
IMDb member since August 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 10 months


The Sid Caesar Show

Woody Woodward . . .
. . . was my grandfather's name, so I'd love to catch this show for that reason alone. And anything starring Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca *and* Art Carney -- co-written by none other than Woody Allen -- has to be worth checking out. Alas, I haven't been able to find this anywhere . . . .

Checkmate: Kill the Sound
Episode 7, Season 2

Wow . . . .
I've been a lifelong fan of classic comedy in general and of Sid Caesar in particular. Only recently, however, did I come across a copy of this particular episode of "Checkmate" -- a show with which I was only vaguely familiar -- and I now view his talents in a whole new light. As eloquently described by BKOGANBING, Caesar's character is an all-night disc jockey in JFK-era San Francisco who's beset by inner demons. I don't want to give away any plot spoilers, and so will just say that Caesar gives an absolutely riveting performance that proves what a tremendous -- and incredibly underrated -- actor he was. I don't think any of the Method gurus of his era (or any other) could have conveyed this character's torment more convincingly or compellingly. If you can find a copy of this anywhere, please see it -- the whole show (including a delightfully droll Sebastian Cabot) is great fun to watch, but Caesar is simply great . . . ..

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