinematography and nice action sequences.

Rebel Moon has all of that. The story may be a bit out there. But. It is a fantasy sci-fi story. I am looking forward to the R rated version. I am sure Netflix forced this pg-13 version out quickly so it could be here for the holidays. I am not here to convert anyone to love this movie. Do not care. I loved the characters. The visuals were great looking. At times the cgi is a bit blurry around the edges. But. It's leagues better than most movies that have a higher budget. Anything Disney has put out over the last 5 years or so looks way worse. If you like sci-fi or action. You'll like this movie. It entertains and that's all I want from a movie such as this. Looking forward to the conclusion. Still think that Snyder receives undeserved hate and criticism. His cut of the Justice League was amazing. Wish we at least get the chance to see what he had in store for the conclusion of that universe. For better or worse. This is spoiler free review. So. If you like action sci-fi. I think you will enjoy this movie. Looking forward to the conclusion and the R-rated cut.

Robyn Hood

Who writes this crap? This show is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. The music is awful. The whole premise is just non-sensical. Robyn is a criminal in this. Not a person fighting for the people. They commit crimes in this show. Trespass trying to rob destroying police property etc. It'd a comedy more than anything. If you want a good laugh. Watch this show. The acting is passable at best. None of it makes any sense. It simply doesn't. The fact that they would shoot a video on private property and then get upset when one of them get arrested for commuting it, just laughable. The mom getting shot makes no sense either. Just stupid. If this lasts longer than one season. Something is wrong.


Why so serious ?
Thought it is a good little sci fi romp. Acting is good enough. Effects were well done. Story is what it is. Alien invasion movie. Eight said. Enjoyed this more than 99 percent of the crap Hollywood is churning out. Especially Disney. Considering the budget. It was a well produced movie. Doesn't do anything new. It just tries to let you have a fun time watching it. And. I did. Why people feel the need to give this movie such low scores, is beyond me. That is their opinion. There are no sub versions to the story. It's just straight forward. Could it have been a better story. Yes. But. It is good for what it is.


Needs to be seen
This movie it has no genre definition. It's about failure and regret. How a little failure, will turn into a mountain of disappointment. It's when we value things in life so much. That sometimes things that are truly important, suffer more. Love the look and the direction of this film. Low budget miracle. The acting is good. The costumes I loved. Some say they looked cheap. We'll. It is a low budget movie. Would love to see what he could do with a bigger budget. He is a great storyteller. And director. This movie hits me like no other. I love horror and action movies. INK is something all of its own. It just simply should be watched by everyone. Have seen this multiple times. And. I still get the same feels when I watch this gem of a movie.

Evil Dead Rise

I was bored.
Not sure why people love this movie. If I want gore I'll watch Terrifier. Don't get me wrong. Evil dead should have gore. But. It should be used effectively. I just don't think it is. Why is this movie so boring. I don't care about the characters, at all. So. When they are killed or turned. I have no interest in anything. It's. Okay. Now what. I am just so lost, how they managed to make this so boring. The mom is the best part. And. That is because the actress does an amazing job of playing that character. This movie should be scary. And. It is not. Not even in the smallest way. How did they manage to mess this up?

Do Not Reply

No too bad not the best
The problem, is that this movie does not benefit from being a slow burn. At least not as slow as this movie is.

The acting is passable. Especially the main lead. He puts forward a very creepy performance. The actresses are also good. The writing is okay. The premise is a good one. Again. It's a good movie.

Would have served from about cutting roughly 15 to 25 minutes.

I've seen many movies like this. Have seen much worse and some better. It almost feels as this movie was meant to be lower budget, but then the company pushed more money into this project. There are obvious plot holes, as there tends to be with movies like this. But. Nothing too glaring. Could definitely seen worse. But. Also better. Good viewing as along as you know what to expect.

The Lair

I liked it
It is exactly what I expected. You know that a lot of the soldiers are fodder. And. That is okay. Good action sequences. Great creature effects. Not sure why there are so many negative reviews. It's a great time killer. And. As long as you know what your in for. You'll like it. Paced nicely. Good character development. If you like monster movies with practical effects. You'll enjoy this. Turn your brain off, to some extent. Has a few jump moments. Nothing major. The actors did a good job with the material they were given. Would love to see the material expanded upon. A sequel or prequel would be nice.

