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Madame Web

"Cringefest" is too kind a word for this abomination.
With a script that seems to have been written by a pre pubescent child from a fan comic pulled from a waste bin, Madame Web is as cringe as cringe can be.

Sony have managed to sink lower than any other studio with their latest offering.

Between the mid seventies and early nineties both CBS & Universal studios released TV shows & TV movies of Marvel characters that to this day puts Sonys latest effort firmly in the garbage pile.

Truly I feel sorry for Adam Scott, this wretched excuse for cinema is now on his resume and that is so unfair, he did not deserve this.

There is not a single scene in the entire movie that is worth watching, every aspect of the story is nonsense.

Apart from Scott doing his best with an awful script and terrible story there isn't a single actor that shows any attempt to actually act.

Sonys attempt to create a Spiderverse with the absence of spiderman is probably one of the most moronic decisions they could have made, spiderman is unique, from his origin to his fully developed abilities, Madam Web does nothing but water down that uniqueness by adding the nonsense of the spider-people of Peru and adding a spiderman like villain with a carbon copy spider suit decades before the Peter parker spiderman even exists.

This movie truly deserves to be the flopbuster that it is, it deserves every negative criticism that's hurled it's way.

Sony have created a masterpiece of garbage.

Frasier: Reindeer Games
Episode 10, Season 1

10 episodes and still waiting for some comedy to appear.
The only entertainment this show gives is how laughable it got to 10 episodes.

It suffers from the same problem most dismal sitcoms suffer from, everyone is performing just for the camera, like they know they're being fimed, the best shows have the cast acting out a storyline Frasier 2023 is nothing more than unfunny unimaginative skits, it's akin to amateur night at a karaoke bar.

This entire 10 episode season can't hold a candle to 5 minutes from any episode from the original show, it is simply embarrassing how lacklustre it is.

The mistake the producers & Grammer made is that they believed Grammer was the reason for the success of the original show, that belief is simply ridiculous, the original show had a stellar cast of actors with incredible talent, each character with a unique personality and fantastic writers with outstanding imagination, Frasier without that superb cast would have been a failure and that is obvious in this new iteration of the "Frasier show".

If this shockingly bad attempt at a sitcom gets a second season then Grammer needs to fire the entire writing staff and hire writers with talent.

The original show had drama and comedy mixed into imaginative storylines with a talented cast, everything required for a hit show, Frasier 2023 lacks everything the original show had in spades which is why it's a dud.

Candy Cane Lane

Candy Cane Lame oh what a shame
Definitely a movie aimed at one demographic but that aside it's watchable for anyone, oft times a little tedious but there's nothing offensive about the movie, a few nods here & there to Murphys past potty mouth outings & a little knock to the religious but nothing offensive.

Most of the cgi is done really well, loved the character "pepper" apart from Murphy she was the best part of the movie.

All in all it's watchable & for the most part it's enjoyable but it could've been excellent if not for the lame parts and the lack of imagination with the storyline.

Race swapping santa wasn't a problem but it could have been a brilliant part had they put some thought into it, there was one white actor that could've been added to the end scene, Murphys neighbour, to show the audience that santa became white when he looked at him then as soon as santa turned to face Murphy he was black, it would have been a better and funnier ending with the neighbour & Murphy arguing over santas ethnicity.


Frasier-the 2nd coming where sitcoms go to die.
The producers of this poorly concieved second outing should really have hired the writers of some of the reviews from this shows episodes rather than the writers they actally did,its far more entertaining reading the reviews than actally watching the show.

The only thing interesting or amusing about "Frasier 2023" are the nods to the previous show and the regurgitation of its stellar skits.

Lyndhurst is lacking as he always has been since the original "only fools and horses" show ended, he adds nothing to this show other than lethargy.

It would seem that today's modern sitcoms just can't capture the magic that made Cheers, Everybody loves Raymond, King of Queens, Frasier, Friends & The Big Bang Theory so good, their secret was good writing and entertaining characters played by very talented Actors, all of which Frasier 2023 lacks in spades.

As good as Kelsey Grammer is he can't carry the entire show himself especially as so much screen time is devoted to the poor acting of the mediocre supporting cast and their tiresome characters.

