
IMDb member since June 2006
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Price Check

Why the low rating?
I did not expect anything, just watching it by accident. It kind of starts slowly and it does not turn into an action movie, but it was really good! It is not a blockbuster, more like an independent movie, but it was funny - at the same time it makes you think... What is important for you in your life? Money or happiness? All actors were great... it could be a real story. Maybe that girl who plays the boss is a little bit over acting, but maybe she has to. As you can see I do normally not review movies and I am not good at it, but I just found it unfair that this great movie gets such a low rating! So go and watch the movie and judge it by yourself. You will not waste your time, trust me.

Der unbekannte Soldat

Important movie
I know some people are tired of the subject.

But this is an important movie for those who just believe that the bad stuff in the war just came from a handful of SS or Gestapo people. Seems more Germans have blood on their hands that I thought. And it makes actually sense.

Just a few people could not have killed the millions of civilians at the Eastern Front. It was also interesting to know that people who refused orders to shoot civilians got away with no trial. Yes, Hitler could not have done it without the help of most of the German people.

That's maybe not so nice if your father was a German soldier during the war.

AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

An unbiased report
OK, I never thought in my life I would see this movie. But then, it was Christmas and my girlfriend is really into AVP so I thought well what the hack and we both went.

I was quite entertained and I am like a guy who is into 'History boys' and stuff, more the intellectual movies I think you would call them.

Anyway, the story is entertaining and not as bad as you might think. The special effects are watchable, the acting was alright for the most part, so it's surely a Christmas movie.


But seriously now: If you have nothing better to do, watch it, it's kind of fun.

Living Death

Not that bad as expected
I thought this was fun to watch.

Not an Oscar movie, but the story was OK and it was surely entertaining.

I just felt to add my comments because the other comments have been so negative.

I have watched much more worse films.

Oh god now they want me to write more about this movie. Well just see it for yourself. It's quite good fun to rent it out on a board night if you have nothing better to watch.

Still they want more lines from me. OK. Go see the movie.

Half Nelson

Boring nonsense
Well I was expecting a super movie after all the hype. But this movie is so boring and depressing, I would have walked out of it would I have seen it in the cinema.

RG yeah, he showed that he can 'act' but well the whole movie consists of 2 parts.

RG getting high and he talks about blacks and civil rights. Is the movie good because the dope user is white and breaks some race pattern? Maybe you have to be American to understand this mess.

OK they tell me to put in more lines. But more lines would be too much effort for a poor movie like that. Go see Transformers or Die Hard.

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man

All time low
Wow that was just bad. It's a Z-class movie, with actors I actually liked in the 80s. Mickey and Don were my teenage heroes and I always felt kind of pity for their careers after they had peaked. But this movie is inexcusable. Rourke starts too look like a alien, I think he had a chemical peel before this movie, because his skin just looks extremely smooth. Maybe I am wrong, but he looks strange. Maybe it's just the hair. Don looks better and in my opinion, his acting skills are way higher at least in this movie. Mickey gives an awful impression. Maybe if I would see myself looking like this on screen, I would give up my movie career too and sell myself as a sand bag. The worst are the bad guys, they are bulletproof and made out of a comic book. Horrible. They must have been smoking that new drug they have in the movie. How did they think that they can possibly get away with this crap? I was a big fan of MR, but after seeing this movie, I just feel sorry for the guy.

Paradise Now

It could have been better
In my opinion, the movie could have been better. It is an important subject and we have to allow the Palestinans to show their side of the story, we can not just discuss it away. I found the beginning of the movie very good, but then in the middle it kind of loses it's plot. In the beginning, one guy is very determined, but the other is not. Then as the movie goes on the guy who was determined is not willing to do it anymore, but the other one is. It just does not make sense. The reasons stated that his father was a collaborator and he now has no choice but to do it, does not make it believable. That was the situation from the beginning. And there is NO explanation why the other guy who was willing to go from the start changed his mind. This movie is not supporting terrorism. The guys who pushed the 2 youngsters are not put in a very good light. Not in a very bad one either, but certainly, suicide missions are not glorified it the movie. I think overall, it's a difficult movie. I was a bit disappointed because I could not follow the story very well, because I missed some logic. On the other hand, maybe this is not a movie you can give grades.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Just bad, don't see it
Well that was just a bad movie. Boring, bad computer graphics and a Harry Potter who just does not look like a boy anymore. In fact, I never liked that boy they casted several years ago for the role. His main bonus was that he looked like Harry Potter, but now he clearly does not. His acting is so wooden ie bad. And since I saw his gay bear pictures, I just can't think of him as HP anymore. Even the girl looks too old by now. The red headed guy is just funny to watch, but nowadays he has got rings under his eyes lol, probably too much party going.