The Big 4

Fun flick
Loved the movie. Great action. Amazing comedy. Quite a bit of gore But. That is to be expected. You can feel the hits when they fight. Hollywood could learn a thing or two from these Indonesian flicks. There is plenty of great choreography. No subversion to be seen or had. So to speak. Just a well put together film. Likeable characters hood conclusion. For some. It may be a bit long. I think, that's a good thing. In a day and age, when you see the message, in so many movies, this is a breath of fresh air. Hope we get to see more films like this. If you like or lived any of the raid movies or headshot, the night comes for us. You'll love this.

House of Darkness

Cure for insomnia.
Wow. What horrible dialogue. Boring story. And just stupid execution. Was checking my watch constantly. It was just stupid. Not sure what the point of this movie was. If it's to put you to sleep. It's working. Do not watch. Very predictable. Not worth your time. I don't know why any actor would want to be in this movie. The payoff is blah. And it is just stupid. An hour and a half of nothing. And. The result is disappointing. Neil la bute. Stop making movies. You suck at your job. Get a normal job. Not sure who would bankroll this joke of a story. Can't think of many more boring disappointing movies I have ever seen. Two stars for cinematography.

Ming yat zin gei

Great action flick.
The story is predictable. The action sequences are a lot of fun. The CGI is better than anything Disney has done in the last four years.

If you want to watch a fun popcorn flick. This is it. It's a predictable sci-fi story. But. It is done right. And. Today, that is what is lacking in Hollywood, minus a few exceptions such as Top Gun and John Wick. The acting is good enough to convey the emotions and get you to root for the "good guys" Not sure why there are so many low scores. Maybe it's hatred for anything a bit different. Or. Just a lack of wanting to give something credit where it's warranted. The action sequences have a lot of quick cuts. At times, it can get a bit much. But. Again. Better than anything coming out of Hollywood lately. There are times the cgi is noticeable. But. For the most part. It is very impressive. Especially in the alien designs and up close scenes. I hope there will be more like this. Just entertain us. I don't need to be preached too. If I want that. I'll watch a documentary. Again. Just grab some popcorn and be ready to be entertained. Hollywood. Take note.

Street Fighter

Raul Julia is amazing.
The last performance by Raul Julia, and it is unforgettable. Never once does he phone in his performance. He encompasses, what I feel, Bison would be like. It's a movie that is fun from beginning to end. It doesn't pretend to be something it is not. I feel Van Damme does a serviceable job as Guile. The rest of the supporting cast do great as well. They know the material they have, and understood what the fans wanted to see. Never is there a dull moment. The Street Fighter universe is brought to live right in front of your eyes And. It is glorious. A lot of people hate on this movie, simply because they do not get it. This movie was for us fans. Those of us who loved the game. And wondered what it would be like brought to life. I watched it on Christmas Day. Remember that vividly. If you are a gamer and you like fighting games. Watch it. Understand what you are getting into. The speech Raul Julia give to Chun Li is amazing. He gives it with such respect and bravado, that you never once believe he is not Bison. I've read that he agreed to make this movie because his kids loved the game. For a lot of people this movie may have been a mess or just not what they expected. For me. It was everything I could have asked for. For Bison. "It was a Tuesday".

Glass Onion

Another garbage movie
How does this guy keep getting paid to churn out awful movie after awful movie. And. To think. They are making more of these. The first one was okay at best. This one. Absolute trash. From the beginning, the dialogue tries too hard to sound smart. All it does, makes the one dimensional characters, even less engaging. Why does any actor want to act for this director. This movie was okay till the end. Then. It turns into one woman's temper tantrum. She has every right to be upset. But. The ending basically craps all over the somewhat competent set up to that point. Rian Johnson hope I spelled his last name right. Simply does not know how to write and finish a story. He is a terrible writer. He pretends to be so smart in his writing yet. Always writes himself into a corner. And. Disappoints. Avoid this trash.