Frasier was an outstanding show, Frasier 2023 is abysmal.

19 years after the original show ended you would think someone would have had a good idea on how to put together another gem as good as or even better than the original, sadly "Frasier 2023" is proof they don't.

Secret Invasion

Definitely not secret Invasion but very much boring Invasion.
Marvel fans who are familiar with the comic book storyline of Secret Invasion have a good idea of what is to come, sadly they'll be sorely dissapointed.

A bland boring dull as dishwater 6 episode spy snorefest is all they're going to get.

But how do they take a fantastic story by Brian Michael Bendis & make a bland boring TV show? Here's how, by deviating from the storyline & drastically reimaging it.

Secret Invasion director Ali Selim was even told not to read the comics as it was not part of the series.

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed that Secret Invasion would not match the scope of the comic book storyline.

Feige also stated that they are not fully exploring the comic story.

He did, however, want to keep a theme from the comic storyline that ties into the events that happened with the Blip, political paranoia, Secret Invasion will be dealing with a more grounded plot compared to the more heroic shows.

So there it is Feige says they're doing a god awful boring TV show because they basically didn't want to do the exciting action packed thriller that was in the comics.

The Secret Invasion story in the comics is very complex with its numerous amounts of superheroes, Skrull, variants of Super-Skrull, and so on. The comic storyline of Secret Invasion focuses on a multitude of characters and heroes.

The miniseries will be looking into the past of just one of the marvel characters, Nick Fury.

The 1st episode litteraly put me to sleep while the second had me yawing uncontrollably but I managed to get thru it, just.

Giving this garbage a very generous 1 star.

2 episodes in and honestly I have no hope for the next 4 episodes to be any better.

Till Death Us Do Part

Fantastic show with a superb cast that highlighted the bigoted in society
How anyone from this era can view this show from the 60s as anything other than social comedy is a complete mystery.

The show wasn't bigoted or racist, it shone a light on the very small minority of bigots that existed and their ridiculous views, Warren Mitchell played that bigoted character to perfection and it showed how his character was laughed at for those views.

The majority of bigots are "alf garnets" bad tempered loud mouthy nobody's with a lack of education, this show poked fun at these people.

"Till death us do part" shone a light on this culture, it didn't incite any community to to be racist, it brought this issue into the homes of many and started the conversation, unlike many at that time it didn't ignore or shy away from the problem.

Those that complained didn't have the intelligence to understand this show and it seems there are those that still don't understand, the use of comedy is one of the best ways to highlight social issues.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Wow! What a dissapointing sequel, and no James Gunn had nothing to do with this misfire thankfully.
So the biggest problem with this movie is the same as the first movie, the failure to establish it's own identity within the DC universe, it is a confusing mess of serious and parody, on the one hand there are people being murdered then on the other there are villains and hero's acting like children, Billy batson is portrayed as a mature teenager while captain Marvel/Shazam is portrayed as an immature pre schooler.

The story/plot is a train wreck, the villains don't actually achieve anything other than murdering innocent bystanders and apart from saving a few people from a bridge the hero's don't actually do anything heroic, there is a great deal of nonsense dialogue and immature antics, there is more comedy in a single episode of the 90s sitcom "3rd rock from the sun" than there is in this flop.

The biggest crime is the way the director & writers have turned a fantastic character such as captain marvel into nothing more than an immature joke.

This movie is a difficult watch, it's more a stitched together series of failed comedy skits than a coherent movie.

Set 2 years after the first movie and none of the characters seem to have established themselves as superheros, literally there seems to have been no adventures by them between the end of the first film and the start of the sequel, Captain Marvel/Shazam should be an established and experienced hero at the start of the sequel yet he isn't and he's portrayed as more immature than in the first movie.

Quite litteraly everything about this movie was poor, from the acting to the action sequences and the cgi.