All in all the movie is a total flop. Even my gf who is really into HP and never too critical said it was a waste of time.


Never would have thought
that this would be a great movie. I just walked around the mall and decided to go for for a movie, it was die hard against transformers. Since I have seen enough of baldy Bruce, I thought I would give it a try. Ticket prices in Thailand are as low as 5 USD so I thought, I might just walk out of it if it turns out crap, as I honestly expected. I did not like the cartoon series, so I thought I was a question of minutes until I got annoyed. But hey, the story rocked, and it really had likable characters. The specials were great. I have to say that I liked the young boy/girl (especially Shia LaBeouf who was great) story and the 'good' Transformers, but I did not really like the 'good' or 'bad' army guys story. Sorry Josh Duhamel was a miscast, totally forgettable. Also Tyrese Gibson was nothing special, we know that he can't act. If you take the 'good soldier guys' as side show, yeah, they might not disturb too much. John Turturro was alright, but I liked Jon Voight! as the defence secretary. All in all a very pleasant surprise, I might go see it again tomorrow.

The Conversation

Boring and unbelievable
Well what a piece of junk. The story of 5 minutes stretched out in an entire movie. The only good is the film melody, quite cool actually.

But the story: Who would hire a guy like that? No one. If you have scruples you don't work in that business. You do what you have been told and you shut up. No space for romantic christians. Anyway. Ah yeah, I forgot to say that I watched this movie over three days, because I just could not keep concentrated. FFC is overrated. It's only thanks to the great Bob Evans that he got famous. The Godfather and Apo Now are just cool because we are told they were cool. On a bigger scale, this is the truth about this movie. Bad taste makes many more millionaires than good taste.

28 Weeks Later

IMDb 7.6?
I was really looking forward to see this movie.

But after 10 minutes in the cinema it was clear that it was another trash Hollywood remake of a good European movie. Ever minute it just got worse and worse, there was totally no suspense, it just focused on the zombies ripping people apart. There are no interesting twists in the story, just a never ending torture to wait until the movie finishes.

Also one more thing: What is wrong with this community to give a trash movie like this such a high ranking? 71% on rotten is also pretty high. It's bad enough standing for itself but if you compare it to the first part, it's a disaster.

Hard Candy

Crossed the line
I could not believe what I saw, I did not read anything about this movie before I saw it, I only quickly read that Sandra Oh plays in it. I mean why the hell does she want to play in movie like this, a cool actress like her? I expected a sensitive drama about child abuse, something intelligent.

No one and nothing can prepare you for this movie. This is not Hostel, Wolf Creek or Touristas. This horror/sick reality film is made so good, that it's simply painful to watch. It's either a ten or a one. I decided that it would be a one.

Are the filmmakers proud to have made such a movie? Do they think they do us a favor so that we can talk about it and discuss what happened here? If the girl had rights to do what she did? Seriously what do we get from this movie? Is it entertainment? For me it was surely not, you have to be out of your mind to be entertained by this. Was it inspiring? I am still a bit under shock from what I saw.

Reality check: I mean we don't get into how a 14 year old girl would overcome a 32 year old guy and tie him up in a chair or stretch him out on an operating table and into a position to hang himself? Then he gets out from his chain, after the operation and it seems like it was easy. So why he did not get out before? Then at the door with the Asian woman she loses her wits suddenly? Then the guy walks around the house like nothing happened?

Anyway, the filmmakers clearly let the girl get away with what she did. Child abuse is bad, but to inspire people to take justice into their own hands is worse.

Fay Grim

Wow that was bad
Only mild spoilers.

