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Lolly-Madonna XXX

Worth a Watch
This move could have been so much more with the great cast it has, but the screen play was not very well written. This movie plays off the Hatfield and McCoy's, two family s that use to be friends and are now locked in a feud over land.

An innocent girl is kidnapped from a rural area bus stop because she is mistaken for Lolly Madonna, a made up female trick on the other family. The Feather clan take her home and refuse to let her go, believing she is the girl friend of one of the. Gutshall clan. This escalates the feud into and all out war. In the end you will be left wondering who won and what the heck just happen. One of those typical early 70's movies with holes that you are expected to fill in. The cast is the only thing that makes this movie any good.


Not a bad move
This arty Canadian drama centers on a young Vietnamese woman who marries a petty thief she does not love so she can emigrate to Canada. The rest of her family moves there too, but none of them find a particularly happy life, though Lucky, Lulu's husband, would do anything to insure his wife's happiness, even if it is self-destructive.

Bad Times at the El Royale

If it comes down to watching this movie, or a fly on the wall, turn off the TV.

Nocturnal Animals

100% pure Junk
This film should be mandatory watching for why you should carry a GUN!!! OH , OK liberals don't freak out!!!! I'm not going to bore you with big fifty cent BS words because I'm not trying to out do others in here writing a review of this movie.

people who get on here and try to empress others with their words. "This is a gorgeous film to look at as well, Seamus McGarvey's cinematography echoing the story's bleakness and the brutality of Edward's supposed veiled threat to Susan. The combination of the visuals with Abel Korzeniowski's dream-like score heightens the sense of escapism felt by Susan as she reads Edward's novel." OMG give me a break." Did someone really write that? LMAO. Really, " dream-like score heightens the sense of escapism felt by Susan as she reads Edward's novel." But onward. Once again someone hired this idiot Michael Shannon who is a worthless piece of dog crap liberal capital A Hole. They moron can't act and once again it shows in this movie. We can cross our fingers and hope he blows away and never seen on the screen again.

This is a very slow, slow, slow, did I mention slow movie. It goes back and forth between the now, and the past. Susan's (Amy Adams ) was married to pretty much a liberal, Edward, ( Jake Gyellenhaal ) hehe, well, OK a wuss , who couldn't protect his wife and daughter when they encounter some roughens on a dark highway late at night. Of course he has no gun and all kinds of thing happen to the her and her daughter.

Let me just cut to the chase, BORNING!!!!! You could and will fall asleep watching this, and when you wake up, you have not missed a thing. The director just loses everyone with the way he tried to piece this crap together. The ending, well, it will be the two hours lost in your life watching this pure 100% junk.

Love Actually

Not even funny to the British
This had to be one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. From the totally ridiculous wedding, to the God awful funerals scene. First of all they tried to cram too many subplots into this movie. You can never get a good handle on any of the characters because of the bouncing from one character to the other.

This movie also had too many old cliché's that it tried to use for comedy and none of them worked. The acting was just awful. It was as if the actors were going through a rehearsal. And the part about the Prime Minister and the way he was acting towards American president was just ignorant.

Don't waste your time or money on this piece of garbage that would even make the late-night TV market.

3:10 to Yuma

Just Stop the Train from Leaving!!!!!
I'm sorry, another stupid move about someone getting on a train, and all they have to do to stop it, is just stop the train!!!!!!

I know western's are suppose to be simple, but please, don't think we are mindless. All his men had to do was just keep the train from taking off. I mean they are outlaws anyway. so what would be the big deal

This would have been a great movie if not for the ending, but it's like a joke with a flat punch line. Another movie comes to mind, Last train to Gun Hill. Here again all they have to do is just stop a train.

I guess if you don't mind watching something with a stupid ending you might enjoy this movie, but when they insult me with a ending like this, it's just a big waste of time.