I grew up reading the DC comics of this character & watching the TV show and at no point was either Billy Batson or Captain Marvel portrayed as stupid, ignorant or childish, when Batson said the magic word and became Marvel, Marvel didn't have the mentality or immaturity of a child, he was an adult, a little naive with a boyscout attitude but an adult and he was a hero, this iteration is sorely lacking and very very dissapointing and it's dissapointing that the director and writers chose to portray these characters especially Marvel as nothing more than cheap throwaway simpletons.

After this debacle I really hope James Gunn does a better job with the DC properties or DC will find themselves confined to the lacklustre underwhelming TV shows they do so well.


Nice enough cgi with some excellent locations but the story is meh!
This movie is worth 5 stars, it certainly isn't deserving of less and definitely not just 1, but I have to agree with many reviews on here that the story itself is mediocre.

Personally I didn't find it entertaining, watching Adam Driver act is probably one of the most painful things to sit thru.

Let's get to the story, it's pretty barebones and simple, spaceship hits a meteor, gets damaged then crash lands on a planet breaking into two seperate pieces, two survivors have to make a perilous journey through an unknown landscape from one piece of ship to get to the other piece of wrecked ship to use a conveniently undamaged escape craft to leave the planet, hmmm now why does this sound familiar, oh yes of course "After Earth" that other boring so called sci-fi flop.

The cgi is nice enough and the locations look fantastic as pre-historic earth but honestly everything else is just meh including the various "action" scenes.

This movie may aswell have started with the big yellow scrolling words "in a time long ago in a galaxy far far away".

The worst aspects of this movie is the lack of thought to the story itself or at least the details, given that this was a race of space fairing people from another planet with an advance technology yet the spacecraft being used to transport people had no long range sensors, no auto pilot for course change and no protective measures for such things as meteorites, this is borderline childish writing, and this is the problem with most movies, it is also annoying to see a lack of thought put into differentiating the everyday items and weapons that this alien race would use compared to that of modern humans, Driver and the girl looked more like humans from the future than aliens from the past, yes this is nic picking, given the budget was probably on the low side, oh wait what's that you say? The budget was $90 million, yeah ok that ain't low and 65 should have been a darn sight better than it actually is.

Luther: The Fallen Sun

I have never been a fan of idris Elba but there are two things he was superd in, the movie "mountain" and the TV series "Luther", this BBC TV movie "fallen sun" was garbage because yet again it was aimed at the American market, nothing about it felt realistic or even plausible, add in the ridiculous stunts of vehicles exceeding the 20mph speed limit of piccadilly circus with cars and busses careining out of control fast n furious style and we have the biggest joke going then throw in Andy Serkis as the evil genius bad guy that goes toe to toe with Elba in hand to hand combat and we get farce on a massive scale, what should have been a slick and gritty addition to the Luther series becomes nothing more than balderdash but to make things even worse is the addition of Cynthia Erivo in one of the most unbelievable roles as a police detective, sadly even the brilliant Vincent Regan and Dermot Cowley couldn't breathe life into this dead donkey of a movie.

The Last of Us: Left Behind
Episode 7, Season 1

Mindless borefest
I've seen shows crash & burn 3 or 4 seasons in but the last of us does it right from season one.

I get the fanboys r dribbling seeing their fantasy game come to life but what makes for a groundbreaking video game is so far off the mark for a TV show.

Dull dreary boring with a storyline straight from an 80s b movie, van damme was probably too busy washing his hair to audition for this pile of dross.

Seven episodes in and so little has happened except the best characters keep getting killed off.

Apart from Joel there isn't a single character worth watching, this quite simply is a masterclass of how not to do a show.

The Peripheral: The Creation of a Thousand Forests
Episode 8, Season 1

Biggest dissapointment since westworld
"Given the extreme destructiveness of the Jackpot, a multi decade global environmental/political/and economic crisis which killed most of the human population and has resulted in, even decades after it began to abate, a London which is almost entirely depopulated of people, the world of 2100 would not have the highly advanced technology and apparent prosperity depicted"

The above is a slice of trivia taken from the IMDB page of this very show and is all the explanation needed for why this show is so bad, forget the money spent on sets, costumes, actors and everyone behind the scenes that are obviously very good at what they do, the show is built on a bedrock that is flimsy and quite simply absurd.

