Reviews (3)

  • Took me by surprise but I believe this might be one of Riverdale's best episodes. Season 6 was entertaining but not to be taken seriously, and once S7 started I wasn't on board with the 50s. There have been good episodes but overall a more boring season.

    This, however, is what they should've done from episode 1 if they insist on staying in 1955 the entire time. Every emotional beat worked, every joke worked (and not in a "this is so ridiculous way" like Riverdale usually makes you laugh). The pacing was great and unlike most episodes of the show, this one flows so nicely throughout its course.

    Riverdale always has unnecessary scenes and weird cuts that disrupt the balance of an episode. They tend to go down random routes and abandon plotlines to pick new ones up mid-episode, but this one didn't. It had a beginning, middle and end that made for a great conclusion of every storyline they tackled.

    And lastly, I wouldn't say it single-handedly "fixed" a few of their characters... but it's the most development I've seen some of them get in a single episode so far.

    Very enjoyable episode and for the first time this season I was intrigued by the story. Rather than just waiting for a sign of them getting back to the present like I was for every other episode, this one allowed me to get on board with the 50s... 15 episodes in! They should've done something like this from the beginning.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We all know by now this show is at it's best when they embrace the craziness of it, and that's exactly what this episode did.

    Sabrina Spellman's cameo was beyond amazing, Kiernan continues to be so fun in the role and I love how she got her own emotional storyline this episode.

    They also managed to tie in so many loose ends the finale of CAOS never did, they expanded on the overall mythology of the Sweet Hereafter and how it works in this universe which was great.

    Cheryl really got to shine in this episode and it seems like her story moving forward might reflect Sabrina's when CAOS started. She's becoming a powerful witch and has already started making mistakes by playing with the cosmic balance. Sabrina warned her, it might get ugly!

    I loved seeing Anthony in the future, it's a clever way of using the Sweet Hereafter and such a fun moment that we wouldn't have gotten to see in any other context besides a cheap time jump.

    Kevin and Reggie's storyline finally made sense, in the earlier episodes it felt like they were acting according to whatever a scene needed them to do but it seems like they're good once again.

    Didn't understand where Reggie's talking doll came from, weirdly enough that was probably the most ridiculous thing in an episode about afterlife, witches and soul transferring...

    I need Sabrina to come back for the final battle, she could help them out a lot while also interacting with more Riverdale characters. And if Kiernan is up for it, I think she should be part of the main cast for the final season.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was amazing. The music, the visuals, the choreography. It all comes down to the story. I can see Melanie had a story planned, but couldn't execute it properly since the movie was originally 3 hours, but Atlantic didn't give her the budget for all of that, so she had to cut the script down. A better idea would've been having only half of the songs in the movie, to add more dialogue. Another thing was the transitions to the music videos. They were good for most of them, but the way they cut from a completly unrelated scene to the video of High School Sweethears wasn't great.