Last Train from Gun Hill

Stupid movie!!!!!!!
OK, if you just want to waste your time on a movie that makes NO sense at all, this is it. Oh it has great actors, and they play their part very well, but I know they must have been laughing all the way to the bank.

OK, so you have this town Marshal (Kirk Douglas) who's wife is raped and killed, so he goes after the bad guy's who it turns out that one of them is the son of he best friend (Anthony Quinn) from year gone by that he hasn't seen in a long time. So far so good. Should be a great story right, well, you haven't heard the punch line yet.

I will just cut to the chase and tell you, it's all about Douglas getting Quinn's son on a train back to the marshals town to stand trial. The problem is they go through all this crazy stuff to stop Douglas from getting to the train and taking off, WHEN ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS STOP THE TRAIN FROM LEAVING!!!!! If the train doesn't leave, guess what, Douglas and Quinn's son doesn't leave, end of story. How stupid could this ending be.

Your watching this movie and about half way through it you realize what a waste of time you have spent on a movie that no one in it has the brains to just say, hey, let's just stop the train.

So, if you like a western movie that makes no sense, then this movie and 3:10 to Yuma are for you, in both films all they have to do is stop the train.

Wild Rovers

Much to do about nothing
This movie tried but just didn't make it as a good classic western. The problem with this story is it couldn't decide what it really wanted to be, a comedy or action.

The first half of the movie had the comedy and the two good old boy's stuff, but then it drifted off in a different direction that never really fit into the movie.

I personally think the movie would have been better if they made it about the sheriff played by Victor French. Victor played the sheriff with a touch of magic and should have gotten at least a nod for best supporting actor that year. I'm not saying he was better than Ben Johnson, but Leonard Frey or Richard Jaeckal, please.

This movie is to long and has to many dead spots in the end. It looks like Blake was looking for a ending and just through something in, it could have been a lot better. If you have nothing to do and have a couple of hours to kill, why not, but don't expect much.

The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James

Terribale movie
I have no ideal what these other reviews are talking about, they must have never looked into the real life of Jess and Frank James. The move is somewhat in line with what happen, but no where near the truth. Franks wasn't even no where near Bob Ford when he got shoot.

As for as the actors, please, who in the world would pay good money to the worst actor in the world (Kris Kristofferson) in a movie. I love Johnny Cash as a singer, but please once again, now way these two should ever share a screen together.

Do yourself a favor, when this movie comes on run, don't walk, to anywhere, just as long as you get far far away from this stink bomb.

The Substitute Wife

How to find a wife for your husband in the middle of nowhere.
The movie is set in the harsh environment of Nebraska in the late 1800s. Amy Hightower (Lea Thompson) is a farmer's wife with four kids who learns she is going to die. Realizing how hard it would be on her husband and four children, she sets out to find a wife to replace her when she dies.

Peter Weller plays the husband (Martin) in this heart warming movie. Amy searches for a wife but can only find an aging prostitute ( Farrah Fawcett) who wants to get out of the business to replace her. Once she brings back Pearl (Farrah Fawcett) to the farm the story really starts to unfold.

This is not a family picture and it is a slow moving movie but it holds up well with a great story line. You find yourself amazed at how modern Amy is through-out this ordeal, especially when Martin gives in and sleeps with Pearl.

This movie works because of the actors working so well together. This is one of those movies that you can acutely put yourself into. I really liked this movie and I think you will too.

Hour of the Gun

OK, what happen after the Corral?
Most people know about the GUN fight at the O. K. Corral, but very few knew what happen after the gunfight before this movie was made. That is where this movie begins.

James Garner plays Wyatt much like Burt Lancaster did in Gunfight at the O. K. Corral, tight lipped and straight faced. Garner is a great actor but in my opinion he play this just a little to grim. I think I counted Garner smiling twice in the entire movie.

Jason Robards plays Doc Holliday in a very cynical way. Reminding Wyatt and hoping that he wont throw all his principles of being a upstanding lawman away. He stays with Wyatt on his vengeful task at getting even with the men responsible for killing Morgan and shooting Virgil.