Set in an impossibly silly future where technology is so advanced it seems anything is possible yet there is still the need for badly choreographed hand to hand fight scenes, obviously used simply to punctuate the tirade of verbal Diarrhoea.

I quite simply don't & can't believe that this adaptation is faithful to the book, I have not read that book & I won't read that book, simply because I don't want my worse fears revealed, that quite simply there are enough people in this world that made this story a best seller, and that surely must be the start of this preposterous "jackpot".

I love science fiction, whether it be used to tell the story of horror or romance, heroism or family & friendship or all of the above mixed into a complex story but "The Peripheral" is simply garbled, random rubbish, so the wait for a decent sci-fi TV show is still ongoing.

The Peripheral

How can sci-fi be so boring
It must take an amazing amount of talent to take a sci-fi story and make it so damn boring, I get that it's drama but drama by definition isn't supposed to be boring or has the world of TV & movie now decided to redefine drama as turgid , lacklustre & dull.

While it's a little too early to tell if this is going to be nothing more than a convoluted pile of pap it does open up some odd inconsistencies, such as in 2032 veterans have tech surgically added by which they can operate as a unit and hijack other tech but the one armed legless vet doesn't have prosthetics, instead he has a vehicle for mobility that looks straight out of a bad 80s sci-fi movie, yes it looks dramatic on screen but given that this plot is from a 2014 novel and advances in robotics, cybernetics & prosthetics are ongoing it makes little sense by the year 2032 the best he's given is an all terrain electric mobility scooter.

One of the most annoying aspects of this show is the awful accents, it's either stylised posh or gritty urban English accents or aggravating southern dialects, given some of the dialogue its like listening to a cement mixer churning & grinding.

Now quantum tunnelling is interesting but the concept is nothing new, this is the premise for the connection between the time line of 2032 & some 70 years in the future, it will be interesting to see if an actual explanation will be given as to how it works with connecting the future to the past and vice versa.

Got to laugh at all the 9 & 10 scores from the bots, clearly this show has been well thought out and professionally slapped together but anything above a 5 is really stretching reality.

This would've probably been much better as an all action movie but would've most likely been compared to "ready player one", unfortunately this is another of those "mystery box" shows so the info will be spoon fed to the audience in dribs and drabs.

Another annoying thing about this show is its from the same bunch that did Westworld, a one season story stretched out to a 4+ season show that got weaker duller and more convoluted with each season.

Gibson's novel of the same name has high praise but whether that novel can be translated to a TV show and win the adulation of a TV audience as well it has the book reading audience is something we'll just have to see. (pun intended).

After 2 episodes I honestly can't find a single character that is likeable or relatable, nothing about the story/plot is very interesting and every character is turned up to "maximum setting", quite literally there is no ordinary person in the entire show, its like watching a dull music video and everyone is acting over the top to try and make it more interesting.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Whose Show Is This?
Episode 9, Season 1

Best part of this episode is the throwback 70s opening credits
Way to go Disney, finish as you started, weak and pointless.

The ending of episode 8 almost promised an exciting action packed season finale with episode 9, yes it was weak, She-Hulk is arrested for smashing a big screen TV, but then true to form with this show it was nothing more than smoke and mirrors as episode 9 flops about like a fish out of water then ends flatter than a failed souffle.

The title for this episode is "who's show is this?", something that the jen walters character has asked at least once in a previous episode , the answer is quite simple, no one really knows, with little character or story development beyond the "sex in the city" style writing this show could just have easily been a showcase for The Abomination or Wong.

Throughout the entire 9 episode season nothing was generated by this show except the introduction of Daredevil and in this episodes credits scene, the Hulks son Skarr, which in itself at this time makes little sense as Skarr is from another planet, ( at least in the comics) so presumably the cameo is set after the supposedly World War Hulk movie that has been rumoured, which is nothing more than a pointless spoiler for a future movie of the Hulk.

While the cameos in this show have been the only real talking point it beggars belief that Disney would use the She-Hulk character so poorly and as nothing more than a mere tool to aggravate viewers, no storyline was created to further the characters inclusion into the wider MCU other than being a very poor attorney.