I heard there was a first part to this movie. I am glad I did not watch it. This is some kind of art movie trying to be a suspense thriller. It's done in a very sterile way, only the beginning is kind of cool, when Fay smokes in the church. She also looks quite cool, especially when she was in secret service fights etc. But seriously, this movie is out of touch with the world. Jeff Goldblum is saying to Fay: Your dress was probably made in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in a factory where seven year old kids have made it. Wow. That's a real good understanding of the world. Last time when I was in KL I must have missed that factory, because it looked like a pretty civilized place to me, but maybe they hide the factory under the Petronas towers. Then a stewardess is stealing some nobel price winners note books and selling them to drug dealers in Paris, then becoming a stripper and later a stewardess again, but still dresses like a hooker. Aha. What I like the most is the action scenes in a slide show format, very impressive. Simon, the world is a mess, Fay says at some point in the movie. As if we did not know that the world was a mess. This movie is for the garbage bin.


The worst possible movie - ever
I am watching the DVD while writing this comment. It's almost at the end of it, and I will be glad when it will be over. I imagine myself to be trapped inside a cinema to watch this crap. It would be simple torture.

Some Philippino is testing his new videocam, and he sells it as a movie. The main 'actor' is so bad that I think he never had one lesson of acting in his life. The camera follows him through the dirty streets of Manila, and it will do the job to prevent you ever to go to that country. That's the good side effect of the movie.

It says on the DVD cover that it won some prices. I wonder if was shown to a deaf and blind jury. Sorry for being so harsh, but I read many times on this website: This was the worst movie etc. But this one really wins the price.


Take the plane!
Only minimal spoilers.

Now, I am kind of bewildered about the low rating of this movie. I mean, Jesus, this plot was made so real, it was almost too real for me. For several years I live in Thailand now, and a similar plot could happen here too, no question about it. I think maybe the Americans who judged this movie think it's some kind of fantasy, maybe they think that because they never travelled like these kids. A backpacker is worth nothing in the eyes of the locals, trust me. They never get why we do it. They think we must be poor to travel like them. And being thought of poor in a third world country is having no rights at all. Especially the beginning of the movie is oh too real, with the bus accident and the drugs. The acting is wooden? I don't think so at all. The main bad guy was played very well, also the other local people. Well sure, the tourists were a bit Tara Reid types, but overall, the movie was exceptionally cool and gave me a good shivering. Maybe for the guys who sit in Kansans with popcorn in the cinema it is a bit too difficult to get into this movie, but if you live in a third world tourist country like me, you get the hell scared out of you, because it's all your nightmares come true. They are totally right with their advice to take minimal risks when in 3rd world tourist country. My survival rule is: Better to say no many more times than necessary and take the risk to appear rude, than to say one time yes too much. If anybody tells you that this could not happen and places like Brazil, Thailand etc. are safe to travel and that movies like that are just scaring the tourists away, because all it's all just clichés, stereotypes and unreal scenes that don't represent the dangers of the country then I would say they just want you to go there and spend your money. These are the same people who would probably say it's OK to swim when sharks are in the water.

Live Free or Die

Average rating of 6? That's not fair.
It is one of the funniest movies I have seen.

I never watched a whole Seinfeld episode and the few minutes I zapped into that show, I just did not find it funny, so I had no expectations for this movie.

In the beginning I was thinking, aww this movie will be boring, but then it picked up big time. It is the whole way so over the top, maybe a little less and it would have been a movie classic, like say Fargo. I did not quite like the ending, but maybe because the ending meant that the movie was over and I had nothing more to laugh at.

I hope these two guys from Seinfeld will make a lot more movies like this!

Starter for 10

Starter for Ten is a 10
If you don't like this movie, you just don't have a heart. I read some of the reviews here and they claim it's an American movie with an American budget and it does not portray england as it is/was. give me a break. It's a wonderful movie. I suppose you can say something like that about every movie. I live in Bangkok, do I think 'the beach' is the real Thailand? Hollywood has done far worse. Movies are movies, and thanks god this one is a great movie, with a great leading man/boy. He is probably a bit too old for the role, but he plays so well, that you forget about his age and you will enjoy this movie. Don't believe the negative reviews.

Freedom Writers

World according to Hollywood
Well. Seem's Hilary Swank is now a guarantee for a crap movie. Just saw the Reaping and compared to this one, the Reaping (a weak movie)is much better. Why? Because the Reaping is just a fantasy story and everybody will know it is a fantasy story. Now this Freedom Writers is just pure nonsense, but some people think it is the reality. They even say it's inspired a true story, yeah like one percent inspired. It's so Hollywood, so cliché, that it makes you get an allergy while seeing this movie.

