
IMDb member since August 2019
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    4 years, 9 months


Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story

Almost the best!
Let me clear first, it is definitely a good watch. The series is as interesting for a person who doesn't even know the stock market. This is the director's biggest achievement. Another aspect that stole the show was- Pratik Gandhi (the actor who played Harshad). It seems that not may could have played it the way he did. The story overall revolves around the Indian Stock Market and Harshad's involvement in it, trying to cover all aspects of his life. By the end of the story, it feels, it isn't just the Harshad Mehta Story but the other side of it. You may feel compassion towards the character, as how the system tries to use & throw at its will, how stock market is not just a game of numbers & how ambition can be a cause of your downfall. Rest assured, you will be satisfied after watching it. Almost the best, why? Because it still doesn't feel Indian Series are up to that "Chernobyl" level, though pretty close, but.....


It is a beauty
I cannot tell how beautiful it was. How carefully they have portrayed the horror of the Chernobyl Disaster- not missing a single detail. It is easy to make a movie out of a book which is work of fiction, but imagine to bring facts through a story, a story which is a story of millions. It seems each and every character is a reality, a reality which is better than imagination. This is a tribute all those people who laid their lives, all those who lost their lives and boy, the director, actor, everyone has given their heart to this. A must watch. I would have given it a 100 stars if imdb would have allowed.

Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives

A binge watch with already tasted masala
If you have three-four hours of no work and outside world seems boring, you can choose to see this. It is a Indian Masala Sex & the city. There is nothing so fabulous about their live that you will want to watch, but this series may feel like a guilty pleasure for many. I have no complaints wasting my time to this. You can also finish some boring office work watching this, you can easily divert your attention without losing any bit of this series (it isn't that tough to catch up).


Why on earth was this made?
I am stunned. I don't know what to say. Please delete this movie forever from every destination. This will end humanity.

The Spy

A spy story nicely told!
The series is about an israel spy Eli Cohen who is on a mission in Syria. The story telling is done in a neat manner which involves covering all aspects of a spy's life. Not like most of the spy flicks, this one is also a beautiful love story. Baron Sacha Cohen has been spot on in his another role of playing an Arab, this time an intense one . Another mention would be of Hadar Ratzon. Oh! How beautiful was she in playing spy's wife. The contradiction between the life of Cohen & Thaabeth experienced in the shopping mall scene touches you to the core. Life, then and now for a spy may be different in the challenges they face, but the biggest cost is paid by the family. The Spy carries every emotion together of fear,anger,love and creates a spectacular piece for all.

The Family Man

A mediocre tv series
Indian series are evolving. Recent setback from sacred games part 2 doesnt provide an illuminating picture for this series. The acting is up to the mark. Story has the same problem as with sacred games. To make an uncanny resemblance to present context the story has been twisted to such turns which sometimes call for a "meh" expression. Overall the concept to showcase a personal life of a covert agent is good enough to drive the series. Bits and pieces of comedy add up and make the series watchable. Overall, if you are a english series buff, it is still a long way for indian drama to reach at that level with this.

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