Having Jen Walters /She-Hulk able to step out of the "show" and interact with the real world makes for distracting viewing, imagine watching a blockbuster Disney/Marvel movie in the cinema then during a frenzied action scene She-Hulk calls "time-out" then steps out of the scene to ask the Director why he/she decided to do "that" scene, it destroys any excitement or entertainment that's been developed so far, turning to the camera and "breaking the 4th wall" by talking to the audience is one thing but in this show it lacks the comedic effect that Ryan Reynolds creates in the Deadpool movies.

All In all, whether you like this show or hate it or simply find it tiresome and pointless it is quite simply nothing more than a missed opportunity by Disney.

The She-Hulk character was the perfect choice to introduce lesser known or more obscure heroes & villains to a wider audience through the use of Jen Walters as a legal attorney and She-Hulk as the reluctant hero with well placed comedic moments that would have entertained their paying Disney + customers, instead Disney choose to do a lacklustre unfunny farce that will only be memorable for how bad it actually is.

Werewolf by Night

Gah! People do your homework, this is comic accurate "Werewolf by Night" & "Man-Thing"
A simple Google search of these characters will present the various editions of the 70s Marvel comics and will show how comic accurate the Werewolf & Man-Thing are, Elsa Bloodstone is another matter, her character wasn't created until 2001 and although her tough nature and fighting skills are evident she looks nothing like her various depictions from the comics, neither the big busted scantily clad blonde version or the big busted red haired rifle toting version.

All in all this Halloween special was excellent, entertaining and most of all it introduces these characters into the MCU, each character has played a part of the wider Marvel comics storylines since their introductions and have been alongside or fought against the myriad of Marvels more popular superheroes.

Criticism of Werewolf by night's appearance is in itself ridiculous as the character was based on Lon Chaneys version of the Wolfman and apart from more recent artistic choices by some artists the character has always been depicted as a Wolfman and not as a version of a full blown Werewolf depicted in various movies from the past few decades.

Man-Thing was an excellent addition to this special and a fantastic surprise, all thanks to Kevin Feige's suggestion the character be included, both characters have a long history together in the comics, more importantly, apart from a brief cameo in Dr Strange 2 this is the 1st time Man-Thing has been seen on screen since the 2005 Man-Thing movie,a low budget monster movie loosely based on the characters comic origin that depicts the character as a monster rather than the monster-super-hero of the comics.

Hopefully this one off special will lead to more appearances by these fantastic characters.


Superb comic to movie adaptation
A better director and a bigger budget and this movie would've been an outstanding blockbuster but even as it is its a superb adaptation of the comic, the special effects are stunning even after more than 2 decades.

Personally I think this movie was hindered by the characters obscurity and the Director having so little experience prior to this movie.

While I totally believe reviewing a movie 25 years after its release is fraught with problems Spawn even with its basic story and lack of a better director is as enjoyable now as its first release and is still better than 75% of the dross released today.

If you've not watched it then give it a go and remember it's 25 years old and still stands up against the best that Warner bros has to offer, Spawns living cloak is a sight to behold.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: The Retreat
Episode 7, Season 1

Finally an episode worth watching
After 6 episodes of utter pap they finally make an episode worth watching.

This episode doesn't portray She-Hulk as a joke and leans more into what the comics gave, which is the inclusion of D-list characters that are lesser powered super hero/villain wannabes, a welcome change from the ridiculous re-imagined Titania played by a talentless amateur.

For a show that is billed as Action /Adventure /Comedy it is sorely lacking in all of it, apart from what this show lacks in spades another big problem is the superficial and poorly conceived supporting characters, not a single character is anything other than a badly written parody, lacking any comical effect.

Let's hope all involved have finally realised the garbage the previous episodes were and episode 7 is the turnaround that saves this show from being the unmitigated embarrassement that it was becoming.


Poor adaptation of Frank Millars "Daredevil" comicbook reboot
My biggest gripe with this movie is its too much story for one movie, this should have been planned as a trilogy with the 1st instalment concentrating on the origin and early crime fighting of Daredevil and Matt Murdoch's development as an attorney and his early encounter with Wilson Fisk.

