
IMDb member since August 2019
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    IMDb Member
    4 years, 10 months


The Harder They Fall

Shallow and boring waste of time....
I was hoping for an interesting story in the West. What I got is a pointless movie with very shallow story. Like a poorversion of Tarrantino's movies The movie is shalow and pointles... I wasted 30 min - I hope you will not....

The Gray Man

GREAT action movie . ..
If you liked Bourne Identity series or Jack Ryan adventures - it is your next action movie.... Swift action, good storyline, good acting... We enjoyed it A LOT!!!


Don't Look Up

The truth...
...about what we are (not Americans - ALL) now. To the point. If you are open minded you will not be dissapointed. But for me it was toug. Very good acting. No sweet things. Just truth.

Red Notice

What a dissapointment...
It is "far from perfect" child of indiana jones jumanji and puss in the boots.... so shallow classical dissapointment....

Waste of time and full of bad acting...

Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space

It seams like a paid promotion of SpaceX with boring plot and boring people... I love space - but I managed to watvh it 20 minutes - such a waste of time...

I Care a Lot

The truth about american dream....
This is America - nothing less nothing more... You shoul watch it to see how USA degenerated. Not a country for men anymore...

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

What a ride...
It is full of symbols and niuances... one of few us mobies worth seen!


Piece of....
Not worth the time. Boring and pathetic like cliche hollywood movies....

Under the Silver Lake

This movie is an interesting road...
I really enjoyed it. But if you are looking for a standard hollywood movie - skip it...

Bajo cero

Suprisingly good...
At first, I thought that it will be similar to those pointles and predictible hollywood movies - bit after a few changes in action i have started to enjoy. A good spanish action movie - I enjojed the action (not the best movie one but a decent piece of fun).

Last Knights

So boring, predictable, and low ...
I do not know who writes good reviews about this movie. 47 ronin is a masterpiece when you vompare it to this one.

This movie just opened a special category - a complete waste of time...

Bába z ledu

One of the most inspireing movies...
You will not find here cliche hollywood storyline. You will find an inspireing stry with characters that are not artificial, good acting and a message that is unique - for those who seek inspiration.

Outside the Wire

What a waste of time....
I do not remember watching so low quality movie.. it is not a B movie - it is D or E ...

The Midnight Sky

A jewel for me
I liked this slow narration and thinking about humanity that failed... it is a good movie if you like to think and have a reflecive nature. I came back to this movie several times ... It simply moves - if you are sensitive enough..

If you look for action - skip it. George - really good acting and pictures!

Da 5 Bloods

Huge disapointment...
A wate of time .... a pointles movie... Bad acting...


Very strong
It is about what we can do to.others and what hate can create. The movie will take to a journey you will remember for a long time. Really good piece.

The Rider

Beautiful pictires and touches your soul...
After the movie we were sitting still a longer moment watching the credits and listening the music. The movie touches very deep emotions inside and the pictures are so beautiful... It has so many meanings and so much to tell..

And a big thank you for the director that it did not turn it into a pointles and vain hollywod-type movie ...

Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Touching and true
One of the best Denzel's characters. He created an extraordinary person that offers a lot to the world but has a tragic and difficult life. This is how it is.

PS. Thank you for not making it an another sweet and pointless Hollywood movie ...

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

A boring piece from Disney ....
I am a great SW fan - but Disney could not make it. Ok - they multiplied the original SW idea and they have probably earned a lot of money. But they also have destroyed the original magic and the message ... I guess they are out of new and original ideas... I am not going to see another SWish something produced by Disney - it is a waste of money and time...

The Two Popes

A big big surprise...
Joker was for me the beast movie of 2019... This one was the first I have seen in 2020 after my friends (all atheists) recommended it to me. Great acting and great story. Can't find correct words to expres my emotions... The movie have touched me deeply ... Wow...

The Witcher

I am a Sapkowski prose fan. This series gave me a lot of fun. It is like an add on to the original Witcher books. Thank you Netflix - really really good job :))) More please !!!!

The November Man

A V E R A G E and predictible - a waste if time...
The ideas for a story lasted until the half of the movie.... then it was a spagetti action movie ... a waste of time - I wish someone had warned me ...

Brawl in Cell Block 99

I vould not believe what I see - do not waste your time
I do not know why this movie has imdb score above 7 .... I relied o it and metacritics review and watched the movie. And really - siting now just after the mobie 1 am in the morning I am writing my first review. It is how dissapointed I am. Bad actong, bad visual effects and bad plot. The worsed movie I have seen in years. I do not know why theh have such score - but it just jeopardise imdb reliability. The movie is just below class C horror movies. Save your time - do not watch it....

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