The movie is filled with plenty of action and gun play, what is missing, is a female lead and just a touch of humor, two things that every great movie has and needs. Why these two important ingredients were left out is anyone's guess.

I enjoyed this movie, but I do must westerns. The acting was very good and so was the script. But this is not a date movie or one the kids now days would like. It is however a great kick back good old boys shoot um up. So grab a pizza and a beer and set back and enjoy.

The Gauntlet

The Bus That Wouldn't Die
What happen? This film started out pretty good, it had a nice plot, two good actors and most of all it was believable. Yea, Yea I know the left will say look at all the guns and violence in this movie, but hey, one of your on (Barbra Streisand) begged for this movie, but McQueen wouldn't have anything to do with her what so ever.

This move turns into the "Bus That Wouldn't Die" horror show in the last 15 minutes. Over 8,000 rounds and you can't stop a Bus. If only O J had watched this movie before he tried to escape to Mexico in his Bronco.

Just when you thought it could get any weirder , guess again. Commissary Blakelock pulls out a weapon in front of 600 armed policeman and just starts firing away at Clint, now you would think people would scatter everywhere with a mad man shooting, or at least try and stop him. Not these policeman, in fact you can see some of them in the background chewing gun.

But all is not lost, after shooting good old boy Clint, this ex prostitute (Sondra Locke) just picks up a gun and kill's the Police Commissary right in front the whole Phoenix police department without them lifting a finger to stop her.

OK, OK, sorry about spilling the beans about the ending, but trust me, I just did you a favor, now you don't have to watch this horrible movie. We love you Clint, but man, what happen here?


Very Good Western
This is a very good western with two great up and coming actors at that time. Glen Ford and William Holden really shined in this movie and it paid off good for both of them.

This was Fords 9th film and Holden's 6th, but you could never tell it by their acting. These two men played well off each other. It didn't hurt that they had Claire Trevor as their love interest either. The cast is rounded out with the great actor Edgar Buchanan playing the bad guy, I know it's hard to hate a man like Buchanan.

This is NOT a B cowboy movie, far from it. The scrip and acting is very good, and the movie has a good plot as it moves alone and never leaves you bogged down. Ford and Holden play well off each other, so well in fact it wasn't long before Hollywood teamed them up again in another western "The Man From Colorado".

So if your looking for a very good western with a great cast that has plenty of action along with some humor and love, you can't go wrong with this movie.

The Three Stooges

A total waste of time.
This has to be one of the worst movies made in Hollywood. It was so painful just to sit through it. This would have been a much better movie if they would have left out all the kids and stayed true to the real Stooges. If you ever watched the Three Stooges then you know their art was NOT directed to kids, theirs were more for mature audience. In fact they never intended for their act to be for kids.

Then at the end of they movie, just when you think it couldn't get any worst, the two movie producers appear to explain to kid that the hammers use in making the film were made of rubber, much like their brains. And get a load of that one who has his shirt off trying to show off his muscles, you got to be kidding.

Do yourself a favor and don't expose your kids to this movie, they will never forgive you for it. And if you watch this movie hoping to catch some of that magic of the real Three Stooges, for get about it. Go get the real deal at your video store.

Return to Lonesome Dove

Must See
If your a true Dove fan, this is a must see movie. Out of all the sequel this is the best one and stays true to the characters. McMurtry destroyed Gus and Call with Dead Man's Walk and Comanche Moon. He made Gus and Call into bubbling idiots.

Barbara Hershey was magnificent as Clara Allen and in my opinion stole the character away from Houston who I thought was miscast in the first place. Jon Voight was also a great choice for Call.

It was great to get Schroder and Cooper back to play there original parts. And Lou Gossett and William Peterson were just perfect as replacements characters for Gus and Deets.

This is a very well written story of what awaits call after his historic cattle drive to Montana.