Blade of the 47 Ronin

B type movie with better production value
This movie is entertaining. The acting could be better. The fighting sequences are well choreographed and executed. The story is not as jumbled as some people would have you believed. It is a continuation of the first movie set in modern times. The set pieces look higher in value then they should be. The cinematography is well done. Even during the fight sequences, the cameras keep track of everything. If you're a fan of these types of movies. You will like it. I think, over time, it will be appreciated more. I mean this next part, not out of hatred, but out of making people aware of something that is inherently wrong with Hollywood today. Unlike the garbage coming out of Hollywood the last 5 to 8 years, this movie knows what it is, and does not betray that. It is a lot like the John wick series, Top Gun, Terrifier, and so on. It gives us what we expect and doesn't try to fake virtue signal or subvert our expectations. I'm not saying, don't enjoy other shows and movies. Just be honest with yourself. Disney is the guiltiest of all corporations. I'm not saying this movie is perfect. Not by any means. But. I knew what to expect going into this and was not disappointed. Could have been better. But. I was satisfied. It is not on the quality of The Raid series with Iko. But. I didn't expect that. Overall. Very entertaining. Hope this review helps.


Don't listen to the bad reviews.
You have tot watch all the episodes. Just like Dark, there are questions that present themselves every episode. And. Just like Dark. The answers do not show themselves right away. As a matter of fact, sometimes, you get more questions before getting an answer to a question. While you will have and get clues to what is going on, when the answers are revealed, its fantastic, in my opinion. The last episodes does present more questions. But. The writing is so much better than other shows, just like Dark. It is a slow burn. But. It is great. You don't have to be a genius to understand it. Just be a fan of mystery and drama. I live this show. Cannot wait and hoping for another season.

Halloween Ends

What in the hell.
This should not have been called Halloween. It should have been called trash. Get serious. The ending sucked. Cory killed more people than Michael. How does he all of a sudden become so weak with no explanation. On top of that, these writers, stole a story line from another franchise. Ridiculous. Absolute garbage. The deaths were boring and not suspenseful at all. I have no idea how they came up with this garbage. It was basically two live stories. If I wanted to watch twilight. I would have watched twilight. Here is hoping they never make another Halloween movie again. Simply stupid writing and not at all entertaining.

Terrifier 2

Loved it.
It continues the story from the first one including the characters. Introduces a couple new ones. A special friend for Art. The gore is turned up. A lot. It expands the lore of Art and where his supernatural powers are coming from. But. It asks a few more questions also. I love that it hints at things But. Leaves some out for the next movie. It makes no excuses for what it is. And. I love it for that. When you have companies trying to fake virtue signal, it is refreshing to see a movie like this just be what it is. I love that Damon stuck to his guns, so to speak. And refused to sell out. Can't wait for the conclusion in part three.

The Box

Solid film.
Low budget. But. Good production value. The acting is well done. As far as what it is about. It is a psychological journey of an actor. Feeling trapped. There is a lot of symbolism. Not for everyone. That is for sure. You have to be in the right state of mind. Some will hate this no matter what. It is better than I ever expected. I like the voiceover. It adds a different angle to this type of movie and story. Would not call this a must see for everyone. But. It you like psychological movies. You might want to check this out. The lead actor is good in his role. Believable with his stress. Again low budget. So. Understand what you are getting into.

Dexter: New Blood

Worse ending than before.
Not worth your time. Horrible writing. Dexter makers mistakes he shouldn't. His son is an idiot. And. The motivations are incomprehensible. Dexters girlfriend has no chance of finding him out. Give me a break why would Harrison trust that guy. And. He doesn't think anything wrong with going in a school during break. Ridiculous. Should have left it alone. Coke up with a new show. Why do writers keep doing this crap. So tired of writers thinking they are so smart. Stop overthinking the story. Just stay true to the source material. Give us some credit. We are not as dumb as you think. Truly. Don't waste your time.

Resident Evil

May change rating after watching all of it
2 episodes in. And what is this. The story is not set in any resident evil universe I've read or seen or played. How is the main antagonist, I'm guessing it's jade, I don't know. Forgettable characters, how can she survive those falls. Maybe they will explain later. Who knows. At least Alice in the movies had super powers from the t virus. It's a total mess doesn't make sense. And. The characters are h likable in every way. Their motivations for behaving the way they do are not clear. I am trying to give this a chance. But. It's difficult.

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