Sadly the director crams too much story into this movie and looses everything that Frank Miller created in his re-booting of the character for marvel comics.

This movie doesn't get a pass because it was made in 2003, let's put a few things into perspective, 2001 a space odyssey was made in 1968 with a budget of $10.5 million, The Matrix was made in 1999 with a budget of $68 million, both of those films are as incredible now as when they were first released, Daredevil had a budget of $78 million and is as poor now as it was when released in 2003.

For the most part it's style over substance, poor casting choices for many of the characters, poor fight scene choreograpy throughout the entire film and almost zero character development for all the characters because its too many main characters in one movie.

While the movie can be commended for having a dark gritty storyline it's ultimately undone by the "TV movie" style directing.

Poor understanding of each character and their abilities also make this a confusing and baffling watch.

Elecktras scene with the sandbags was silly and pointless as was the meeting and sparring between her and Matt Murdoch, similarly the scene of Elecktras fight scene with Daredevil was one of the most cringy and embarrassing scenes of the movie.

Michael Clarke Duncan was wasted talent in the role of Kingpin and Colin Farrells depiction of Bullseye would have been more at home in the 60s Batman TV show, whatever they were thinking by having him constantly whisking his coat around like Batman's cape is a compete mystery.

Let's also keep in mind this was a Fox studios property not Marvel and it never came back to Marvel, it is now owned by Disney.

While This movie probably isn't considered as a flop it did do so spectacularly badly that Disney had no confidence in it being a worthwhile property to invest in, Netflix showed them the error of their ways, thankfully.

While some of the action scenes ( not fight scenes) are quite good and some of the cgi is ok this is still a very poor movie.

I don't base my score of 3 stars on comparing this movie to any of the MCU films or latest non MCU marvel character films.

This movie could have and should have been much much better and that is a failure by the director.

Virtual Nightmare

Enjoyable sci-fi TV movie
Got to agree with other reviews for this movie, with a bigger budget and a few star actors and this could've been a hit with a theatrical release.

I actually found the story much better than the Matrix I also found it odd that both this movie and the Matrix were filmed in Australia with only a year or so between them on the release date with the Matrix being released the year before in 99 but also with some sequences filmed in the USA.

The similarities between the two are quite obvious, minus the big budget effects of course, it does make one wonder if they were both inspired by the same material.

All in all Virtual Nightmare is well worth a watch, shame it didn't get a sequel that explored what the protagonists found in the wilderness.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans
Episode 5, Season 1

Marvels biggest embarrassment
Let's face it the only real reason anyone is watching this show is the tease that Daredevil will cameo in it, something that was teased before this show even aired, a tactic implemented by Disney to rally the Disney+ subscription.

This show is nothing more than an embarrassing mistake for Marvel, allowing Disney to take control of this show and completely reduce the character to a joke was the worse decision they've made.

The show follows none of the iterations of the She-Hulk character from any of the comics that have been published over the last 42 years, at no point has the character been depicted as a joke, she has been a hero, awkward funny and embarrassing things have happened during her adventures but the character herself has never been portrayed as an embarrassing joke as this show portrays her.

Maslany's portrayal of the Jennifer Walters character is equally as embarrassing as is literally every character on the show, none of the main characters apart from Wong are represented as anything other than cringeworthy and detestable.

As a superhero show it is a failure, as a comedy it is a failure, as a drama it is a failure.

This show has only one quality worth watching it for and that is the random cameos of characters from the Marvel universe.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Prefer the TV series to this humdrum borefest
When you put the two most dull and uncharacteristic actors on screen together then add a very dull female actor you get this humdrum poor excuse for an action movie.

Guy ritchies reimagined The Man From Uncle should have been an explosive blockbuster, an action packed exciting story that keeps the viewer engaged, sadly Ritchie failed.

The story is dull, the action is tame, too much emphasis getting the era correct and no time spent on crafting a decent story.

Another problem with this movie was the choice to make it an origin story and then to completely re-write the main characters back stories, such details were totally unnecessary.