The Boston Strangler

A magnificence piece of junk.
This movie is so bad it needs to be shredded up. Tony Curtis made one of the biggest mistakes in his movie career making this film; he was so out of touch with his acting. Henry Fonda was just as bad seemingly just walking though the movie.

The actors are never believable in this movie and most of the facts in this move are wrong. Of course we all know now that Albert DeSalvo was no more the Boston Strangler than you or me. At best Albert was a second rate burglar. Many people now believe it was just a rash of rapes that happen by several people around the same time and the news media blew it out of proportion ( like they would ever do anything like that) and created the famous non- existing Boston Strangler in print only.

Never the less the movie takes us on this long journey about how the police track down DeSalvo. The director total made a mess out of the movie, even going so far as using split screen, a God awful technical aspect of movie making that no sane director would ever use in a film, and not many have.

This film would have been better off I believe in the hands of Richard Brooks who had just done "IN Cold Blood". If you feel you must waste 3 hours of your time, then this is the movie for you. By the way, after making this film, sadly Tony Curtis never made a come back from this terrible movie.

The Great Sioux Massacre

Not worth your time
This is a typical left-wing liberal Hollywood version of Gen. Custer and how they want you to believe that the government and the army where the bad guys and the poor old Indians were so mistreated. Hollywood has made a few of these type movies such as "Geronimo an American legend" and "Dances with Wolves". All three of these movies betrayed the American soldiers as bloodthirsty killers and the poor old Indians as just innocent bystanders who have never done anything to anyone. Of course history reveals the real truth and we don't have to depend on the Socialist and Hollywood to rewrite history. Not only is this movie nowhere near accurate in fact, the actors are absolutely horrible and the stock footage of some of the scenes will remind you of watching some of the old Cheyenne are Maverick TV shows. This movie doesn't even make it to the B class of movies, I would have to give it a -F. do yourself a favor and don't even waste your time with this piece of junk.

Dirty Dingus Magee

Goofy Lighthearted Western Comedy
If you like goofy Westerns that you don't have to put a lot of thought into, then this is the movie for you. Frank Sinatra plays Dirty Dingus and George Kennedy plays the Sheriff on old blue eyes trail. This is a fun and lighthearted Western comedy that nobody takes seriously including the production staff and the director. There are many scenes full of goofs they just send you roaring. There is also plenty of eye candy with Michele Carey playing the part of the Indian girl who wants Dingus all to herself. If you like lighthearted comedy Westerns such as 'Texas across the river" or "Sergeants 3" then you will love this movie. Pull out the popcorn and sit back to watch Franck Sinatra looking like Moe of the Three Stooges playing cowboy and Indians in Dirty Dingus Magee.

Hardcore Pawn

Trash TV on Pawn Shops
This is just another disgusting show that the lefywood producers in Hollywood would have you believe is normal America. Any moron that ran their business the way these idiots pretend to run there's would be out of the business in the first year. Fortunate for them this is just all leftywood hype and staged for the cameras.

It's a shame that the producers in leftywood would turn a possible good show into a Jerry Springer trailer trash type production. They tried their best to insult the American people's intelligence by asking us to believe that morons are the only people who own and operate businesses in America. This type of trash TV even seems to be spreading to what used to be honorable channels such as the history Channel and the Discovery Channel just to name a few.I have yet to find anything historical about a bunch of morons and trashy people pretending to run their business in such a manor. Hopefully people will stop watching this nonsense and understand that it's just staged and nothing about it is real.

Independence Day

Great alien invasion movie
When it comes to sci-fi movies whether they be about aliens or creatures from with-in Earth, you have to give this movie a 10. The storyline is great and simple, this movie doesn't bog your mind down having to think about how the aliens made it to earth in the first place.

The action in the movie is fast pace and you do not find long gaps in between the action sequences.The movie is a little over two hours long and there's no pause in the movie that would make you want to get up to go to the bathroom.