I have to be fair and say, the acting is great, of everybody involved. But the story is just too Hollywood. And what is with all that NS stuff? Does reading Anne Frank make Ghetto kids better? Give me a break. As if they would care. I am normally sympathetic with the 'hero' in the movies, but in this case, I was with the 'bad' people (the other teachers) who don't like Mrs G. I would not like her either. And if I would have married her, I would have left her like her husband. I think it was Thoreau who said, if he knew if somebody wanted to something good to him, he would run away as fast as he could. Maybe he saw Freedom Writers :-)

Goya's Ghosts

Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
I can't see enough of Randy Quaid! But also Javier Bardem and Stellan Skarsgård were extremely good. Natalie Portman, well she tries too keep up with them, she is actually not even that bad.

Sure, when you don't know anything of Goya, you might be surprised that he is suddenly deaf. But the interesting part was for me this opportunistic priest who became Bonapartist.

As Dylan sang: I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace. Well also the Satan in this movie is very well mannered and soft spoken.

It's not a fantastic movie but it's a great movie.

Something New

21st century?
Well I loved the movie, I liked Simon Baker in it a lot. He made the movie worth watching. Kudos to the casting people. Of course it is a romantic comedy and the outcome is predictable.

But, as for me, a European, I think it's pretty normal to date someone from a different race. Love is colorblind anyway, I personally would not have gone for that boring girl, she was way too conservative and not that cute. She reminded me of a reborn Christian I was dating some time ago.

But I was more than a bit surprised to see that it's such a big thing in the States, to date someone from a different race. I thought you guys were over that long ago.

Mr. Bean's Holiday

I don't understand the bad comments here. I saw the movie just now at a press screening in Bangkok. I did not expect much (because I read the negative comments yesterday), but it was very good! It's not rocket science, it's just another Mr. Bean movie. I even thought this one was better than the first one, especially in the second half of the movie. The end was a bit over the top, but that's only for the last two minutes, you will see why.

Willem Dafoe is also pretty funny as super ego movie director/actor and blends in well in the story with his 'replay' movie. Don't take life too serious and you will enjoy your time in the cinema watching Mr. Bean's Holiday!

Les aiguilles rouges

Beautiful landscape
Well it is not a very interesting storyline, but the landscape and the good acting considering they are quite young actors make up for it. I am not sure if the story is based on a true event, but it is kind of possible, except SPOILER WARNING the guy falls down a waterfall and survives on a mountain top? SPOILER WARNING OVER There is quite a bit humour in the story, but I think what makes this film so good is the they way they have shot it. It plays back in 1960 when the French Algerian war came to an end, and they have found a way to make the Alpes look great and also to give the movie a retro touch, I was very much impressed with the filming. I saw it on a DVD, in the cinema it must just take your breath away. Ah, yeah and I don't understand why the average vote on IMDb is a mere 5,2. The film stands for itself, it's not the best film you will ever see, but it will give you something along your way.


A little bit boring
I saw Eagon today. Not that I was planning to go to see exactly this movie, but I just took a girl to the cinema, something like a first date thing. Anyway, it kind of reminded me of Lord of the Rings. What I think of it? As you could already see, I rated it with a four. It is pretty boring, the acting could be better probably, well the animations are not really bad, but also they did not blow me away. I think the worst part is when the 'dragonrider' speaks to the dragon. Well, he actually does not speak to the dragon, but they kind of exchange thoughts. It is a bit embarrassing to watch it. But then, maybe the movie is nice for children and for rainy days. If you just see the movie because of Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich you may get disappointed a bit. Their roles actually don't need such good actors. And Edward Speleers? He is the guy who played the hero. Well he kind of looks like Heath Ledger in 'A knights tale' but lacks Heath's charisma. Well, I kind of missed the last five minutes of the movie because I wanted to get something to drink. The girl I was with warned me that it will be over soon and I should stay to see the 'end', but I said to her, "noo that can't be" (I did not know that there are various parts), so when I came back it was all over. If you have no other choice or you want to see a very light movie, I recommend 'Eragon'.

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