Seriously though, when a movie from 2015 with a budget of $75 million is no better than a TV series from the late 60s or a TV movie from 1983 then there's definitely a big bug problem with all involved.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Meh Fanfiction at best
Let's be absolutely honest here, none of this "feels tokien" beyond some of the characters names.

Peter Jackson pretty much covered the creation of "the rings of power" in the opening sequence of The Fellowship of The Ring.

If anything this show is nothing more than fanfiction based on characters and places from the Hobit and The Lord Of The Rings.

It's very expensive, it looks lovely (at times) but it's nothing more than Amazon's interpretation of events leading up to the creation of the rings of power.

It's worth a watch as it is entertaining but it lacks literally everything that Peter Jackson put into the movies that made them so stunning.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: The People vs. Emil Blonsky
Episode 3, Season 1

Failing to see the point of a comedy with no humour
Personally I love the She-Hulk character but I don't really feel this show does the character justice, in the comics She-Hulk was an excellent character that had more success as a "guest appearance" character than a stand alone character but that all changed in 1989 with "The sensational She-Hulk" no.1, from the English born American artist/writer John Byrne and his decision that She-Hulk could break the 4th wall, hilarity ensued with excellent stories and fantastic art.

Disney are the problem with this show as they have been with everything Marvel related since their acquisition of Marvel, She-Hulk does not fit with their perceived idea of the "modern woman", Byrne's version was beautiful, sexy, intelligent and heroic, haphazardly comic in her navigation of a career as an attorney and a superhero whereas Disneys version is chaotic, neurotic, unfunny and devoid of any sense of sexuallity or heroism

Marvel Comics, American media and entertainment company that was widely regarded as one of the "big two" publishers in the comic industry. Its parent company, Marvel Entertainment, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Disney Company.

IN 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment for US$4 billion; it has been a limited liability company (LLC) since then, Stan Lee did not see a huge financial gain from this sale, but Disney did agree to continue paying him a lifetime annual salary of $1 million.

Who owned Marvel before Disney? Marvel Entertainment was an independent company prior to the Disney acquisition. Marvel's chief executive at the time of the deal, Isaac "Ike" Perlmutter, bought Marvel back in 1998 after it had filed for bankruptcy.

Disney seem to be on a mission to destroy these characters, fans are fickle no matter the media the characters are portrayed in, be it comics, movies or TV shows you are not going to please everyone but Disneys handling of these characters pleases no one at all.

Sadly this is no longer Marvel this is solely Disney.


Stallone was good but the movie is a letdown
Really have no clue to the thinking behind movies like this, it's like watching a really bad live action cartoon, the awful clunky editing gives the impression that it was a last minute decision not to make it a mini-series but a TV movie instead.

At 76 years old Stallone does as good a job as actors half his age, some of the physical stunts and fight scenes are surprisingly quite good but the entire movie was let down by childish writing and an overall silly story together with painfully amateurish acting from nearly all the supporting cast, the flip flop personality of characters within each scene made it a confusing watch.

On the whole it could have been good, had the story not been concocted by the person that wrote the lego ninjago animated series.

It honestly reminded me of movies I watched in the late 90s, and no that's not a compliment.

I give this a generous 5 stars for Stallone and a few really good stunts, the rest of the cast along with the story gets a big fat 0.

The Old Man

Can only imagine the low scores are from children that lack patience and understanding of a well crafted story
This show is phenomenal, intrigue, drama and action at a pace that is realistic, no ninja acrobatics or physics defying stunts, no gravity defying martial arts nonsense, just a top notch story expertly crafted comprising complex and diverse characters.

It is beyond me why anyone that disliked this show from the first episode would continue watching, that first episode sets up the Premise and pace of this show.

Looking forward to the second season of a brilliant show where I don't have to switch my brain off and suspend belief while watching flacky characters to the background of flashing pretty colours.

Westworld: Generation Loss
Episode 4, Season 4

More of the same blah blah blah
Well at least a bunch of bottom of the barrel "actors" are drawing a paycheck and a whole load of talented set designers and special effect crews are getting work, as a show this things dead in the water, should have been wrapped up in season 2,its no longer anything even remotely resembling the Westworld story.

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