The cast is great and the producers did not use big-name stars so there ego's could get in the way while interacting with the other actors.This cast worked extremely well with each other. In fact it would be hard to say who should get top billing.

This was a big breakout movie for Will Smith and he did an excellent job as did Jeff Goldblum and Bill Pullman. The three men share top billing fairly equally.

This is also a great movie to watch with the entire family. The kids will not be overly scared and you will find very little if any vulgarity. Put this movie on your A list to watch.

The Voice

The Dud
This show is a train wreck. It has one gimmick in that they don't see the contestant when they are singing. But that doesn't last for long, and then all four judges have to bid on the singer and hope the singer picks then to lead them to a musicale carrier.

The problem is the judges are not very good themselves, and these people already start out at second or third rate because they have already been passed over by American Idle of the X Factor.

This show will be lucky to last 2 seasons with what little talent I have seen for the contestants or for that matter the host. The four hosts sang songs from Prince, and after listening to there singing, I now know why Prince wanted to change his name.

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Great late night movie
This is a great movie for those who are fans of the Bridges. The two brothers play their parts like it was hand made for them, and Michelle Pfeiffer is the icing on the cake.

This is a nostalgia look at the hardships of nightclub entertainers and their personal problems they go through. The movie starts off slow and stays that way as it slowly drags you into the personal lives of these three people. You find yourself asking, is this as far as these people could go with their careers?

The music is great and Michelle has a great voice for piano music. Jeff plays his part a little over the top but Beau is right on key as the up beat things are always good brother. I wouldn't call this a date movie; it's more of a stay at home on a rainy night and watch it by yourself movie. I think you will find yourself wondering what will happen to these people and at the end you will still want to see more.

White Witch Doctor

Good Family movie
Henry Hathaway had a way with taking so-so scripts and making a decent movie out of it. And it helps to have Robert Mitchum and Susan Hayward playing the leads. Mitchum and Hayward play off each other almost as good as Mitchum and Kerr. And Hayward looks beautiful as she did in all her movies.

This movie was filmed in Africa. It has great cinematography. And plenty of action scenes. If you like movies about animal trappers, witch doctors and falling in love in the dark of Africa. You will want to see this one.

Now this movie like so many of Robert Mitchum movies is not on DVD. It's a shame I know. But you should be able to see it on one of the old cable channels. This is another fine family movie you can watch with your kids. I remember seeing this one at a young age and loved it. And still do.

5 Card Stud

Not a bad movie
Not a bad movie. Robert Mitchum and Dean Martin pull this one off pretty good. There are a few flaws in the plot but it all works out in the end. It's a good popcorn movie to watch when you have nothing to do. Besides the mild violence, I think your kids could watch this one with you as a family movie.

Roddy McDowall plays the whinny little weasel perfect. You hate him from the start to the ending, and can't wait for him to get his. And this is what a great actor can make you feel. And Inger Stevens plays the temptress so well. How could anyone not fall for a beautiful woman like her? She could make a good man go bad, and a bad man blush.

So break out the popcorn, sit backs and don't expect too much, and you might have a smile on your face after the movie.

The Big Sleep

A light sleeper
This movie starts out pretty slow. The only thing holding it together is Robert Mitchum. And he would have been much better if made 10 years earlier. Not that Mitchum wasn't any good. It just seems to me that Mitchum lost a step in his later years.

Oliver Reed plays the part of Eddie Mars many betters in this version than his counter part in the old one. Sarah Miles and the rest of the crew were so -so. One thing for sure this version is much more visual. I would have much rather had Joan Collins playing the part of Camilla. Candy Clark played it much too goofy and she looked nasty not sexy.

But over all I would say the movie came out OK. After all Mitchum had more style and charisma than ninety percent of any of our so-called big name male leads we have today. I just hope leftywood doesn't try to make another re-make of this movie. It would be hard to cast this movie with what we have now.

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