
IMDb member since September 2019
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I Care a Lot

Excellent bad movie about bad people
First Im glad to see Peter Dinklage in a great role again. Its worth his acting! Second - this movie is bad, like Michael Jackson was in his song!

If you think of a action paced thing with an easy plot hell yeah than you will hate this movie because it twists your mind many times. Even the bad people are just acting legal and the good people are the bad ones - oh hell who will understand that ... Lol

Just watch it, and just when you think how the hell will it continue you will realise youre not even half thru the movie and the ride just begins...

Last and First Men

Instead watching better just read the subtitles file - but thats not better too
I watched it when it stell had a 6/10 score but hey - it soon will loose that!


Because its no movie - just Tilda Awinton narrating a story that you better read thru the subtitles file. Thats faster and you son't loose 1:10h watching.

Because even watching is boring - all they show is huge rotten concret sculptures. Thats interesting for 5 minutes but than its boring! And its all grey, theres no colour at all!

So better read the subtitles to find out if this narration has and sense, but after reading it all its just a shallow story with no real end. Don't waste your time!

What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Where the hell did they get the DS9 HD scenes from?
I just watched this on my 65" TV and besides that its a nice documentary that gets a bit boring in the later 30 minutes I just wondered where they got all those HD quality scenes of DS9 from!

I mean my DSP is just DVD quality and I know theres people rendering that to HD quality since 2019. But this documentary was done in 2018 - and ALL the "old" scenes from DSP shown are perfect 1080 HD on my 65" TV.

So guys, when they could do that in 2018 why didnt they do it to the whole series already?

She Never Died

Just boring
Watching this you always ask youreself WHO is she, as you know already from the prequel "He nere died". So all of this film could be condensed into 15 minutes to give you what you need. And all the rest of this film is - sad to tell the truth - just plain petty boring.

And to be frank, theres even better splatter and gore movies around that you should watch instead of this one, as this one just hasn't enough blood and guts and violence to keep up.

Almost Paradise

Minor flaws but overall fun to watch and enjoy
1st episode was 40 minutes long and sure introduces all main persons. I must say I am quite impressed as its better than I hoped for. The plot is simple but to my surprise it's way better and not as shallow as most telenovelas we usually know from the philippines.

It was fun watching and its also fun to point out places I recognized in Cebu. Easy to explain who the bad guys and good guys were, and having the female lead in a bikini the first episode didn't hurt either.

Some actors act a bit stiff but hey it is not a Netflix or Hollywood production. Much better it has a good story that doesnt get boring and not too much of this Ninja style I fight them all bad guys action szenes. Action when needed is short and to the poin so no waste of other time.

Looking forward for the rest of this series and I hope it will be shown in the Philippines one day too.

Britannia: Imperial Visit
Episode 1, Season 2

Ok, now they made it into a Hippies on Drugs with some Romans series
Season 1 was quite ok, even I didn't like how the Druids were displayed. Ok, we really have not much knowledge of the Druids so I said its ok.

But now with Season 2 this series turns into a hippie thing. Druids are always on drugs and have lots of sex, dance around the fires and have best knowlege about anything esoterical.

The britsh tribes live like we all dream to live on a biological farm, with free animals and everybody loves nature and each other.

Hell yeah it's a happy world for esoteric freaks, hippies and people dreaming of a better world. And they give that the "vibe" with an all time present 60s hippie musik background.

If only those bad romans weren't present it could be hippie paradise.

But sorry, that is not my world!

The Man in the High Castle: Fire from the Gods
Episode 10, Season 4

The crowbar strikes again with this series like with GoT before
Season 4, we all have waited. But what did they do? They pull out the crowbar and end it, without meaning and sense.Just end this quick and ugly. It's a shame.

This storyline had such great potential but unfortunately the writers didn't have that potential too. John Smith turns Nazi, but we don't really understand why. A new "Black communist rebellion" suddenly appears, does just 2 attacks and hey Japan rushes out of West USA like the devil flees the holy water. THe storyline about the "Lebensborn" children is gone, instead we get a new general who acts a bit strange and in the last episode we find out he had made a deal with Smith before. But really from all episodes you never saw that coming. And in the end John Smith dies and everything blows up. Plus what about the portal? Nothing new only that suddenly hundreds of people come out of it from another world and you guess it, theres no explanation for that at all. Just everybody smiles and is happy. END.

Amazon ruined that season !


3 Astronerds sit in a car and then theres a beep in the headphones
If you like to watch 3 guys sitting in a car and telling Stories. If you like listening to static on headphones and then theres a beeping. If you then like to drive fast to the end and hell yeah you're the first to discover that... Sorry more boring didn't fit in 90 minutes.

War of the Worlds

Maybe a comercial for the robot dog from Boston Dynamics only
To be fair, the first episode is watchable, even its a bit long as not much happens. The attack is quite Wells style and made good, but then everything is lost. If you like the videos of the Boston Dynamics BigDog and Cheetah (those four legged robots) you will find some szenes quite nice animated. But then, thats all about aliens you will see. They kill, but how? They even kill dozens of people in a bunker secured by trained military people. But later just 1 shot from a civilian easily kills the last remaining alien. Same happens in later epsisodes again, trained military gets killed by the dozens why always the civilians just need a shot. But hey did I mention the supernatural thing that evolves during those 8 episodes. Sure no one knows why and what will happen, so sure Satz tuned for the upcoming episodes of season 2 - or better not. Watch the Original Movie from 1953 or even the Tom Cruise reboot, but don't waste your ime with this!


Just relax and let the movie work for you
If you think its a Hightech SciFi movie - its definitiv not. This movie is told slowly as it is about emotions and what can happen if you are alone and lonely. Its played very good and even the camera is perfect. Auge at such a closeup is a shocking first. But thats perfect as its a brilliant way to show that she is that close to him! SPOILER: Only drawback for me was the end. Because to create the image for Auggie he must have known that girl before. So why is his daughters friend then such a shock for him?

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